I'm a genius star

Chapter 482 Stop airing?

Chapter 482 Stop airing?

Su Yun was taken aback when he heard this.

In the eyes of Su Yun and others, Daniel has always been a very simple and honest person, and also a particularly shrewd and capable person.

Among them, Daniu is often the more careful one, and he will notice many small details that others do not notice. As a logistics staff, he is really good at taking care of people.

At the beginning, when "A Chinese Journey to the West" was first filmed, the newcomers Li Qiqi, Xu Yu, Xu Tingting and others all received a lot of care from Daniel.

For them, Daniel is like a big brother.

However, for Niu Ma, it is just the opposite.

In Niu's mother's eyes, Daniu has always been a country child, and because he has not received much education since he was a child, he is very worried about his handling of people, his own abilities, and as a mother.

She knew that Su, who was younger than Daniel, was always a very good person, as she could tell just by looking at this villa.

With such a person, can his son help him a little bit?Working in such a comfortable place, can he really be of any use to others?He didn't even read too many books, would he cause trouble for others when they were busy?
All of this is what she, as a mother, worries about.

Su Yun's eyes flickered, and suddenly from Niu Ma's eyes, he seemed to see his own mother.

He knew very well that it was a worried look.

This is what Chen Ya looked like when she was worried about him.

Su Yun smiled and said softly: "Mama Niu, don't worry, your son Daniu is a very capable person. If you don't believe me, you can just ask our crew. Every time the studio is busy Da Niu helped us a lot during those times, as for the last concert, if it wasn’t for Da Niu’s presence, it’s still unknown whether my concert would be able to take place!”

"So, don't worry, Daniel is an important member of our studio. Without him, to be honest, I would really have a headache for a while!"

When Niu Ma heard this, tears welled up in her eyes, and she kept saying thank you to Su Yun.

Su Yun could only shake his head with a wry smile.

Poor parents all over the world, he understands this sentence better than anyone else.

Dynasty Entertainment.

On the highest floor of the vast headquarters, the head of Dynasty Entertainment was sitting in the office, tapping his index finger on the table rhythmically.

Suddenly, a staff member pushed the door open and said in a panic, "Lin Lindong, "Sword and Sword III" will premiere on Sujiang Satellite TV at 9 o'clock today!!"

Lin Dong didn't panic at all when he heard the words, instead a small arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

"Director Lin??"

"Hehe, don't panic, isn't it the first broadcast at 9 o'clock tonight, just let them broadcast it."


"It's just that if something suddenly happens to them and they can't broadcast it anymore, who is responsible for it? Who will the people from Sujiang Satellite TV put the blame on?"

"Ah? You mean?"

"Huh." Lin Dong snorted coldly, his face quickly darkened, "I have already called that person, and that person also replied to me, he will try his best to help me, the person who robbed me wants to pay some compensation That's the money? Su Yun, hehe, very good, I want to see it today, what do you want to do!"

When the clerk heard this, he immediately looked relieved.

Of course he knew who the 'that person' that Director Lin was talking about belonged to. This was also known by almost the entire company and even people in the industry.

His elder brother, Lin Qingshan, is now a member of CRT. Although he doesn't have much say in many matters, he can have a hand in the review of some film and television works and music works.

Now Immortal Sword III has been scheduled, and it will be premiered on Sujiang Satellite TV tonight. If Lin Qingshan intervenes at this time to stop Immortal Sword III, then the program after nine o'clock tonight will be It will be empty in an instant.

Although Sujiang Satellite TV will definitely prepare some spare lines in order to avoid temporary accidents, the responsibility for this temporary accident must be on Immortal Sword Three.

And the director of Immortal Sword III happens to be Su Yun, so Sujiang Satellite TV will definitely point the finger at Su Yun immediately.

This is much more serious than not being able to pass the trial in the first place. It not only makes them stuck and cannot pass the trial, but also provokes the relationship between Su Yun and Sujiang Satellite TV. It is a matter of killing two birds with one stone!

The clerk couldn't help sighing again, feeling sorry for Su Yun having provoked such a person.

Radio and Television Building.

In the meeting room, today's routine meeting is going on as usual.

Sitting in the chief seat, it was obvious that the leader of all people said: "This list that has passed the review is going down, remember to enter it in the internal file, make a record, and the few programs that will premiere today, The people below will also go to notify again, and remember to give them a record number. Today's work is almost done, does anyone have any questions?"

At this moment, a person sitting in the last row suddenly raised his hand and said, "I have something to report here."

All eyes turned to him immediately, and this person was none other than Lin Qingshan!

I saw Lin Qingshan tidy up his collar, walked to the top multimedia, copied a video into it with a USB flash drive, and said with a straight face: "Please watch this video, it is the world premiere that will be broadcast tonight. I think there are many problems in a segment in "Legend of Sword and Fairy III", so I should notify "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" to temporarily suspend broadcasting for rectification, and then broadcast it again."

Everyone was puzzled.

"Oh? I'm the one who reviewed the drama of Chinese Paladin III, and I didn't find anything special that needs to be rectified. What do you mean, Lao Lin?"

"Yeah, I was looking at it at the time, and I didn't find anything that needed to be rectified."

"Well, it's a good movie."

Lin Qingshan didn't panic at all when he heard the words, and said calmly: "Please look at this picture, this is the mysterious poisonous person incident in Yuzhou City. I only intercepted a few pictures here. I think the content of this part of the plot is really too much. It is real and bloody. It may cause serious discomfort to the audience, and the special effects of these zombies are too realistic. It may cause irreparable harm to some people with weak tolerance and heart disease. harm."

Everyone laughed wryly when they heard the words.

What the hell kind of reason is this?The content of the plot is too real?The special effects are too realistic?Will it cause irreparable harm to heart patients?
If that's the case, let's just make Zi Gongxiang cartoons!
However, even though they wanted to refute, what Lin Qingshan said was indeed official and reasonable, and they had no way to refute.

"So, I suggest that the crew of Immortal Sword III rectify this part of the plot and suspend the broadcast temporarily." Lin Qingshan said with a righteous face, his mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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