Chapter 185

After Chu Yunfan defeated the geniuses of the six major clans, the six major clans extended olive branches to Chu Yunfan one after another, hoping that he could join the six major clans.

At this moment, Chu Yunfan's Tianfeng bloodline was discovered by the Chufeng Ancient Clan.

After testing by the ancient Chufeng clan, Chu Yunfan's Tianfeng bloodline is the strongest person in the ancient Chufeng clan's Tianfeng bloodline for thousands of years!There is hope for the Suzaku position!

All the ancient young phoenix people were shocked!Without further ado, Chu Yunfan was immediately invited back to the ancient clan and named the young patriarch.

Chu Yunfan revealed the Teng Snake bloodline in his third original document to the ancient Python Emperor clan.

The patriarch of the Ancient Mang Emperor Clan came in person and treated Chu Yunfan as a guest of honor, please return to the ancient Mang Emperor Clan.

Chu Yunfan also showed the real dragon's blood in the second original document to everyone.

The ancient young phoenix clan and the ancient python emperor clan were all shocked.A person can have three bloodlines at the same time, and there is also the world's top beast bloodline!
After discussing with the ancient clan of the Python Emperor, they decided to enshrine Chu Yunfan as their holy son!As long as he marries the saint, that is, Ye Kongling.The child born will be the patriarch of the next generation of the Python Emperor Ancient Clan!

For a moment, Chu Yunfan became the most powerful person in Xuanwu Continent!
In order to curry favor with Chu Yunfan, the Xuanguigu Clan and the six major clans all gave Chu Yunfan the most beautiful woman in the clan.

He didn't ask Chu Yunfan to give them titles, but only asked Chu Yunfan to let them serve by his side.

The good fortune of Chu Yunfan's life seems to have exploded during this period of time.Although bound to the WPS file system, he never thought that his life would be so smooth.

A series of good things almost knocked Chu Yunfan unconscious.He now has a silly smile on his face all the time, and sometimes he can wake himself up with a smile when he sleeps.

Due to the rise in Chu Yunfan's status, wherever he went, he would be guarded by dozens of powerful people.

Everyone's cultivation is above the fifth level of the Heaven-reaching Realm, and the leader of the team is even more powerful in the Shattering Void Realm.The ostentation is very, very grand, like a king visiting the world.

Chu Yunfan's basic necessities of life are arranged by special personnel, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.As long as he opens his mouth, no matter what kind of treasure it is.The three major ancient clans and the six major clans will all fetch them for him.

Under such a luxurious life of rich clothes and fine food, Chu Yunfan gradually began to become decadent.

He lived a luxurious, happy life all day long, without any worries.There is a smile on his face all the time.Sometimes when I go to sleep, I will be woken up laughing at the beautiful life now.

Chu Yunfan no longer worked hard, because with his current status, he didn't need to work hard at all.

Chu Yunfan wasn't looking for the bloodline of the divine beast either, it was fused into the original document.Because the bloodlines of the three great beasts, True Dragon, Tianfeng, and Soaring Snake, were already enough for him.

Chu Yunfan also stopped, and actively completed the system tasks.Because the current him, even without the WPS file system, is enough to dominate the Xuanwu Continent.

Chu Yunfan was like this, wasting time in the dimensional space of the ancient Chufeng clan, day after day...

Ever since Chu Yunfan succeeded the Young Master of the Chufeng Ancient Clan, he has been living in the dimensional space and never went out.In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

"What is the Xuanwu Continent like now?"

One day ten years later, Chu Yunfan suddenly had the idea of ​​getting out of the dimension.

As soon as this thought came up, another thought came out immediately.

"What's so good about Xuanwu Continent? How good it is to stay in the dimensional space. You need power and power, and you need wealth and wealth. Live happily every day."

The extravagant life makes Chu Yunfan linger and forget to return.He really wanted to suppress the thought of going out of the dimensional space.But for some reason, there was an obsession in this thought, and no matter how hard Chu Yunfan tried, he couldn't extinguish it.

"The current Xuanwu Continent will definitely be very exciting. The partners from back then have all grown up now. They should have become peerless powerhouses, dominating one side. I miss the time when I fought side by side with them."

The desire to get out of the dimensional space is getting stronger and stronger.After countless struggles, Chu Yunfan finally made up his mind to walk out of the dimensional space!

Although Chu Yunfan overcame himself, the servants around him, the patriarch of the Chufeng Ancient Clan, and even Ye Kongling stepped forward to let him stay in the dimension.

Time and time again, as long as Chu Yunfan had the idea of ​​running away, they would show up.

What they did not only failed to stabilize Chu Yunfan, but made him doubtful. "Why does everyone want me to stay in the dimensional space?"

The more Chu Yunfan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and the more he thought about it, the more he had a headache. He felt that his head was about to explode.It seemed that some force was preventing him from continuing to think.

"No! There must be some conspiracy here!" Chu Yunfan covered his head, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face became extremely ferocious.

"Don't think about it, isn't it good to stay in the dimensional space? I can give you everything that Xuanwu Continent can give you." A voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of Chu Yunfan's heart.

This voice carried boundless magic power, leading Chu Yunfan to give up the obsession in his heart and stay in the dimensional space willingly.

Just when it was about to succeed, Chu Yunfan's originally confused eyes instantly regained clarity, and he realized at the last moment.

"I want it, but you can't give it!"

"Everything here is nothing more than an illusion, like flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water."

When Chu Yunfan uttered the word phantom, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and a flash of lightning pierced the sky, dividing the sky.

The whole space began to collapse.In an instant, Chu Yunfan returned to the red ladder.

At some point in time, his body had reached the seventh step.It's just standing on the edge of the steps, half of its feet have already stepped out of the steps, hanging in mid-air.

Chu Yunfan believed that if he had promised the magic sound in his heart to stay in the dimensional space.At this time, he has fallen into an endless black hole, beyond redemption.

Looking at the endless black hole under his feet, Chu Yunfan's heart suddenly contracted.He knew he almost died.

The assessment of the Holy Tower of Renjie was indeed as dangerous as the rumors said.

The old voice suddenly sounded without any emotion.

"Xi Zi Jie passed, the examiner can choose to leave, or continue to participate in the assessment."

"The assessor steps back one step, which means he chooses to leave without any reward. If the examiner steps into the void gate, it means he chooses to continue, and he will enter the second floor of the holy tower to accept the assessment of Nu Zijie."

As the old voice fell, a door to the void appeared in front of Chu Yunfan.As long as he steps into the void gate, he will be teleported to the second floor of the holy tower.

Chu Yunfan fell into contemplation, the Seven Emotions Calamity was as difficult as reaching the sky, and he almost confessed to the first Xi character Calamity alone.If you continue to participate in the assessment, it is very likely that you will fall here.

(End of this chapter)

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