Anti-sky file system

Chapter 223 The Fall of the Shangguan Family

Chapter 223 The Fall of the Shangguan Family

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the situation reversed!

The phantom of the sacred mountain behind Chu Yunfan is so majestic that it crushes the heavens.Because the void couldn't bear such a huge coercion, cracks in space appeared.

Everyone felt that there was a weight of ten thousand catties on their bodies.They were a little out of breath.

If it is said that the coercion of the will of the mountain can be tolerated by everyone.The Binghuo will that Chu Yunfan displayed next changed the expression of even the strong in the heavenly realm.

"Binghuo Will!"

Chu Yunfan let out a low cry, and Binghuo's will burst out of his body, sweeping across the world.

In an instant, the sky turned red, and countless fire attribute auras swarmed in.The temperature in a radius of ten miles rose sharply, and everyone seemed to be in a sea of ​​flames.

"Plop, plop"

All the monks whose cultivation base was below the Spiritual Realm fell to their knees because they couldn't bear the heavy pressure.

As for the monks above the Spiritual Realm, although they did not kneel down, they were also under heavy pressure, and their movements slowed down and their reactions became sluggish.

However, Su Lin, Lin Xingyu, and Xue Wuhen were not affected because of Chu Yunfan's deliberate control.

Facing a group of slow-response enemies, the three of Su Lin didn't just join the herd like wolves, but tigers like tigers!

And Shangguanfeng, who attacked Chu Yunfan, felt the coercion of Shanzhi's will and Binghuo's will, his eyes showed panic, and he shouted: "Will, you not only have the will, but you also have two wills! "

Although the will is an upgraded version of the force, it is several times stronger than the force, even ten times!
The will of the mountain is the lower will.Although the power is powerful, it is still somewhat difficult to seriously injure Shangguanfeng.

But add the higher will, Binghuo will.Not to mention severely injuring Shangguanfeng, it is possible to kill Shangguanfeng!

"I said, you will die here today!"

Chu Yunfan clasped his hands together, and performed the mountain-holding seal!

The will of the mountain and the seal of holding the mountain are fused together, and the powerful power sweeps across the wilderness and the six corners of the earth, and the power shakes the nine heavens and ten earths!
Shangguan Feng, who was at the top of the sky, was smashed into slag by Baoshan Yin before he could even utter a scream.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side mission and killing a murderer in the sky-reaching realm. Get 20 star points."

The system's boost sound suddenly sounded.

Before Chu Yunfan had time to check the system, he heard a heart-piercing howl.

"Ah! How dare you kill my younger brother, this old man will definitely smash your body to pieces and turn your bones into ashes!"

A middle-aged man who was three points similar to Shangguan Feng charged towards Chu Yunfan with a roar.

This person is none other than Shangguan Feng's own brother - Shangguan Hao!

Shangguan is a strong man of the five heavens, and he is many times stronger than his brother Shangguan Feng.

Even if Chu Yunfan has the will of Binghuo and the will of the mountain, there is still no chance of winning.Because the difference in cultivation between the two is really too big.

"Come on!"

Shangguan Hao's eyes breathed fire, and he unleashed his strongest attack, blasting at Chu Yunfan.

"Hundred swords cut down the sky!"

I saw that around Shangguan Hao's body, there were a hundred divine swords with overwhelming sword intent.

With a wave of Shangguan Hao's finger, a hundred divine swords condensed into a peerless sword array and surrounded Chu Yunfan.

Shangguan Hao's sword array has killed all the strong men from the five heavens.It was definitely not something Chu Yunfan could resist.

But there was no fear in Chu Yunfan's eyes, because in the next second, the sword array was forcibly broken.

A figure appeared beside Chu Yunfan.It is the blood corpse Litian!
At this time, Li Tian, ​​the blood corpse, was holding a dying old man covered in blood in his hand.Looking carefully, it is the ancestor of the Shangguan family.

The ancestor of the Shangguan family, although he is a strong person in the first layer of broken void.But he is old and his blood has dried up.The strength can only display [-]% at most.

In addition, Li Tian, ​​the blood corpse, holds the Broken King Artifact.In just a few rounds, the ancestor of the Shangguan family was beaten to death.

Looking at the dying ancestor of the Shangguan family, Chu Yunfan's murderous intent emerged, and he crushed his throat, ending his life.

"Kill him, and then capture Shangguan Yunteng!"

Chu Yunfan pointed at Shangguan Hao and said coldly.

The blood corpse is fierce, moving in an instant.In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Shangguan Hao, and with an incomparably overbearing iron fist, he directly smashed Shangguan Hao to death.

Shangguan Hao, who reaches the fifth heaven, is like a child who has no strength to restrain a chicken in front of Li Tian, ​​who is in the first heaven of Shattering Void.It can be crushed to death at will.

As for Shangguan Yunteng, when he heard that Chu Yunfan asked Li Tian to arrest him, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

But no matter how fast he ran, how fast could he be?
In less than a breath, Li Tian caught Chu Yunfan in front of him.

"Bang, bang, bang"

Shangguan Yunteng knelt down at Chu Yunfan's feet, hit his forehead hard on the ground, and begged for mercy loudly:

"Master Yunfan, I was wrong, I dare not do it again. I beg Master Yunfan to give me a chance. I will never betray you again!"

At this moment, Shangguan Yunteng, who had been begging for mercy, suddenly raised his head, and at some point in his hand, he took out a sharp dagger and stabbed at Chu Yunfan's chest.


Shangguan Yunteng knew about Chu Yunfan and would never let him go.So he decided to fight to the death!
Just when the dagger was one centimeter away from Chu Yunfan's chest.

Chu Yunfan's left hand, like a pair of steel pliers, swung out lightning, firmly grasping Shangguan Yunteng's wrist.

No matter how Shangguan Yunteng struggled, Chu Yunfan's hands remained motionless.

Chu Yunfan had a calm expression on his face, he had already expected Shangguan Yunteng's dying counterattack.

A scum like Shangguan Yunteng who would sell out even his benefactor without hesitation for profit, what else can't he do?
Chu Yunfan's right hand was placed on Shangguan Yunteng's head, and his five fingers were slowly pressed hard.


Shangguan Yunteng's head was distorted, and he howled in pain.His head was squeezed and deformed in Chu Yunfan's hands.

Finally, with a "bang", it exploded.

Red and white things splashed out.

Chu Yunfan did not dodge, but calmly looked at Shangguan Yunteng's headless corpse, and sighed heavily.

Anyone who is betrayed by the person he chose will feel uncomfortable.The same goes for Chu Yunfan.

At this time, the manor has become a purgatory on earth.The bright red blood dyed the entire manor red, the stumped limbs scattered all over the place, and the strong smell of blood made people vomit uncontrollably.

All the powerful members of the Shangguan family summoned by Shangguan Yunteng.All died here, and no one survived.

Chu Yunfan made a rough estimate. In addition to the ancestors of the Shangguan family, there are seven powerhouses in the Heavenly Realm and 45 powerhouses in the Spiritual Realm.

After losing so many strong men, even the Shangguan family in Qingyun City had strong men stationed there.

However, the Shangguan family was originally a top power.At best, it is a second-rate force now.There is no possibility of rising again.

(End of this chapter)

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