Anti-sky file system

Chapter 197 The 7th Floor of the Holy Tower

Chapter 197 The Seventh Floor of the Holy Tower

Chu Yunfan had this conjecture a long time ago.

Whether it's the awakening of Tianfeng's bloodline, or the fusion of Pixiu's bloodline and Tengsnake's bloodline.Even when Pixiu's bloodline evolves into a real dragon's bloodline.The power of the beast blood will attack the WPS file system.Make a series of changes in the system.

For example: the emergence of top tasks, the reduction of side tasks.

This time, the bloodlines of the three great beasts worked together to allow the soul power to break through the limitations of the system.It is even more obvious that it is against the WPS file system.

"Could it be that with the increasing number of divine beast bloodlines, the WPS file system will eventually be completely suppressed by the divine beast bloodlines?" Chu Yunfan couldn't help guessing.

Of course, this is just conjecture.What will happen in the end.We will have to wait for Chu Yunfan to collect more bloodlines of divine beasts before we can find out.

"The bloodlines of divine beasts are extremely rare. Even if you look at the entire Xuanwu Continent, there are only a few kinds. And now I have the bloodlines of three kinds of divine beasts, Tianfeng, True Dragon, and Soaring Snake, in my body. If I want to obtain other bloodlines of divine beasts, I'm afraid It's as difficult as reaching the sky." Chu Yunfan sighed softly.

"Anyway, the life essence of Pulao on Sea Dragon Island must be obtained. And the power behind Sea Dragon Island, the descendants of Pulao controlled by it, must find a way to get it!" Chu Yunfan's eyes flickered coldly.

This is the only thing he knows now, the whereabouts of the descendants of the divine beast.Whether it is for the future of Wangcai, or for himself.Get the descendants of Pu Lao!
"The assessor steps back one step, which means that he chooses to leave, and will be rewarded with the customs clearance rewards of Worry, Fear, Love, and Hate."

"If the examiner enters the gate of the void, it means that he chooses to continue. The examiner will enter the seventh floor of the holy tower and accept the assessment of the character of desire. The examiner has obtained the word of worry, the word of fear, the word of love, and the word of hate. The rewards for robbery will be added together with the assessment rewards for desire character robbery."

The old voice sounded slowly.

Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Yunfan stepped directly onto the ladder and directly into the gate of void.

The moment he stepped into the gate of the void, Chu Yunfan's human face moved from the top of the sixth floor to the seventh floor on the tower of Renjie Holy Pagoda!

"The seventh floor! Chu Yunfan actually climbed to the seventh floor!" Someone exclaimed.

Leng Lingfeng, who was originally pale-faced, saw this scene and crushed the teacup in his hand.Shi Xiong at the side had a gloomy face almost dripping water.

Shi Batian and Leng Aotian, although ranked No.2 and No.3 in the tower ranking.But now, both of them are only on the fifth floor of the Holy Tower.Didn't even climb to the sixth floor.

Chu Yunfan, on the other hand, has already climbed to the seventh floor of the holy tower.In contrast, superiors and inferiors make judgments.

"My grandson, Shi Batian, is the favorite of the Shentu clan. How could he lose to a brat with no background. The title of No. 1 hero in the Eastern Region must belong to my grandson!"

Although Shi Xiong said this, the people around him all heard the lack of confidence in his words.

The Renjie Holy Tower has been opened hundreds of times, but the number of people who climbed to the seventh floor of the Holy Tower never exceeds a hundred people.

Whether Shi Batian can climb to the seventh floor is still a question.Not to mention surpassing Chu Yunfan.At this time, Chu Yunfan had been teleported to the seventh floor of the holy tower.He looked around and carefully examined the surrounding environment.

The seventh floor of the holy tower is a huge circular building with dozens of floors high.Each floor is neatly arranged, with countless wooden frames.On the wooden frame, all kinds of rare treasures are in full bloom.

"Earth-level low-level exercises, earth-level intermediate martial arts, handbooks of Void Shattering Realm experts, training experience of Aspirational Realm experts..."

Chu Yunfan glanced casually, and saw countless precious things.Every item in this Treasure Pavilion is priceless.If it is released to the outside world, it is enough to make countless strong people crazy about it.

The old voice came out leisurely, full of majesty.

"This is the treasure pavilion of the Holy Tower of Renjie! All the treasures of the Holy Tower of Renjie are placed here. Whether it is martial arts, martial arts, or panacea, everything is here. Those who have reached the seventh floor of the Holy Tower have a free A chance to get treasure."

"According to your excellent performance in Worry, Fear, Love, and Hate, as long as the treasure you want is worth less than ten high-grade spirit stones, it doesn't matter what it is."

"One top-grade spirit stone is equivalent to [-] million taels of silver. Ten top-grade spirit stones are equivalent to one billion taels of silver!" Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed with brilliance.

Rumor has it that the Holy Tower of Renjie is a supreme powerhouse beyond the realm of kings.The heaven-defying treasure left behind.There are countless opportunities in the Tower.

Chu Yunfan just climbed to the seventh floor, and got a chance to choose a treasure worth one billion taels for free.Then if he climbed to the ninth floor, what kind of opportunities would he have?Chu Yunfan was looking forward to it.

He pondered for a moment, then said: "I want a seventh-grade medicinal material that can still be grown! If the seventh-grade medicinal material is not available, the sixth-grade medicinal material is also fine. As long as it can be grown."

Chu Yunfan's idea is very good.If he can get one, he can grow seventh-grade medicinal materials or sixth-grade medicinal materials.Plant it directly into the purple soil of the space file.Its value will increase several times, even dozens of times in an instant!
That way, Chu Yunfan wouldn't have to work hard to collect natural materials and earthly treasures.

"Sorry, this request cannot be satisfied. All the medicinal materials in the Renjie Holy Tower can no longer be planted."

Chu Yunfan's fantasy was shattered by the old voice.

Chu Yunfan shrugged helplessly, he knew it was not such a good thing.

"Then I need a seven-star low-level spiritual weapon." Chu Yunfan said.

Seven-star low-level spiritual weapons are generally only eligible to be used by those who are at the Aspirations Realm, or those who are above the Void Fifth Layer.Each piece is priceless and precious.

Even the most rubbish seven-star low-level spiritual weapon is worth more than [-] million taels.An ordinary seven-star low-level spiritual weapon is worth more than [-] million taels.

The moment Chu Yunfan's voice fell, a stream of milky white light suddenly shone down from the top of the Treasure Pavilion.Start to sift through treasures among countless wooden frames.

After a few breaths, the milky white streamer stopped on a row of wooden shelves on the third floor of No.30.

A green and gold treasured knife burst out of the air with a piercing sound, and appeared in front of Chu Yunfan.

Chu Yunfan activated the annotation function, looked at the Qingjin Baodao, and found that the annotation function did not display the relevant information of the Qingjin Baodao.

The annotation function has been upgraded to a six-star level by Chu Yunfan.It can display the information of all spirit weapons within six stars.

Since the annotation function cannot be displayed, it proves that this green gold sword is indeed a seven-star low-level spiritual weapon.

According to Chu Yunfan's estimation, the value of this green gold sword is definitely no less than [-] million taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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