Anti-sky file system

Chapter 13 Jiang Haoran

Chapter 13 Jiang Haoran

After leaving Su Qianhe's room, Chu Yunfan pulled Ye Kongling from the courtyard and left the Su residence to buy her some daily necessities.Instantly relax your mind.

With so much information suddenly in his mind, even Chu Yunfan would feel dizzy.He needs to be groomed.

First, he needs to practice "Tianfeng Zhenshen Jue" as soon as possible to improve his cultivation.To deal with Su Chen who might rush back at any time.

Second, even the first volume of "Tianfeng Zhenshen Jue" is only a high-level exercise of the Huang rank.However, in his WPS file system, the copy and paste functions are only two-star level.You can only copy and paste the Huang-rank intermediate exercises and martial arts.

So the top priority now is that he needs to complete the side mission as soon as possible.Upgrade the functions in the WPS file system.

Only by upgrading the functions of the system to three stars, can he quickly practice "Tianfeng Zhenshen Jue".

Since Chu Yunfan beheaded Su Qianshan with his own hands, he had already completed the beheading of the middle-level villains in the side mission.

Even though Su Ming was only 16 years old, on weekdays, relying on his status as a direct descendant of the Su family, he did many bad things.So it's an ordinary villain.

And Ye Feng, who had been beheaded before, was also an ordinary villain.

Chu Yunfan only needs to kill three more ordinary villains to complete the side mission.

He was shopping with Ye Kongling, and when he was worried about the whereabouts of three ordinary villains, the villains came to his door.

In an ordinary merchant in the innermost part of the street, three ruffians were frantically smashing up the shop.

Behind them, a well-dressed young man was hugging a woman who was crying so hard, and was raising and lowering his arms.

"Master Jiang, please hold your hand high and let my daughter go."

An old man in patched clothes knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

The well-dressed young man kicked the old man to the ground, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and said, "Your daughter was chosen by me to enter the Miaochun Pavilion opened by my family. It is a blessing you have cultivated in eight lifetimes. If you dare to pester me again , I will kick you to death!"

There were many people around the store, but none of them dared to stand up and make decisions for the father and daughter.Because this well-dressed young man has a deep background, offending him is tantamount to courting death.

This person's name is Jiang Haoran, a descendant of the Jiang family, a big family in Liufeng City.

The Jiang family has always been notorious in Liufeng City, because their family is in the business of pimping.

The so-called Miaochun Pavilion is a brothel.Countless young girls were pushed into the fire pit by them and became tools to make money.

The girl in Jiang Haoran's arms is the beauty he just found.With superior looks and a graceful figure, with a little training, she can definitely become the top card of Miaochun Pavilion.

Of course, before cultivating, this girl must let him enjoy it.

Just when Jiang Haoran's eyes were showing lewdness and his thoughts were flying, a mocking voice suddenly sounded.

"The Jiang family can only do these shady things, and will never be on the stage. It is a shame for Liufeng City that such a dirty family can become a first-class family."

"What did you say!" Jiang Haoran was furious, following the voice to look around, Chu Yunfan and Ye Kongling appeared in his line of sight.

It was naturally Chu Yunfan who spoke, and he spat out in disdain.

"Isn't that what I said? As the weakest family among the first-class forces, the Jiang family may be replaced at any time."

"A good-for-nothing adoptive son of the Su family dares to speak nonsense in front of this young master, he really doesn't know what to do!"

Jiang Haoran sneered, with a look of sarcasm on his face.

If it was a child of another big family, he might still be afraid.But Chu Yunfan, the useless wood of the Su family, he can crush him with one hand.

The matter of the Ye family has not been publicized, so Jiang Haoran still does not know how terrible Chu Yunfan is.

Jiang Haoran looked at Ye Kongling who was beside Chu Yunfan, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

Looking at Ye Kongling's angelic face and devilish figure, Jiang Haoran almost drools.He licked his lips, said with a sinister smile:
"Young Master Ben is in a good mood today. As long as Ye Kongling agrees to have intimate contact with Young Master Ben for one night, I will let you trash go."

Jiang Haoran missed Ye Kongling, not for a day or two.If it wasn't because Ye Kongling was from the Ye family, he would have used extraordinary methods long ago.

What happened in the Ye family today, although it was not publicized.But the news of Ye Kongling leaving the Ye family was still released by the Ye family.After all, the Ye family didn't want to offend Chu Yunfan anymore.

Ye Kongling left the Ye family and had nothing to do with the Ye family, which moved Jiang Haoran's mind.

Before he went to find Ye Kongling, Ye Kongling took the initiative to deliver it to his door.This made Jiang Haoran lustful, and wished that she would be executed immediately on the spot.

Seeing Jiang Haoran's obscene expression, the corners of Chu Yunfan's mouth rose slightly, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"Jiang Haoran, since you want to die, then the young master doesn't mind giving you a ride!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfan's figure exploded, turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards Jiang Haoran on his own initiative.

"A trash who dares to be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu, give it all to me, as long as he keeps his breath."

Jiang Haoran ordered to the three servants beside him.

The three servants sneered at the same time, and attacked Chu Yunfan with a ferocious expression.

As Jiang Haoran's lackeys, the strength of the three servants is not bad, and they have the cultivation level of the fifth level of bone forging.

If it was Chu Yunfan three days ago, he would definitely have been hanged and beaten when he met these three servants.But now, not to mention the three bone-forging monks of the fifth level, even the thirteen bone-forging monks of the fifth level have to kneel in front of Chu Yunfan.

The Jiang family is the most notorious family in Liufeng City, full of evil and evil deeds.

These three servants, as servants of the Jiang family, must have done a lot of shady things.

For this kind of villain, Chu Yunfan's attacks were extremely vicious, with vicious moves and deadly punches.

With the strength of the seventh heaven forging bones, dealing with the three servants of the Jiang family is like killing a chicken with a bull's knife without any effort.

In less than a minute, three servants of the Jiang family were bombarded and killed by Chu Yunfan.

When Chu Yunfan twisted the neck of the last lover of Jiangfu, the WPS file system in his body sent a notification that the side mission was completed.


"Congratulations to the host, you have completed the side mission and killed one medium villain and five ordinary villains."

"The five functions of copy, paste, delete, blank document, and security protection are all upgraded to Samsung, and a new function is enabled: annotation."

The corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth raised slightly, but before he could be happy, another notification sound came out from the system, which made his face darken.

"All six basic functions of the system have been activated. The host will no longer open new functions after completing side missions in the future. The rewards for completing side missions will become star points (points consumed by function upgrades). Star points can be accumulated and superimposed."

"If the host wants to open new functions, they need to complete the main task and upgrade the system version."

(End of this chapter)

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