I'm a genius star

Chapter 483 Amazing Discovery

Chapter 483 Amazing Discovery (Add more for Ccc Orange!)
Temporarily suspended.

These four words resounded loudly in the entire conference room, causing everyone to start talking.

"These pictures don't seem to be a big problem, but if you really want to say it, there is indeed something wrong."

"Yeah, if there are any problems in the domestic society at that time, it will be bad."

"That's right, the current Internet media is really good at catching. If something goes wrong, it may trigger public opinion again, and it may even implicate us."

"Anyway, it's not a big deal, or I will order a temporary rectification"

As soon as one of them finished speaking, the multimedia playing behind Lin Qingshan suddenly jumped to a screen, and it was this screen that made everyone present feel eerily quiet.

Even though he was still following his script just now, the atmosphere became extremely weird in the next second, making Lin Qingshan puzzled.

Seeing that they were silent, Lin Qingshan said again: "What's the matter? Do you have any opinions? If there are still differences, we can discuss it again."

However, his words did not cause any ripples among these people.

After a while, finally a person looked at the person on the big screen and murmured, "This can't be that person?"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly came back to their senses.

"My god, how is this possible? How is she possible"

"This is unscientific! That person will never allow her to act!"

"I put on makeup before, and I didn't look carefully, so I really didn't pay attention. Now that I look at it like this, I'm sure, it's definitely her."

Lin Qingshan was at the side with a dazed expression, completely unaware of what these people were talking about.

What that person?What happened to the actor who played this role?Could it be some celebrity?Lin Qingshan immediately shook his head and denied this idea.

Before this meeting, he had already made sufficient preparations and investigated the identities of every actor and crew in detail. No one was a celebrity he couldn't afford to mess with.

But what's the matter with the expressions of these people?

Lin Qingshan turned his head with a puzzled face, and glanced at the screen, but just this glance, he was completely stunned. .

"Miss Tutu??"

At the same time, a name popped up in his heart that even he couldn't believe it. Tu Su! !
He didn’t know about this TV series at all before, until his younger brother called him to ask him to help, he just selected some clips from the materials in his hand in a hurry, originally they worked every day, the TV series to be reviewed There are so many movies, how can I have time to pay attention to an actor?
However, this look almost scared Lin Qingshan out of a heart attack!

Tu Su, it can be said that there is no one in their place who does not know this name.

The only biological granddaughter of Tu Xiongba, the general in power today, is like the jewel in the palm of that old man, and everyone below calls her Miss Tu.

You must know that at the beginning, Miss Tu also ran to them to make trouble because of a certain movie, claiming that if the ban on that movie was not lifted, the trouble would go to a higher level.

You know, their place is not a place where cats and dogs can come in and run wild, but a state department - radio and television! !

But unfortunately, that Miss Tu can walk sideways here, and no one dares to say her wild here.

And it is such a young lady, why did she suddenly go to act?
Lin Qingshan didn't understand, let alone him, everyone present couldn't understand.

But no matter what, there is one thing that Lin Qingshan knows very well, that is, today, the "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" may not be banned.

This is fucking nonsense!Who the hell dares to ban the TV series starring this aunt?Have you been idle for too long? !
You must know that when a movie that had nothing to do with that aunt was banned, she would come here to make a big fuss. If the TV series she starred in were banned, then there would be no trouble here God?

The people below looked at me, and I looked at you, and then all their eyes turned to Lin Qingshan.

Three black lines slid down Lin Qingshan's forehead in an instant, and he had secretly scolded that pit brother's younger brother dozens of times in his heart.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, pulled out the USB flash drive from the computer as if nothing had happened, and said without blushing, "Well, I have nothing to say, such a good TV series , I must brush him several times later, hahaha."

On September 9, whether it is junior high school, high school, or university, it means that their summer vacation is over and a new semester is about to usher in.

And today, at 9 o'clock in the evening, is a day that many people have been looking forward to for a long time-Legend of Sword and Fairy [-] premiere!
This "Legend of Sword and Fairy III" was released about three months ago and the news of its upcoming screening. There was no advance notice. Everyone had never even heard of the name "Legend of Sword and Fairy", but suddenly The news of the third trailer of Legend of Sword and Fairy was released, which made a group of people directly confused.

But the ignorance is the ignorance. After many people watched the trailer of Xianjian III with doubts, everyone was shocked.

Because the trailer alone is full of money!

The quality, the music, and the special effects simply blinded the eyes of domestic audiences!

After this trailer came out, everyone started to discuss, what is the meaning of the "three" in Paladin [-], is it the third part?Or just a simple number.

But no matter how they guessed, the producer didn't disclose any relevant information, so everyone had to give up.

However, there is another point that attracts everyone's attention, that is, the director of this Immortal Sword III is Su Yun, who has disappeared from the public for a long time!

Moreover, while acting as the director, the news that Su Yun also starred in the second male role at the same time blew up the entire Internet.

Therefore, Fairy Sword III, which has attracted a large circle of audiences who like costume dramas with its outstanding trailer, amazing special effects, and excellent publicity, officially premiered nationwide on September 9st, which is much-anticipated on Sujiang Satellite TV.

The time passed minute by minute, and it was less than 9 minutes before 5:[-] pm. Sujiang Satellite TV was broadcasting an advertisement, and the broadcast of Fairy Sword III had entered the countdown.

A dormitory in a certain university.

"Hurry up, Xianjian III is about to premiere, hurry up!"

"Tsk, what are you doing, hurry up and tune the channel, or it will start later."

"Khan, can you guys stop rushing, don't you see that I'm tuning the channel, well, I'm still advertising."

"There is 1 minute left, this advertisement will come when it ends."

"Hahaha, here we come!"

(End of this chapter)

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