Chapter 198

With this green gold sword, plus the bet with the Lion King's family.

After Chu Yunfan walks out of the Holy Tower of Heroes, he will have natural materials and earthly treasures worth 13 billion taels.It is enough to support him and break through to the fifth heaven of the Purple Mansion.

"By the way, what exactly is this seventh-floor assessment?" Chu Yunfan rubbed his chin and carefully observed the surroundings.

At this time, an old voice came out leisurely.

"Assessors who have climbed to the seventh floor of the holy tower, in addition to having a chance to choose treasures for free, they can also choose for a fee."

"As long as a sufficient price is paid, any treasure in the Treasure Pavilion can be exchanged at will!"

Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes revealed a playful look. He already knew what the seventh floor of the Holy Pagoda, the examination of Yuzijie, was about.

"If I choose a seven-star low-level spiritual weapon with the same value as the green gold sword, what price will I have to pay?" Chu Yunfan asked playfully.

The old voice said slowly: "It takes 20 years of life!"

"Then if I choose to exchange it, what about an earth-level intermediate martial skill?" Chu Yunfan asked again.

"The body's functions are aging, and the whole person is ten years older." The old voice replied.

"How about exchanging for a low-level function of the earth?"

"It takes the hearing of one ear."

Chu Yunfan nodded, probably understanding the exchange rules.

The Green Gold Sword is a seven-star low-level spiritual weapon, worth 20 million taels of silver.It takes [-] years of life to exchange for a spirit weapon of the same value.

As for the earth-level intermediate martial arts, its value is equivalent to [-] million taels of silver, and he needs to be ten years older to exchange it.The value of low-level earth-level skills is about [-] million taels of silver, and one ear's hearing is needed to exchange it.

In other words, I want to exchange things in this treasure house.What is paid is not money, but the physical function of the examiner.

Chu Yunfan shook his head slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, I don't have anything to exchange. Where is the sky ladder of Yuzijie? I'm going to climb the sky ladder."

The old voice obviously did not expect that Chu Yunfan would make such a choice.He said unwillingly:

"Are you sure you don't have anything you want to exchange for? In the XZ treasure pavilion, there are incomparably powerful heaven-level exercises, heaven-level martial arts, hard-to-find medicinal materials and spiritual materials in the world, extremely precious pill formulas and formation diagrams, and the unparalleled power of the seven stars. Spirit weapon, even king weapon!
"With such a heaven-defying opportunity, don't you feel a little bit moved? As long as you seize the opportunity, it's only a matter of time before you become king."

The old voice, full of endless temptation, wanted to lure Chu Yunfan and make a deal with him.

However, Chu Yunfan had a calm face, without the slightest wave in his eyes.He said lightly: "I'm not interested in this heaven-defying opportunity. Tell me where the ladder of Desire Jie is, I'm in a hurry."

Chu Yunfan did not lie, he had no interest in exchanging treasures.

First, the WPS file system is now only Tianzi 4.0 version.Functions such as copying, pasting, and blank documents are only at the six-star level.

You can only learn high-level exercises and martial arts of the mysterious level.Therefore, even if Chu Yunfan exchanged for earth-level exercises and martial arts, it would have no effect.

What's more, when Chu Yunfan refined Li Tian into a blood corpse, in Li Tian's memory, he obtained several earth-level exercises and martial arts, which were enough for him to use.

Second, Chu Yunfan didn't need Dan Fang, Array Diagram, and Spirit Artifact Diagram.

No matter how precious the alchemy recipes, formation diagrams, and spirit weapon diagrams in the Treasure Pavilion are, how can they compare with the WPS file system and the official website patch package.

Thirdly, although Chu Yunfan needs precious medicinal and spiritual materials, it takes 20 years of lifespan to exchange for a seven-star low-level spiritual weapon.Chu Yunfan is not that stupid.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this deal is a good deal.But for Chu Yunfan, it was a loss-making business.

Swallowing a seven-star low-level spiritual weapon worth [-] million taels could only allow Chu Yunfan to break through from the third heaven of the Purple Mansion to the fourth heaven of the Purple Mansion.Even the fifth heaven of the Zifu couldn't break through.

Use 20 years of life to break through a small realm.Not even a fool would do that.

Therefore, Chu Yunfan has no interest in paid exchange.

"The Zangshu Pavilion in front of you is the ladder of Yuzijie. The Zangshu Pavilion is 49 floors high, and every seventh floor is a ladder. When you reach the ninth floor of No.40, you have reached the top of the Yuzijie ladder. "The old voice spoke slowly.

Chu Yunfan scanned the surroundings, found the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, and immediately began to climb the Treasure Pavilion.

The Zangbao Pavilion is in the shape of a loop. If you want to climb to the next floor, you must go through this floor once before you can reach the stairs leading to the next floor.

For such a design, the corners of Chu Yunfan's mouth slightly raised, showing a hint of contempt.

"This trick may be useful to others, but it is useless to me."

No matter how precious the treasures were passing by, Chu Yunfan kept a calm face and climbed steadily from the first floor to the ninth floor of No.40.

Chu Yunfan obtained the green gold sword from the third floor of No. 30 of the Zangbao Pavilion.After the 33rd floor, the value of any treasure is more than one billion taels.

After reaching the fortieth floor, the value of each treasure has reached more than 20 billion taels.Especially on the ninth floor of No.40, Chu Yunfan actually saw the intact king weapon!

That is a king tool!

Li Tian just possessed a broken king weapon, which allowed his combat power to soar, and he could obliterate the powerhouses of the Broken Void Third Layer.

If Li Tian had a king weapon in good condition, he would definitely be able to kill the powerhouse of the fifth heaven of fragmentation.

Although Chu Yunfan was moved, he thought that the low-level seven-star spirit weapon would need to be exchanged with 20 years of lifespan.

I'm afraid it would take his life to exchange for a intact king weapon.

Chu Yunfan shook his head slightly, walked past Wang Qi, and came to the top of the Treasure Pavilion.

"You still don't have anything you want to exchange?" An old voice sounded in the Treasure Pavilion.

Chu Yunfan said lightly: "I have come to the top of the Treasure Pavilion, which is also the top of the Ladder of Desire to Tribulate. Let's directly open the gate of the void."

Chu Yunfan's words have already expressed his attitude.

The old voice had no choice but to condense the power of space, and in front of him, condensed the void door leading to the eighth floor of the holy tower.

Just when Chu Yunfan was about to step into the void gate and leave the seventh floor.The old voice suddenly said:

"The assessment on the eighth floor of the holy tower is different from the first seven floors. Although the assessment on the first seven floors is dangerous, the examiner's life is not in danger. Even if the assessment fails, he will only be sent out of the holy tower of outstanding people."

"But the assessment on the eighth floor can be described as a narrow escape. If you are not careful, you will be wiped out. Are you sure you want to continue?"

(End of this chapter)

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