Anti-sky file system

Chapter 214 Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill

Chapter 214 Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill

After Shangguan Yunteng thought about it for a few minutes, a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.As long as he can regain the position of the young patriarch, what if he is Chu Yunfan's servant who runs errands?

Shangguan Yunteng bowed slightly, cupped his fists towards Chu Yunfan, and said, "Shangguan Yunteng pays homage to the Lord."

Chu Yunfan nodded, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes.Only by being able to bend and stretch can great things be achieved.

In Chu Yunfan's view, Shangguan Yunteng is like a wolf, with a kind of ruthlessness.

"Just call me young master from now on. From today onwards, you will follow me." Chu Yunfan said lightly.

He took out the paper and pen from the space ring.At the same time, he focused on two purposes, consciously entered the patch pack of pills on the official website, and bought the pills of Tianxuan Body Sculpting Pill.

Chu Yunfan still has 520 star points, and after purchasing the prescription of Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill, there are still 20 star points left.

Chu Yunfan wrote down the medicinal materials needed to refine Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill on a piece of paper and handed it to Shangguan Yunteng.

"As the former young patriarch of the Shangguan family, even if you are abolished, you should have some backup. I give you three days to find a way to gather these medicinal materials. If you can't get them together, you don't have to come looking for them. me."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfan turned and left with Su Lin, Lin Xingyu, and Xue Wuhen.

This is Chu Yunfan, a small test for Shangguan Yunteng.

As the young master of a family, if there is no backup.It can only show that he, the young master, has failed and is very stupid.

Shangguan Yunteng looked at Chu Yunfan's back, his eyes flickered brightly, and he turned and walked towards Qingyun City.

Two days later, Shangguan Yunteng found Chu Yunfan and respectfully handed him a space ring.What is contained in it is the medicinal material for refining Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill.

"That's right, so many herbs can be gathered in two days." Chu Yunfan gave Shangguan Yunteng an appreciative glance.

It seems that Shangguan Yunteng is smarter than he thought.

Chu Yunfan took the space ring, and led Su Lin and others to find a secluded hill outside Qingyun City.Then he took out the alchemy furnace and started alchemy.

Su Lin, Lin Xingyu, and Xue Wuhen stood not far away to protect him.

"Master, do you want to make alchemy by yourself?" Shangguan Yunteng asked in astonishment.

He originally thought that Chu Yunfan would find a special alchemist to make alchemy, but he didn't expect that it would be Chu Yunfan who made alchemy himself.

Those are all sixth-grade medicinal materials.Shangguan Yunteng almost used up all his backhands to get these medicinal materials.

It's no wonder that Shangguan Yunteng was suspicious, the sixth-grade alchemists he had met were all gray-haired old men.There is no one as young as Chu Yunfan.

"Don't worry, the young master's level of alchemy is enough to stand among the top alchemists in the mainland. He will never fail." Xue Wuhen said with a smile.

If he didn't want to hide his identity, Xue Wuhen would have told Shangguan Yunteng that Chu Yunfan was the number one alchemist in the Eastern Region.

Shangguan Yunteng opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.Now that the matter has come to this point, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, and he believes in Chu Yunfan.

I saw Chu Yunfan sitting cross-legged in front of the alchemy furnace, waving his hands, a cluster of pill fire was drawn from his body and thrown into the alchemy furnace.

In an instant, a fierce fire ignited in the furnace.Chu Yunfan directly threw all the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace.

Shangguan Yunteng directly covered his forehead, with a look of despair on his face.

As a direct descendant of the Shangguan family, he was once a young member of the Shangguan family.He has a lot of knowledge, but he has never seen anyone refining a sixth-grade elixir and throwing all the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace at once.

Shangguan Yunteng had already started to think about how to get away from Chu Yunfan.

Just when he thought alchemy had failed, Chu Yunfan slammed the ground, and the lid of the alchemy furnace exploded.

A green light shot out into the sky, turned into a stream of light, and shot towards the distant sky.

Chu Yunfan had expected it a long time ago, and at the moment the green light rushed up, he grabbed the void with his palm.A huge suction force erupted from his palm, sucking the elixir into his palm instantly.

The bright green glow then dissipated, turning into a blue pill, lying quietly in Chu Yunfan's palm.

The moment Chu Yunfan spread his palms, the rich danxiang wafted out.

"Have you succeeded in refining him?" Shangguan Yunteng's eyes showed a look of astonishment.

Chu Yunfan threw the elixir in his hand to Shangguan Yunteng, and said lightly: "This elixir is called Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill, a sixth-grade high-grade elixir. It can reshape the human body and repair the wounds of the physical body. .”

Even though Shangguan Yunteng got the elixir, there was still a hint of disbelief on his face.

Chu Yunfan's alchemy techniques are not only shocking.His alchemy speed is even more terrifying.

Even if the first alchemist in Nanling were to refine the sixth-grade high-level elixir, it would take more than two hours.

But Chu Yunfan successfully refined it in just half an hour.

"This can't be a poisonous pill." Shangguan Yunteng's Adam's apple surged, and he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

Looking at the Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill in his hand, Shangguan Yunteng gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, raised his head and swallowed it in one gulp.

After all, this is the elixir he bought in exchange for the backup he reserved.The elixir I changed by myself, I cried and swallowed it!

The elixir melted in the mouth, bursting out a bright blue glow, which penetrated into Shangguan Yunteng's internal organs, muscles, bones, flesh and bones along his throat.

Streams of cyan light, like divine water from heaven and earth, cleansed his body and reshaped his physical body.


Shangguan Yunteng gritted his teeth and groaned in pain.

The pain of reshaping the body is no less than cramping and changing the marrow.Even though Shangguan Yunteng tried his best to restrain himself, he still couldn't help howling.

Half an hour later, the energy of Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill was finally completely absorbed by Shangguan Yunteng.He slumped on the ground, soaked in sweat, as if he had been fished out of a puddle.

Shangguan Yunteng's physical body finally recovered.And with the help of the medicinal power of Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill, the realm of the physical body directly breaks through from the middle stage of the Three Talents Realm to the late stage of the Three Talents Realm.

Although the Tianxuan Body Shaping Pill was amazingly effective, Shangguan Yunteng couldn't help but shudder when thinking of the pain he had endured just now.

After a short rest, Shangguan Yunteng stood up and clasped his fists towards Chu Yunfan, saying, "Thank you, young master! This subordinate will definitely follow the example of young master in the future!"

Shangguan Yunteng's eyes sparkled, a young sixth-rank high-level alchemist, no matter where he was, he would be a guest of honor.Even those who are strong in the Aspirations Realm will treat each other with courtesy.

With Chu Yunfan's alchemy level, Shangguan Yunteng can be sure that he will become a seventh-rank alchemist, or even an alchemy king in the future!
Can be given to the future alchemy king, as a servant running errands.Shangguan Yunteng was willing.

After all, in this society, profit is at the top of the list.

If Chu Yunfan was a young man, he would have no future if he followed him.But Chu Yunfan has the hope of becoming the alchemy king.The benefits of following him are self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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