Chapter 186

In Chu Yunfan's body, the WPS file system is bound.As long as he does not fall, it is entirely possible to aspire to the top in the future.

It's just a small holy tower of an outstanding man. No matter how precious the treasures in the tower are, they are not as precious as his life.He didn't need to fight with his life.

Chu Yunfan struggled for a moment, gritted his teeth suddenly, and suddenly two groups of fierce lights shot out from his eyes.

"The man is alive, and he vows to become a peerless strong man, standing between heaven and earth. If he doesn't even have the courage to fight, he might as well die early. After 18 years, he will be a hero again!"

"What's more, there is still a bet with Hailong Island and the Lion Family. For Pu Lao's natal blood, for the evolution of Wangcai, and also for the second original document. I can't give up!"

Chu Yunfan suddenly raised his right foot and stepped towards the void gate in front of him.


The moment Chu Yunfan stepped into the void gate, the space was distorted and the scene changed.Chu Yunfan left the dark space where Xizijie was, and appeared in a vast world.

Between the sky and the earth, there is so much fog that you can't see anything clearly.

"Huh?" Chu Yunfan looked around suspiciously, where's the word "angry robbery" that he had agreed upon?Why haven't you started yet.

Just when Chu Yunfan was puzzled, the old voice sounded again.

"On the second floor of the Holy Tower, the number of examiners has reached one hundred. The assessment begins! The first ten people who have stepped on the seventh step will advance to the third floor of the Holy Tower, and the rest will be eliminated!"

The moment the old man's voice fell, the fog in the sky suddenly dispersed.Seven incomparably huge void steps appeared in front of Chu Yunfan.

The seven ladders of Xizi Jie are red.And the seven empty steps of the Nu character robbery are orange.

In addition to the void steps, Chu Yunfan also saw 99 examiners who had entered the Holy Tower of Renjie.Leng Aotian and Shi Batian are among them.

Both of them cast provocative looks at Chu Yunfan.It seems to be saying, just because you want to fight us?
Leng Aotian and Shi Batian rushed towards the void steps first.In a blink of an eye, the two climbed up to the second step.

The other examiners also rushed to the void steps at the fastest speed.

The old voice, as I said just now.Among a hundred people, only the top ten can advance to the third floor of the Holy Tower.

Chu Yunfan cast Floating Light, turned into an afterimage, and appeared on the first void step in an instant.

Chu Yunfan's body sank suddenly.The moment he stepped onto the void steps, a strange force suddenly pressed on him, slowing down his movement speed a lot.

"what's the situation?"

Chu Yunfan was shocked to discover that this strange force was not coercion, but an indescribable energy.

This kind of energy is specifically aimed at cultivation!The lower the cultivation level, the greater the restrictions!

Chu Yunfan looked around.Although the rest of the people were also suppressed by the strange energy, their speed was much faster than Chu Yunfan.

Because, among the hundred people present.Only Chu Yunfan's cultivation base is the lowest, only reaching the third heaven of Zifu.

And the cultivation base of other people is at least above the fifth heaven of Zifu.And Leng Aotian and Shi Batian have even reached the sixth level of agility!
Chu Yunfan could only watch helplessly as Leng Aotian, Shi Batian and others walked towards the seventh step step by step.And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't increase his speed.

When Leng Aotian and Shi Batian had reached the sixth void step, Chu Yunfan had just stepped onto the second void step.

"Chu Yunfan, aren't you very arrogant? Aren't you a peerless genius? Why did you just reach the second step now, do you want me to help you?" Leng Aotian looked down at Chu Yunfan with a mocking expression said.

"Chu Yunfan, your formation is really powerful. But your cultivation is too weak. Your body is mine now!"

The corner of Shi Batian's mouth raised a triumphant smile, and he turned and stepped towards the seventh void step.His figure disappeared instantly.Was teleported to the third heaven of the Holy Tower.

According to the bet between Chu Yunfan and the Lion King's family, if Chu Yunfan ranks in the Holy Tower of Heroes, there will be no lions to dominate the sky.His physical body belongs to the Lion King family.


Chu Yunfan roared, with anger in his eyes, he didn't believe he would lose!

Chu Yunfan frantically mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and the power of the phoenix, sword, fire, and mountain all burst forth, sweeping across the sky.

But it didn't work at all, Chu Yunfan's speed was like a turtle crawling.When he exhausted all his strength and raised his legs, everyone else had already stepped up to a higher level.

After Shi Batian, Leng Aotian also stepped on the seventh void step and disappeared before everyone's eyes.There were ten promotion spots, but only eight were left.

The rest of the people were all crazy, rushing to the seventh void step desperately.

Chu Yunfan also wanted to compete for the promotion spot, but under the oppression of the strange energy, he couldn't even climb the third void step.

Five minutes later, an old voice sounded slowly.

"The promotion has been decided, and the rest will be eliminated! When you step down the void steps, you will be teleported out of the Holy Tower of Excellence."

Chu Yunfan stood there stupidly, as if struck by lightning, his eyes were empty.This was the heaviest blow he had received since traveling through another world.

In the past, with the help of the WPS file system, Chu Yunfan was able to deal with any situation.

But this time, the WPS file system did not work.

"I used to think that Chu Yunfan was a peerless evildoer, but now it seems that he is nothing more than that."

"It's really not as good as being famous. Compared with Shi Batian, Chu Yunfan is far behind."

"I heard that Chu Yunfan has a bet with Hailong Island and the Lion King family. Now it seems that Chu Yunfan has lost."


The chattering and chattering sounds from around came to Chu Yunfan's ears.

"Did I lose?" Chu Yunfan murmured, suddenly his eyes burst into angry fire.

"It's not fair! There is no assessment, only the monk's cultivation is tested!"

A voice suddenly sounded from the bottom of Chu Yunfan's heart.

"Since the assessment is unfair, then overturn this assessment! Destroy these void steps on the second floor. In this way, the people behind will not be able to advance to the third floor of the holy tower. Then kill these people in front of you, and you will be able to go to the third floor." No one knows what you've done."

"The ten people who have advanced to the third floor, as long as they have not set foot on the ninth floor, will be sent back to the second floor. You only need to kill them, and all the examiners who have stepped into the second floor. You are the one The No.1 hero in the holy tower of heroes!"

This voice, like the voice of a demon, can affect people's minds.

Chu Yunfan's eyes instantly turned blood red, and he lost himself before the raging anger.

(End of this chapter)

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