Anti-sky file system

Chapter 14 The Power of Bloodline

Chapter 14 The Power of Bloodline

Chu Yunfan was stunned by the prompt sound of the WPS file system.

After completing side missions in the future, new functions will no longer be enabled.Instead, it becomes a star point for function upgrades?

That is to say, if he wants to upgrade all six basic functions, he needs six star points, that is, he needs to complete six side missions.

Moreover, after completing side missions, the system will no longer activate new functions. WPS file system, but there are still many functions that are not turned on.

The first main task Chu Yunfan received was to kill the three villains in Liufeng City.The main task in the future must be to rush out of Liufeng City, to Chihu County, and even to the Thunder Empire and the entire continent.

For example: kill the three villains of Chihu County, the three villains of Thunder Empire...

Therefore, Chu Yunfan's life in the future will definitely be difficult.

"It seems that there is still a long way to go if we want to rule the world and win the mainland. The responsibilities are heavy and there is a long way to go." A wry smile appeared on the corner of Chu Yunfan's mouth.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air beside him, Jiang Haoran saw Chu Yunfan froze in place, and decisively launched a sneak attack.

The strength of the bone-forging seventh heaven exploded out, and he swung his fierce fist, hitting Chu Yunfan's face directly.

"act recklessly!"

Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, and urged the "Tiger Fist" with all his strength, and the fierce wind of the fist roared, accompanied by the low roar of the tiger, sweeping across the sky.

Chu Yunfan has practiced "Tiger-shaped Fist" to the extreme, and he can display [-]% of his strength. Even if he encounters an ordinary bone-forging Yachongtian, he can defeat it.Not to mention Jiang Haoran who forged bones from the seventh heaven.

The moment the fists collided, Jiang Haoran let out a scream, and the bones of his right hand were shattered, completely useless.

Chu Yunfan was not in a hurry to kill Jiang Haoran, but knocked him unconscious and entered the WPS file system.

Chu Yunfan wanted to see the new side missions and understand the functions of some new functions.

Chu Yunfan is no stranger to the annotation function.In his previous life, he often used the annotation function to add annotations to the words in the document.In other words, noun interpretation.

He is looking forward to what kind of surprises the annotation function in this world will bring him.

Annotation (three-star): All elixirs and spiritual materials below the third grade (including the third grade) can use the annotation function to present their characteristics and functions in the original document in text form, so that the host can understand.

Note: The annotation function can also be used for bloodlines within (including) the third rank.

The Xuanwu Continent divides elixir and spiritual materials into seven grades according to their degree of preciousness.They are first grade to seventh grade respectively.

Among them, the first rank is the lowest, and the seventh rank is the highest.

First-grade elixirs are made by alchemists using first-grade elixir.And a one-star spirit weapon is made by a refiner using first-grade spiritual materials.

As for the bloodline mentioned in the annotation function.

The so-called bloodlines refer to the unique bloodlines flowing in some families.

Legend has it that when a monk reaches a certain level of cultivation, he can change his own blood and remove the blood.And this bloodline can be passed down from generation to generation.

The power of blood is also divided into strengths and weaknesses. It is divided into seven grades just like spirit medicine and spirit materials.

Among them, the first rank is the lowest, and the seventh rank is the highest.

Don't look at Yipin's bloodline as the most trash, but in the eyes of the world, it is already considered a super bloodline.

As one of the four major families in Chihu County, the Su family has no blood power.

Of the four major families in Chihu County, only the first family, the Ouyang family, has a first-class bloodline.

It was precisely because of this bloodline that the Ouyang family was able to firmly sit on the first family position.

Out of curiosity, Chu Yunfan urged the annotation function to look around, and the people and things around him all appeared in his source document in the form of words.

First grade elixir: Hydrangea.The medicinal effect is mild, and it can be used to refine Ziyang Dan, a first-class elixir.

First grade spiritual material: black iron.Incomparably hard, cutting iron like mud.It is the main spiritual material for refining a one-star spiritual weapon.


The people around are all mortal blood, and no one has blood.Most of the things they carry are ordinary things, only a few people carry first-grade elixir and spiritual materials.

"Yunfan, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Chu Yunfan looking around, Ye Kongling asked.


Chu Yunfan smiled and turned to look at Ye Kongling.

Suddenly, the words that appeared in the original document of the system made Chu Yunfan's eyes shrink.

The bloodline level is too high to be viewed. It is recommended that the host upgrade the function before checking.


Ye Kongling actually possesses the power of bloodline, and the level of bloodline exceeds that of third-grade bloodline, so the annotation function cannot be viewed.

Chu Yunfan looked at Ye Kongling, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Empty Spirit's cultivation is slow, and she is considered a waste just like me. Is it because the power of blood in her body has not been awakened, suppressing her cultivation talent? It must be like this."

Legend has it that some super bloodlines can even affect intelligence before awakening.

Hundreds of years ago, a strong man in the Xuanwu Continent had a seventh-rank bloodline.But before the awakening of the blood, he was mentally incomplete and mentally retarded, and was always regarded as a fool.

"The blood in Kong Ling's body is at least a fourth-grade blood!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes showed excitement, he was really happy for Ye Kongling.

The Ouyang family can dominate Chihu County only by relying on first-class blood.Ye Kongling possesses a bloodline of more than four grades, and her future prospects are absolutely limitless.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Chu Yunfan's mind.

"Empty Spirit is because the power of the bloodline has not been awakened, and suppressed the cultivation talent, resulting in a slow cultivation speed. What about me?"

Chu Yunfan excitedly activated the annotation function to check himself.

Following the words that appeared in the original document, Chu Yunfan showed excitement and wanted to jump up excitedly.

The blood level of the host is too high to be viewed. It is recommended that the host upgrade the function before checking.

Sure enough, even without the emergence of the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan is still a peerless genius!
Not even the royal family of the Thunder Empire possessed a bloodline above rank four.

After the excitement, Chu Yunfan thought of "Tianfeng Zhenshen Jue".

His biological parents not only left him the god-level exercises, but also left him a powerful bloodline.This made him even more curious about the identity of his biological parents.

"If you want to know the identity of your biological parents, you must first figure out what the blood in my body is."

"Since the annotation function level is not enough, let it be upgraded!"

Chu Yunfan hastily turned his consciousness to the task bar.

New side missions have been updated.

Side mission: Go to the Jiangjia dungeon and rescue the girl imprisoned in the dungeon.

Mission introduction: In the dungeon of the Jiang family in Liufeng City, a hundred young girls were imprisoned, all of which were forcibly snatched by the Jiang family from poor people.These one hundred young girls will be sent to Miaochun Pavilion to pick up guests after undergoing rigorous training.

Sao Nian, save hundreds of girls and become their Prince Charming, what are you waiting for?
(End of this chapter)

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