Anti-sky file system

Chapter 415 Prisoner Cattle Binding System

Chapter 415 Prisoner Cattle Binding System
Chu Yunfan quickly activated the annotation function and looked towards Wangcai.Information about Wangcai instantly appeared in his original document.

Descendants of the True Dragon: Seventh-Rank Early Monster Beast

True Dragon Bloodline: Awakening 40.00% [-]
Talents: Devour, Dragon Might, Dragon Breath

Growth Potential: Exploding

(Note: The body of the real dragon is small, and the dragon blood in the body has turned into real precious blood, which contains extremely huge vitality, which can be used for alchemy. If this beast can absorb more blood of the real dragon, the body of the real dragon will Further enhancement. When the blood of the real dragon reaches [-]%, it will turn into a real dragon and rule the world!)
"Small achievement in the body of a real dragon!" Chu Yunfan's eyes bloomed with brilliance.

Wangcai's strength has reached the level of a mid-level seventh-order monster.Coupled with its small body like a real dragon, it is enough to sweep away monks at the top level and beat monsters of the same level.

After a while, Wangcai opened his eyes, and a green light suddenly appeared in his eyes, like a green gem, extremely dazzling.

Every time Wangcai devoured the blood of the real dragon, Chu Yunfan would ask it for a bowl of blood for breakthrough.This time is no exception.

Chu Yunfan put a bowl of blood on Wangcai's right paw.Then drink it in one gulp.

The real dragon's blood in his body began to work quickly.In just a few breaths, Wangcai's blood was completely swallowed.

From Chu Yunfan's eyes, two bright pillars of green light burst out, piercing straight into the sky.In his body, the majestic Longwei like the sea also burst out.Endless breath of life swept out.

A system prompt sounded suddenly in Chu Yunfan's mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the real dragon blood in the host's body, awakening 40.00% five. Reward 1000 star points!"

According to the top task of Dragon Blood, every time the progress of Dragon Blood increases by 50%, 500 star points can be obtained.If it is raised to a full ten, an additional [-] star points can be obtained.

Of course, this little star point can only be regarded as a drizzle for Chu Yunfan.

He now has a total of 595453 star points.

After Chu Yunfan completely absorbed Wangcai's blood, Prisoner Niu slowly opened his eyes.It felt the majestic real dragon blood in Wangcai's body, and its expression changed suddenly.

Prisoner Niu quickly looked inside and found that the real dragon blood in his body had disappeared.It can be said that he is no longer a descendant of the real dragon.

"I promised Senior Long Tianlei that if Wangcai wins you, I will never take your life." Chu Yunfan said to the prisoner cow.

"The blood of the real dragon has been lost, and I have become a waste. Even if I survive, what's the use of it!" Prisoner Niu looked decadent.I saw him waving his paws and patting his chest, trying to commit suicide!

Chu Yunfan stopped him, and said extremely sternly: "As a descendant of a real dragon, you can't stand the blow so badly, but you are still a descendant of Senior Long Tianlei, it's really embarrassing for him!"

"Without the blood of the real dragon, can't you become a strong man? Without the blood of the real dragon, can you not stand on the top of all living beings? What a joke!"

Prisoner Niu was unmoved, he sat slumped on the ground, his eyes were empty.

Chu Yunfan sighed softly, and he slowly said: "If you can prove to me that you have the heart of a strong man, then I will send you a shocking fortune. Even if you don't rely on the blood of a real dragon, you can still win a battle." Become the creation of a peerless powerhouse!"

Prisoner Niu is a descendant of Long Tianlei, and Long Tianlei has saved Chu Yunfan's life.As long as Prisoner Niu has the heart of a strong man, then Chu Yunfan will definitely do his best to make him reach the top.

When Prisoner Niu heard this, his empty eyes suddenly glowed with life.

He looked at Chu Yunfan excitedly, "Without the blood of the real dragon, can I become a peerless powerhouse?"

Chu Yunfan nodded.

Prisoner Bull took a deep breath, his eyes became extremely determined.

"I, Long Fengxing, as a descendant of the real dragon, shoulder the responsibility of reviving the real dragon family. Only by becoming a strong man can the real dragon family be revived. Only by becoming a strong man can we avenge the real dragon family. Only by becoming a strong man can the real dragon family be reborn. The True Dragon Clan has returned to its former glory!"

"As long as I can become a strong man, I am willing to give up everything, even my soul!"

Chu Yunfan was silent for a while, then slowly said: "I can give you a chance to become a peerless powerhouse. However, the process will be extremely painful. This chance is only once, if you can't persist, I have nothing to do. "

"Even if I die, I will definitely persevere!" Long Fengxing said firmly.

The heaven-defying good fortune that Chu Yunfan mentioned naturally refers to the Fengling system cut from Gu Fengyu.

Since the system can bind humans, it should also be able to bind intelligent monsters.

Monsters and humans have different body structures, plus Long Fengxing is not the first master of the Fengling system.Forcibly binding the system, you will definitely suffer heart-piercing pain.

Chu Yunfan was afraid that Long Fengxing would not be able to persist, so he was mentally prepared in advance.

"Since that's the case, it's about to start. You can't resist the whole process, and you can't be unconscious. Otherwise, you will fail." Chu Yunfan said.

Chu Yunfan took a deep breath, held his breath, and concentrated his mind.He slowly stretched out his right hand, and pressed on the center of Long Fengxing's eyebrows.

Chu Yunfan's consciousness instantly sank into the WPS file system, and he began to activate the cutting function.

A strange energy, emitted from the WPS file system, followed Chu Yunfan's right hand and invaded Long Fengxing's sea of ​​consciousness.

Chu Yunfan focused on two purposes, while controlling the cutting function, he urged his consciousness to quickly enter the official website, and found the cyan icon of the Fengling system.Use the cut function on it, and paste it into Long Fengxing's sea of ​​knowledge.

The moment Chu Yunfan pasted the Fengling system into Longfengxing Consciousness Sea.Long Fengxing's expression changed instantly, he clenched his teeth and let out a muffled hum.

The sudden pain almost made him faint.

"Actuate your consciousness to move towards the cyan imprint in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness."

After Long Fengxing got used to the current pain, Chu Yunfan spoke.

Long Fengxing hastily followed Chu Yunfan's instructions, urging his consciousness to point to the Fengling system.

The moment his consciousness touched the wind spirit system.The wind spirit system, which had turned into a blue icon, suddenly burst into dazzling light and evolved into a blue wave, instantly submerging his sea of ​​consciousness.

A mechanical system notification sound echoed in Longfengxing Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Long Fengxing, for binding the Fengling system."

"Ding, the Fengling blood is implanted, changing the host's physique!"

Long Fengxing suddenly burst out with blue light, illuminating the sky.

The cyan light turned into a cyan river, washing Long Fengxing's blood meridians and limbs back and forth.began to modify his body.


Long Fengxing raised his head and roared in pain.Binding the wind spirit system forcibly made him feel so much pain that he wished he could slap him and knock himself out!

(End of this chapter)

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