Anti-sky file system

Chapter 199 Death Island

Chapter 199 Death Island

The old voice's words made Chu Yunfan fall into deep thought.

"The assessment on the first seven floors of the holy pagoda corresponds to the seven characters of anger, worry, fear, love, hatred, and desire. The word desire on the seventh floor is the last calamity of the seven emotions."

"I have passed all the Tribulations of the Seven Emotions. That is to say, there will be a new assessment on the eighth floor of the holy tower. And the assessment is very difficult, and it is very likely that I will fall on the eighth floor."

Chu Yunfan's eyebrows were tightly knit together.Facing an unknown assessment, and there is still the danger of falling.A trace of hesitation appeared in Chu Yunfan's eyes.

After contemplating for a long time, Chu Yunfan's eyes showed a hint of determination, "It's just a holy tower, I don't believe I can't climb to the top!"

Monks should have the courage to go forward!If the seventh floor was Chu Yunfan's limit, then he would turn around and leave without hesitation.

But Chu Yunfan knew very well that he was far from reaching his limit.If he quits now, he will only regret for life!
Chu Yunfan took a step forward and directly stepped through the void gate.

On the tower of Renjie Holy Tower, Chu Yunfan's human face shone with light, and moved directly from the seventh floor of the holy tower to the eighth floor of the holy tower.

"What, Chu Yunfan has climbed to the eighth floor of the Holy Pagoda!" A cry came from the Jagged Academy.

The one who spoke was Zhuge Tenglong, the former Great Elder of Pill Tower of Jagged Academy.Ordinarily, Chu Yunfan should be happy when he reached the eighth floor.However, Zhuge Tenglong's face did not show the slightest joy, but worried.

"Haha, I didn't expect Chu Yunfan to rush to the eighth floor. Didn't the people from Jagged Academy tell him that the eighth floor of the Holy Tower is a restricted area. Anyone who steps into it will surely die!"

Leng Lingfeng grinned, revealing a big smile.In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Chu Yunfan to walk out of the Holy Tower of Heroes alive.

Shi Xiong also had a smile on his face at this time.

"If Chu Yunfan died in the Holy Tower of Renjie, he would naturally lose the bet. After his body is transported out of the Holy Tower of Renjie, it will belong to my Lion King family."

The Holy Tower of Heroes has been opened hundreds of times, and there have been several outstanding people who have rushed to the eighth floor of the Holy Tower.But all the people who rushed to the eighth floor died in the end, without exception.

Therefore, as early as 50 years ago, the eighth floor of the Renjie Holy Tower was listed as a restricted area by the major forces in the Eastern Region.It is strictly forbidden for junior geniuses to enter the eighth floor of the holy tower when climbing the holy tower of Renjie.

The elders of Jagged Academy thought that Chu Yunfan knew about it, so they didn't mention it to him.Unexpectedly, he rushed to the eighth floor of the holy tower.This made the elders of Iron Blood Academy anxious.

"Elder Yunfan is the pride of the ages, he will surely create a miracle and successfully break through the eighth floor of the holy tower!" Zhuge Tenglong said firmly.

"That's right, Great Elder Yunfan will definitely perform a miracle!" All the elders of Jagged Academy said in unison.

Everyone stared at the Holy Tower of Renjie, wanting to see if Chu Yunfan would perform a miracle and survive on the eighth floor of the Holy Tower.Still the same as the previous Tianjiao, his body died and his way disappeared, turning into a slope of loess.

At this time, Chu Yunfan slowly opened his eyes after experiencing a period of dizziness.

What came into view was a vast and endless sea.The billowing sea wind swept across the sea and slapped towards him.

Chu Yunfan looked around and found that he was on a huge island.The island is surrounded by the sea, endless, and there is no end in sight.

Just when Chu Yunfan was puzzled, the old voice exploded above the sky like thunder rolling from the sky.

"The island you are on is called Death Island! There are tens of thousands of dead servants on the island! Every dead waiter has the strength above the fifth level of agility."

"All you have to do is to escape from the island of death under the siege of tens of thousands of dead servants! The time is one week. If you have not escaped from the island of death after a week, the assessment will fail. The holy tower will issue punishment, and the You are executed!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes suddenly tightened.If you fail the assessment, you will be executed directly, which is too cruel.

The old voice paused, and then said: "There are two ways to escape from Death Island. The first method is to kill Deadpool's lair, where there is a gate of void. Step into the gate of void, and you will be teleported to the holy The ninth floor of the tower."

"However, one thing needs to be paid attention to. The lair of the dead servant is guarded by a dead servant king. The dead servant king has the strength of the fifth heaven!"

"The second method is to kill all ordinary dead servants! The gate of the void will appear in front of you."

"Don't think about swimming to leave the island of death. The sea around the island of death has set up a special formation. Once you fall into the water, your body will sink, and there is no possibility of floating up!"

The old voice's words made Chu Yunfan's heart skip a beat.

Tens of thousands of dead waiters all possess the strength above the fifth level of agility.The dead servant king even has the strength of the fifth heaven.

Neither the first method nor the second method can be accomplished by Chu Yunfan.

Moreover, the old voice also stipulated that they cannot jump into the sea and escape.Once jumping into the sea, Bi will sink to the bottom of the sea and die of suffocation!

"What to do!" Chu Yunfan frowned, thinking hard about how to deal with it.

But the assessment on the eighth floor of the holy tower did not give Chu Yunfan time to think.

The moment the old man's voice fell, the dead servants on the island of death, like mad dogs, rushed towards Chu Yunfan from all directions.


Seeing hundreds of dead servants rushing towards him, Chu Yunfan's expression changed slightly, and he turned around and ran away.

No matter how defiant he is, it is impossible for him to fight against thousands of powerhouses above the fifth level of agility at the same time.

As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to fight a hundred battles!
Chu Yunfan decided to hide first, carefully observe the action patterns of the Deadpools, and then formulate a battle plan.

After a day and night of observation, Chu Yunfan directly ruled out the first method.

Deadpool's lair is guarded by tens of thousands of deadpools, unless Chu Yunfan has Lin Xingyu's shadow bloodline, he can sneak into the lair without Deadpool noticing.

Otherwise, with his strength, it is absolutely impossible to enter Deadpool's lair head-on.

Not to mention the tens of thousands of ordinary dead waiters, even a dead waiter king with the strength of the fifth heaven, it is not Chu Yunfan, who can deal with it very well.

As for the second method, although it is extremely difficult.But there is still a glimmer of possibility.

It was discovered by Chu Yunfan's observation.Ordinary deadpools are all group activities.Every one hundred dead waiters is a group, whether foraging or sleeping, these one hundred dead waiters stay together.

As long as Chu Yunfan finds the right opportunity and exerts his strongest strength, he will definitely be able to kill several, or even dozens of dead waiters.

In the remaining six days, if Chu Yunfan makes frequent shots and gets good results each time.There is still hope to pass the test.

(End of this chapter)

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