Anti-sky file system

Chapter 224 The Backlash of Starburst Function

Chapter 224 The Backlash of Starburst Function

Once the enemies of the Shangguan family learned that the Shangguan family had been severely injured, more than [-]% of the strong fell.It will definitely be worse.

At that time, whether the Shangguan family can keep it is a question.

"It's time to get out of here."

Chu Yunfan looked into the distance, and a series of powerful figures were rushing towards here.

Looking around, the leader is Shi Xiong, the patriarch of the Lion King family!And behind Shi Xiong, followed closely by the patriarch of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Hongfeng!

At their speed, they can get here in ten seconds at most.

"Li Tian, ​​build a domain gate!" Chu Yunfan ordered.

Facing the siege of the Lion King family, the only way to escape is to go to other regions through the domain gate.

The domain gate was constructed in an instant, and Li Tian, ​​Wang Cai, and Su Lin all passed through the domain gate quickly.But Chu Yunfan waved his hand violently at the corpses all over the ground.A powerful suction erupted from the palm, and after sucking the space ring on the ground into the palm, he turned around and stepped into the domain gate.

Just a second after Chu Yunfan stepped into the domain gate, Shi Xiong arrived.He looked at the domain gate that had disappeared, and let out a roar that shook the sky, and the whole mountain range trembled!
"Why didn't you tell me Chu Yunfan's whereabouts sooner!" Shi Xiong looked at Shangguan Yunteng angrily, "If you are from the Shangguan family, you should pass the news to my Lion King family earlier. How could Chu Yunfan escape!"

"It's all your Shangguan family's fault!"

The enraged Shi Xiong directly slapped Shangguan Hongfeng into a pulp!

And the Shangguan family, which was already severely damaged, was wiped out by the strong men of the Lion King family, and no one was spared...

At this time, the four of Chu Yunfan and Wangcai came to Beiyuan through the Domain Gate.But as soon as he arrived in Beiyuan, Chu Yunfan asked Li Tian to open the domain gate leading to Nanling again.

Although the second volume of "The True Body of the Phoenix" has been obtained, Chu Yunfan still has one thing to do.That is, destroy the Lion King family!
Chu Yunfan is going to leave Nanling after destroying the Lion King family!

Although the strong in the Void Shattering Realm build domain gates, they cannot precisely locate them.But the approximate location can still be determined.

Qingyun City, where the Shangguan family is located, is in the northeast of Nanling.In order to avoid the Lion King's family, Chu Yunfan asked Li Tian to build a domain gate leading to the southwest of Nanling.

After stepping out of the domain gate, Chu Yunfan took out a map of Nanling, and after carefully comparing the surrounding landforms, he confirmed that they were now beside a city called Chifeng City in the southwest of Nanling.

After constructing domain gates twice in succession, the second use of Blood Corpse Litian has also ended.

A second crack appeared between Li Tian's eyebrows.This crack was extremely long, extending from the center of the eyebrows to the left side of the cheek.

The blood corpse can only be used three times. After three times, the body will collapse and turn into fly ash.

Li Tian has already used it twice, and if he uses it again, he will collapse.

Similarly, the dilapidated copper pot obtained from Li Tian also has large cracks and may be scrapped at any time.It seems that it can only be used once at most.

Chu Yunfan put Li Tian and the broken copper pot into the space file.Bring the three of Su Lin and Wangcai into Chifeng City.

Chifeng City is only a second-rate city with an average scale.It is far worse than Qingyun City.

The four of Chu Yunfan and Wangcai found a random inn in the city and stayed temporarily.

After entering the room, Chu Yunfan arranged a small soundproof formation.Then he took out the interspatial rings of the Shangguan family and all the powerhouses.

Due to the limited time at that time, Chu Yunfan did not have time to take away the space rings of all the strong members of the Shangguan family.

He only took the interspatial rings of those above the Heaven-reaching Realm.There are eight in total, one of which is the interspatial ring of the ancestor of the Shangguan family.

Since the owner of the interspatial ring is dead, all the soul imprints on the rings have been erased and become ownerless.

Chu Yunfan easily opened the eight space rings and poured out the contents.

The entire room was instantly filled with all kinds of treasures.

In addition to the treasures of heaven and earth, there are also many exercises and martial arts.

Chu Yunfan scanned casually, and found that most of these exercises and martial arts were of the mysterious rank.There are only a handful of techniques and martial arts above the ground level, and they can be counted on one hand.

Among them, the highest grade is just a local middle-level exercise.

Chu Yunfan shook his head in disappointment, and waved all the exercises and martial arts into the space ring.

Chu Yunfan activated the annotation function, and scanned through the mountainous treasures of heaven and earth.You already know the value of these natural treasures.

"The total value is 18 billion taels of silver, of which the highest value is the seven-star low-level spiritual weapon, worth one billion taels."

The clan treasure of the Shangguan family is called the Red Gold Dragon Pattern Cudgel.Among the seven-star low-level spiritual weapons, the quality is not bad.

It was worth [-] million taels of silver more than the green gold sword that Chu Yunfan obtained in the Holy Tower of Renjie.

"Wangcai, you are now a monster in the middle stage of the third stage. After devouring these treasures of heaven and earth, you should be able to break through to the late stage of the third stage."

Chu Yunfan said to Wangcai, motioning for him to devour the treasures in front of him.

Chu Yunfan and Wangcai need to devour the same amount of heaven, material and earth treasures to advance to the next level.Therefore, he knows very well how many talents and treasures are needed for Wangcai to advance.

Although Wangcai is now a monster in the middle stage of the third rank, it is equivalent to the fourth heaven of the purple mansion of a Qi refiner.And the late third-order monsters are equivalent to the seventh heaven of the Purple Mansion.

Wangcai broke through from a third-order mid-stage monster to a late-third-order monster.Just like Chu Yunfan, who broke through from the fourth heaven of Zifu to the seventh heaven of Zifu.It just needs a full 18 billion taels of natural materials and earth treasures.

Wangcai was not polite to Chu Yunfan, and went directly to Tiancaidibao.Opening his small mouth, an extremely powerful force of devouring burst out from his mouth.

In less than 10 minutes, all the mountainous treasures of heaven and earth entered Wangcai's stomach.

Just as Chu Yunfan expected, the treasures of heaven, material and earth worth 18 billion taels just allowed Wangcai to break through from a mid-level third-level monster to a late-level third-level monster.

Just when Wangcai broke through, Chu Yunfan suddenly let out a muffled groan, and opened his mouth to spurt out a column of blood.His face was instantly pale and bloodless, just like a piece of white paper.

The time limit for the starburst function has arrived, and Chu Yunfan is suffering the backlash brought by the starburst function.

In the past, in addition to physical damage, Chu Yunfan's cultivation had also dropped significantly.But this time, the situation is different.

Because the starburst function is frozen.It caused an accident with the power of backlash, only targeting Chu Yunfan's body!
Every time before, the backlash of the starburst function was mainly aimed at Chu Yunfan's cultivation.Therefore, the backlash against his body was not strong.

But this time, all the counterattacks were only aimed at Chu Yunfan's body.

Although, only four features were detonated.But the powerful backlash directly made Chu Yunfan roll his eyes, and passed out.

(End of this chapter)

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