Anti-sky file system

Chapter 215 Shangguan Yunteng's Revenge

Chapter 215 Shangguan Yunteng's Revenge

How could Chu Yunfan not know Shangguan Yunteng's thoughts.He said confidently: "As long as you follow this young master with all your heart, the benefits in the future will definitely be indispensable."

"Subordinates understand!" Shangguan Yunteng lowered his posture.

"Now that you have recovered and your physical body has broken through, it's time to take back your position as the young patriarch." Chu Yunfan said.

"This subordinate takes orders!" Shangguan Yunteng bowed and cupped his fists.

Chu Yunfan and his party ran aggressively towards the mountain where the Shangguan family was located.

"Shangguan Yitian, this time you are dead!" Shangguan Yunteng stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at the luxurious manor halfway up the mountain, with a ferocious smile on his lips.

The two black-clothed youths who threw Shangguan Yunteng down the mountain last time saw that Shangguan Yunteng dared to come back, and they were furious.

"Have you forgotten what I told you last time? You dare to come back. It seems that you won't remember it unless I teach you a lesson."

A young man in black roared, raised his fist, and rushed towards Shangguan Yunteng.

Shangguan Yunteng's eyes flashed fiercely, and he kicked towards the young man in black.This foot seemed to weigh ten thousand catties, and it crushed the air, and it landed directly on the chest of the young man in black.


The young man in black came and went even faster, like a cannonball, slamming hard in front of him in the distance, and never stood up again.

Shangguan Yunteng kicked him to death!
Another young man in black saw this scene.Scared out of his wits, he immediately turned and ran away.But Shangguan Yunteng, how could he let him go.

Shangguan Yunteng stomped on the ground vigorously, like an arrow flying from the string, and appeared behind the black-clothed youth in an instant.

The young man in black knew that he could not escape, so he turned around and fell to his knees.He kowtowed to Shangguan Yunteng non-stop.

"Young patriarch, I know I'm wrong. It's all because of Shangguan Yitian, that bastard who forced me to do it. I also ask the young patriarch to give me a way out."

"I'm sorry, I'm a particularly vengeful person! Anyone who offends me will die!"

Shangguan Yunteng's eyes showed fierceness, and he stretched out his hand to crush the throat of the young man in black.

Chu Yunfan looked at Shangguan Yunteng and frowned slightly.

Led by Shangguan Yunteng, Chu Yunfan and others swaggered to the Shangguan family's manor.

Along the way, we met members of the Sanbo Shangguan family.Among them, two groups were killed by Shangguan Yunteng.Although the remaining group of people were not killed, they were also seriously injured.It can be seen how strong the hatred in Shangguan Yunteng's heart is.

As the top power of the Shangguan family, their manor is naturally extremely luxurious.

Shangguan Yunteng killed all the way to the manor, which has already alarmed the elders of the Shangguan family.

"Shangguan Yunteng, you dare to kill the children of the same clan, your crime is unforgivable!" An elder with a pockmarked face roared angrily, swung out Luo Tian's big handprint, covering the world, and crushed towards Shangguan Yunteng.

This elder with a pockmarked face was naturally supported by Shangguan Yitian.When he saw Shangguan Yunteng's physical body, instead of being abolished, he broke through to the late stage of the Three Talents Realm.He knew it was bad.

Thus, the pockmarked elder immediately made a move, wanting to kill Shangguan Yunteng with one blow.

"Hmph! Shangguanqing, set your position. It's not your turn to be the master of the Shangguan family!"

At this moment, a cold snort sounded, and a middle-aged man with a square face appeared in front of Shangguan Yunteng.

This middle-aged man is Shangguan Yunteng's father and the current patriarch of the Shangguan family - Shangguan Hongfeng!
With a wave of Shangguan Hongfeng's hand, he swept out with a powerful momentum.In an instant, Shangguanqing's attack was disintegrated.

"Yun Teng, your physical body has not only recovered, but you have even broken through to the late stage of the third talent realm!" Shangguan Hongfeng said with a look of surprise.

Shangguan Yunteng was deposed and kicked out of the family.Even if he is the patriarch, there is nothing he can do.Because according to the family rules of the Shangguan family, waste is not raised in the family.

Now, Shangguan Yunteng returns.The happiest one was Shangguan Hongfeng.

"Well, the boy came back this time to regain the position of the young patriarch!" Shangguan Yunteng said coldly.

"Yun Teng, who are these?" Shangguan Hong Feng looked at Chu Yunfan and the others and asked.

Shangguan Yunteng explained: "Father, these four people are my friends. This time, my physical body can be completely recovered, and the physical realm has broken through. I rely on them."

As he said that, Shangguan Yunteng used the method of forcing his voice into a line to transmit to Shangguan Hongfeng: "The young man in the middle is a sixth-grade high-level alchemist."

Shangguan Hongfeng's eyes suddenly lit up, a sixth-rank high-ranking alchemist.Still such a young sixth-rank alchemist.Shangguan Hongfeng instantly saw the value of Chu Yunfan.

"Thank you four little friends for your help to Yunteng. I am very grateful. If there is something useful about my Shangguan family, feel free to speak up." Shangguan Hongfeng did not have the airs of a top-level patriarch.

"The patriarch Shangguan is too polite." Chu Yunfan said with a smile.

All three of Su Lin nodded friendlyly at Shangguan Hongfeng.

"Shangguan Yitian, get out and die!" Shangguan Yunteng roared with his head raised, and his voice spread throughout the manor.


A beam of sword light shot out, Shangguan Yitian was holding a three-foot green sharp edge, the human sword merged into one, extremely sharp.

"The defeated general dares to challenge this young master. He really doesn't know how to live or die. Do you think that you can beat me if your physical body breaks through to the late stage of the third-talent realm? What a joke!"

"This young master advises you to admit defeat obediently, otherwise the body that has been repaired with great difficulty will be destroyed again."

Listening to Shangguan Yitian spitting out this young master one by one, Shangguan Yunteng was furious, and he roared angrily: "Shangguan Yitian, take your life!"

Shangguan Yunteng waved his hands, the wind in his palm was like thunder, and with a roaring sonic boom, he slammed towards Shangguan Yitian viciously.

"Break the sky with a sword!"

Although Shangguan Yitian despised Shangguan Yunteng, he did not relax at all during the fight.As soon as he came up, he displayed the advanced martial arts of Xuan rank.

Because he knew how terrifying the combat power of the body refiners at the late stage of the three-talent realm was.

The three-foot green sharp edge in Shangguan Yitian's hand erupted into a sharp sword light, turning into a sky-reaching sword blade, cutting through the air, and slashing down towards Shangguan Yunteng.

"Luo Tian's palm print!"

Shangguan Yunteng let out a low growl, his hands were like a millstone holding the sky, crushing nine heavens and ten earths.With unparalleled strength, it collided with the Tongtian sword.

The two retreated three steps at the same time, and the battle ended in a tie.

"The physical body in the late stage of the Three Talents Realm is so powerful!"

Shangguan Yitian's face darkened, the last time he fought against Shangguan Yunteng, this blow had already injured him.Now, he didn't even pierce his skin.

Shangguan Yitian couldn't help feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

He decided to unleash the strongest blow directly and quickly deal with Shangguan Yunteng.

"Sword Sweeping Eight Desolation!"

The three-foot green blade in Shangguan Yitian's hand flashed suddenly.A huge phantom of the divine sword was condensed.

With the wave of the three-foot green front.The huge phantom of the divine sword swept across the world with the power to destroy everything!
(End of this chapter)

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