Anti-sky file system

Chapter 190 Climbing the Ladder of Calamity

Chapter 190 Climbing the Ladder of Calamity
The scarred man has the cultivation base of the second level of agility.A palm with all its strength is enough to smash rocks and shatter gold and iron.

"Hehe, it's up to you?" Chu Yunfan gave the scarred man a contemptuous look.

He slumped his shoulders and made a wrong step, swung his right hand, and with tremendous force, he collided fiercely with the palm of the man with the scar.


Just listening, a sound of bones breaking came out.The scarred man's face was distorted, and he let out a painful wail.His palm has been shattered inch by inch, completely useless.

"Before doing something in the next life, remember to keep your eyes bright."

Chu Yunfan snorted coldly, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, which was stuck on the neck of the scarred man.With force from his arm, he directly crushed his throat.

The scarred man's eyes were protruding, and he died before he could even utter a wail.

Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

If you want to climb to the fourth floor of the holy tower, you must kill people.Under the bloody rule, if Chu Yunfan didn't kill someone, others would kill him.

Chu Yunfan took out a sharp dagger and an emerald green jade altar from the space ring.

With cold eyes and a calm face, he swung his dagger and cut a hole in the arm artery of the scarred man's corpse.

Blood gushes out like a fountain.

Chu Yunfan put every drop of the blood of the man with the scar into the jade altar, and then sealed it.

Chu Yunfan took off the interspatial ring from the scarred man's hand again.Since the man with the scar was dead, the soul imprint on his space ring also disappeared.Chu Yunfan spared no effort to erase it.

In the space ring of the man with the scar, Chu Yunfan found a jar of blood, which should have been obtained by the man with the scar by killing someone else.

"There are two people's blood now, and there are still nineteen people left!" Chu Yunfan shot two cold gazes in his eyes, and swept towards those who were about to make a move and were about to make a move.

Chu Yunfan and the others had three of them, and if they wanted to climb to the fourth floor, they would need the blood of 21 people in total.

Xin Jinlong only had the cultivation base of the third layer of the Purple Mansion, and it was a fluke to be able to ascend to the third floor.Without Chu Yunfan's help, let alone climbing to the fourth floor, he would not even be able to save his life.

"Listen, everyone, hand over all the blood in your hands! Otherwise, I will kill you!"

Chu Yunfan's murderous aura soared to the sky, sweeping across the world, as if a murderous god had come to the world.

"It's just that you killed a Smash from the Second Layer of Spirituality, and it's so arrogant. Do you think that you can defeat so many people?"

The one who spoke was a strong man with three levels of agility, his muscles were bulging, and he looked like an iron tower.You can tell at a glance that he is a ruthless character.

But this strong man, the moment his voice fell.Like a ghost, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.


A subtle voice sounded, and a cold dagger appeared from the strong man's chest, piercing his heart directly.

The strong man turned around with difficulty, and saw a young man with a cold face standing behind him.

This young man was none other than Lin Xingyu.

"Damn it, just kill these three people! You can collect the blood of seven people, and you can climb to the fourth floor of the holy tower!"

A burly man roared, swung his epee, and slashed towards Chu Yunfan and the others!

After Chu Yunfan killed the man with the scar, he possessed the blood of two people.After Lin Xingyu killed the strong man, he also possessed the blood of two people.

Because in the space ring of the strong man, there is also a person's blood.As long as the three of Chu Yunfan were killed, the blood of seven would be enough.

"Kill! I don't believe that the three of them can defeat so many of us!"

"Three smashed, obediently hand over your blood, I will make your death more comfortable!"

"That arrogant kid belongs to me, Xiao Ming, whoever the f*ck will snatch it from me!"


Everyone's eyes were red, and they rushed towards Chu Yunfan and the others,

"Since you are looking for death, then I will give you a ride!" Chu Yunfan's voice was cold, murderous aura appeared in his eyes, and the surrounding air dropped several degrees.

Chu Yunfan moved instantly, turned into a human-shaped cannonball, and rushed towards the nearest enemy.

Although Chu Yunfan's cultivation base is low, his physical body is extremely powerful.The physical state in the late stage of the Three Talents Realm is enough to crush all the monks in the Purple Mansion Realm.Even the attacks of the monks in the Spiritual Realm can be resisted hard.

As long as you are approached by Chu Yunfan, unless your cultivation level exceeds the fifth level of agility.Otherwise, there is only a dead end.

As for Lin Xingyu, although his defensive power was limited, his combat power was extremely powerful, he could kill people without a trace, and he was hard to defend against.

As for Xin Jinlong, because of his limited strength, he was not allowed to participate in the battle.

There were 39 enemies rushing towards Chu Yunfan and the others.But after 5 minutes, only 26 people were still standing.The remaining thirteen people fell into a pool of blood and died in Huangquan.

The 26 people standing were not because they were strong enough to withstand the attacks of Chu Yunfan and Lin Xingyu.

It was because the blood that Chu Yunfan and the others needed was enough.

After killing the man with the scar and the strong man, Chu Yunfan and the others had obtained the blood of four people.

As for Chu Yunfan and Lin Xingyu, among the thirteen people they killed just now, four of them had the blood of other people in their space rings.Just enough blood for 21 people.

Chu Yunfan was not a murderer, so after gathering the required blood, he stopped and stopped killing.

The 26 people who survived all looked at Chu Yunfan and Lin Xingyu in horror. In their eyes, Chu Yunfan and Lin Xingyu were killing gods.If possible, they would rather kill each other than provoke the two of them.

"The blood is gathered together, and it's time for us to climb the ladder!"

Chu Yunfan distributed the blood of 21 people equally among Lin Xingyu and Xin Jinlong.Take the lead on the ladder.

Chu Yunfan walked up to the first step, took blood for one person, and poured it all over the steps.

At this time, the first step suddenly shot out a sky-high blood light, illuminating the entire interior of the mountain.A strange energy burst out from the steps, absorbing the energy in the blood.

Chu Yunfan's heart throbbed suddenly.In his heart, he suddenly became restless, and a wave of worry came to his heart.

"Could something happen?"

Chu Yunfan's eyes were fixed on the steps, his body was tense and his fists were clenched.As long as there is a situation, he can shoot at any time.

The change in Chu Yunfan's expression caught the attention of Lin Xingyu and Xin Jinlong.Both of them also made a fighting posture, ready to shoot at any time.

But half a minute passed, and there was still no movement on the steps.

"Am I thinking too much?"

Chu Yunfan's brows were furrowed into a "Chuan".

Just when the blood on the steps was about to dissipate.Chu Yunfan gritted his teeth and stepped towards the steps suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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