Anti-sky file system

Chapter 191 Blood Demon World

Chapter 191 Blood Demon World

The blood light on the steps dissipated, which meant that the effect of the blood had failed.If you want to climb the ladder, you have to go up the steps again and pour blood for one person.

Seeing that the blood on the first step was about to dissipate, Chu Yunfan could only grit his teeth and step up to the first step.

Chu Yunfan had already made preparations for the battle, but until he stepped on the steps, nothing happened.

"It seems that I'm thinking too much." Chu Yunfan could only comfort himself in this way.

Chu Yunfan took out blood for one person from the space ring, and poured it to the second step.

As before, the second step was bloody, and a strange energy gushed out, instantly absorbing the energy contained in the blood,

Chu Yunfan felt uneasy again.Deep worries filled my heart.

Appearing once may be an illusion, but appearing twice, there must be something wrong.

But no matter how Chu Yunfan searched, even with his soul power, he searched the inside of the mountain inch by inch, over and over again.But still no problems were found.

Chu Yunfan had no choice but to step up the steps when the blood on the steps was about to dissipate.

Every time he filled the steps with blood, deep worries would well up in his heart.But no matter how he searched and searched, he found nothing.

After 10 minutes, Chu Yunfan reached the last step of the Worrying Jietian Ladder.

At this time, the worries in his heart had accumulated to an unparalleled level.A slight disturbance can make him worry for a long time.

"Could it be that this is worry word robbery?"

Chu Yunfan found an excuse for the worry in his heart.But in his heart, he has always believed that something will happen.

"I'll wait for you on the fourth floor." Chu Yunfan said to Lin Xingyu and Xin Jinlong.

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfan sighed softly, turned around and stepped into the gate of void, and headed to the fourth floor of the Holy Tower of Renjie.

Until the end, he still didn't find the reason for his inner worry.

Space transformation, when Chu Yunfan opened his eyes, he appeared in a bloody world.

The sky is blood-colored, the earth is blood-colored, even the mountains and rivers are blood-colored.The strong smell of blood wafted in the air, making people vomit.

On the ground of the blood-colored world, besides the blood-colored soil, there are also dots of white. Looking carefully, those dots of white are actually bones!
Chu Yunfan looked around, there were at least a hundred skeletons buried within a kilometer radius!
Suddenly, Chu Yunfan narrowed his eyes and stared at a corpse 500 meters away.

The death condition of the corpse was extremely miserable, the body was bloody and the wounds were uneven, as if it was bitten to death by something!
The reason why Chu Yunfan noticed this corpse was because of his tragic death.The second reason is that the death time of this corpse does not exceed one hour at most!
This corpse is very likely to be the person who gathered the blood of seven people before, stepped on the worry word robbery ladder, and was teleported to the fourth floor of the holy tower!
"What is the fourth floor of this holy tower!"

Chu Yunfan was horrified, and a gust of cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"Shua, Shua"

Two bloody lights suddenly appeared, and Lin Xingyu and Xin Jinlong also walked through the ladder of Youzijie and were teleported here.

When Lin Xingyu and Xin Jinlong saw the bloody world, their scalps were numb and their hairs were standing on end.

Just as the three of them guessed that there would be some harsh assessments on the fourth floor of the holy tower, a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

"Welcome to the world of blood demons!"

This voice was completely different from the voice Chu Yunfan heard on the first three floors.

"The World of Blood Demons? Isn't this the fourth floor of the Holy Tower of Renjie?" Chu Yunfan grasped the point instantly.

"Tsk tsk, this is of course not the fourth floor of the Holy Tower of Renjie. To be precise, this is the prison of the Holy Tower of Renjie! And the people who are sent here are all criminals!"

The sharp voice changed the expressions of Chu Yunfan and the others.

"How is it possible? Didn't we pass the assessment on the third floor and be teleported to the fourth floor? Why were we sent to the prison? What crime did we commit!" Xin Jinlong roared.

"Until now, don't you understand the mistakes you made? In order to advance, you wantonly killed other examiners and used the blood of other examiners to pave the way for you. Isn't this a heinous mistake?"

A sharp voice sneered, "Walking on the ladder of Worrying Calamity, don't you feel deep anxiety? That is the chance for you to repent!"

"If you don't kill a single person, if you stay inside the mountain for a whole day, even if you clear the level, you will be automatically teleported to the fourth floor of the holy tower. If you kill less than three people, as long as you can rein in the precipice, turn around and walk down the ladder of worrying, the holy tower will still be there. Give him a chance."

"Kill less than five people, turn around and walk down the ladder of Youzijie, the holy tower will deprive him of his assessment rights, and will send him out of the holy tower. If he kills seven people, he will be sent to this world of blood demons. The torture of the tower, wash away your sins!"

The moment the sharp voice fell, the Gorefiend World trembled violently, and the bones buried in the earth crawled up unexpectedly.Wisps of will-o'-the-wisps flickered in the eyes of the skeleton, which was extremely frightening.

Chu Yunfan looked around, there were not [-] skeletons, but [-]!Can't beat it at all.

If thousands of skeletons made Chu Yunfan feel powerless, then the scene that followed made Chu Yunfan completely desperate.

I saw the sky shaking, the earth trembling, and a huge mountain rose from the ground, turning into a giant that reaches the sky!

This sky-reaching giant is ten thousand feet tall, and the top of its head seems to be able to reach the sky. It has a huge blood-colored one-eyed, blooming with a terrifying blood light. Wherever the gaze passes, the void collapses, and everything collapses!
This sky-reaching giant is the master of the Gorefiend World, controlling the Gorefiend in Renjie Santa Prison!
The blood demon is a demon made of fresh blood, and all the blood poured on the worry ladder will be absorbed by the blood demon.Criminals sent to the world of blood demons will also be absorbed by blood demons.

After countless years of accumulation, the strength of the Gorefiend has become unparalleled.Chu Yunfan could clearly feel that the cultivation of the Gorefiend was actually at the Aspirational Stage!
Originally, Chu Yunfan still had a little fantasy in his heart, wanting to rely on the blood corpse refined by Li Tian to fight a bloody path.

But now, he is completely desperate.

In front of the Gorefiend Mai at the Aspirational Realm, let alone Li Tian, ​​who had already turned into a blood corpse and whose strength had plummeted.Even if there are ten intact Li Tian, ​​there is no hope of escaping!
"Since it is to cleanse your sins, of course you can't let you die happily. I will let you experience the cruelest punishment in the world, make you fear, make you collapse, and make you regret everything you have done!"

"Of course, if any of you can survive the torture, you can leave the Gorefiend world!" The Gorefiend said solemnly, "It is worth explaining that since the establishment of the Renjie Holy Tower, there has never been a single person who has survived the torture. .”

(End of this chapter)

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