Anti-sky file system

Chapter 416 Darkroom

Chapter 416 Darkroom
Because Long Fengxing is a monster, his body structure is quite different from that of humans.Although the system can be bound, the pain suffered is several times, even ten times, that of Su Lin, Xue Wuhen and others when binding the system!
Waves of heart-piercing wailing came from Long Fengxing's mouth, which made people feel pain even hearing it.

Although the process was extremely empty, Long Fengxing still gritted his teeth and persisted.

He can't be in a coma, let alone give up.Because this is his only chance!
If he wants to become a strong man and revitalize the True Dragon Clan, he must resist the pain in front of him!
Time passed minute by minute, and to Long Fengxing, every second was as long as a century.

Finally, after an hour of transformation, Long Fengxing's body was transformed.Compared with before, his body has obviously changed.

Long Fengxing felt that his body became much lighter, and his moving speed was much faster than before.

In Long Fengxing's body, he now has a sixth-grade bloodline -- Fengling bloodline!
Although Fengling's bloodline is not as good as his original true dragon's bloodline.However, the level of Fengling's bloodline will increase with the upgrade of the system.

If Long Fengxing can upgrade the Fengling system to the highest level.Then he will transform into a wind spirit of heaven and earth, with unparalleled strength, not weaker than a real dragon.

The wind-attribute aura in the Manghuang Tiangu seems to be fatally attracted.In an instant, it turned into a raging wave, frantically rushing towards Long Fengxing.He had just finished binding the wind spirit system, and urgently needed to devour a large amount of wind attribute spirit energy to stabilize it.

After a while, Long Fengxing, who had devoured the spiritual energy, opened his eyes suddenly.Two substantial green lights burst out from his eyes, stirring up the world.

Long Fengxing raised his head and roared, the roar was earth-shattering.

I saw countless wind attribute auras, condensing a pair of huge light blue wings behind him.

Long Fengxing fluttered his wings, and his body shot out like an arrow off the string.In the blink of an eye, a distance of thousands of meters has passed.

Long Fengxing clenched his fists hard, feeling his flesh carefully.Although he lost the blood of the real dragon, he lost his natural ability - dragon's breath.But his strength has only dropped a little.As for talent, it is no worse than having the blood of a real dragon.

As Chu Yunfan said, with the help of the Fengling system, he can also reach the peak!

After binding the Wind Spirit system, in addition to having a sixth-grade bloodline—the Wind Spirit bloodline.

As long as Long Fengxing practices wind attribute skills and martial arts, he will make rapid progress.And it can exert its power to the extreme!

Moreover, the wind spirit system will also be upgraded according to the completion of the task.And unlock new features.

"Thank you benefactor! If my benefactor is useful to my place where Long Fengxing is, even if he makes me go through mountains of swords and seas of fire and die in a desperate situation. As long as my benefactor gives an order, I, Long Fengxing, will never frown."

Long Fengxing cupped his fists and said firmly.

Chu Yunfan waved his hand, and said slowly: "Senior Long Tianlei has saved my life, so I should help you."

"Senior Long Tianlei has fallen, do you intend to stay in Beast God Mountain? Or leave with me?"

Without the slightest hesitation, Long Fengxing chose to leave with Chu Yunfan.

But before leaving, Long Fengxing brought Chu Yunfan to the stone palace.I saw his claws in the void, engraving the seal.A jerky and incomprehensible spell was softly chanted in his mouth.


The moment Long Fengxing finished singing, the stone hall suddenly began to tremble violently, the ground shattered, and a huge ground crack opened.

A dark room hidden underground in the stone palace appeared in front of Chu Yunfan.

"This is?" Chu Yunfan frowned, already having an answer in his heart.

"This is the treasury left by our clan. Wangcai was born as a descendant of Pixiu, and has the ability to devour. Swallowing all the treasures in the treasury should improve its cultivation a lot." Long Fengxing said .

Having lost the blood of the real dragon, it can be said that he is no longer a member of the real dragon clan.Therefore, the treasures of the real dragon clan should also belong to Wangcai.

Looking at the treasure in the dark room, Chu Yunfan couldn't help opening his eyes wide and opening his mouth wide enough to stuff a goose egg.

The treasures in the darkroom are all priceless.Each treasure is worth more than one billion taels.Some treasures are even worth trillions of taels!
Chu Yunfan unexpectedly saw a domineering battle ax in the dark room.This battle ax is a sacred weapon!
In the dark room, there are extraordinary medicinal materials and spiritual materials that have long since disappeared, and there is even a plant, a sacred medicinal material!

Just when Chu Yunfan was staring blankly, Wangcai touched him and said, "I'm already a mid-seventh-level monster now. And the realm of the master is the Third Heaven of Broken Void. Therefore, these treasures are made by The master devoured it."

"No, these are the treasures of the real dragon clan, and you should devour them." Chu Yunfan quickly refused.

One person and one beast argued for a long time, and Chu Yunfan had no choice but to accept Wangcai's proposal.It's just that he is not prepared to devour all the treasures.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the Transcendent herbs in the dark room.Then activate the consciousness, enter the WPS file system, and the Danfang patch package on the official website.

According to the existing medicinal materials, he found the prescriptions of four high-level extraordinary pills.

The first elixir is used for detoxification.The second type of elixir is used to heal wounds.The remaining two elixirs are used to improve cultivation!

Chu Yunfan resolutely spent 2 star points to buy those two pills for improving cultivation.

These two pills are the Blood Lotus Heavenly Pill and Overlord Pill!
Among them, the Blood Lotus Heavenly Pill can increase the chances of a breakthrough by [-]% for the monks of the Martial King Jiuchongtian!
As for the Overlord Pellet, there is a [-]% chance that a monk in the Martial King Realm will be promoted to a small realm.There is a [-]% chance of directly raising two small realms.

With these two pills, the strength of Xuanwu Continent will definitely be greatly improved.

The aliens can only be sealed by the four broken imperial weapons for three years.

Apart from finding a way, Chu Yunfan found a strong person in the Saint King Realm.We must also work hard to improve the strength of Xuanwu Continent.After all, if no Saint King Realm powerhouse is found, these aliens will have to face it by themselves.

After Chu Yunfan bought the formulas of Blood Lotus Heaven Pill and Overlord Pill, he used the formula function to improve the formulas.The efficacy of the elixir has been increased by one point.

The formulas of Blood Lotus Heavenly Pill and Overlord Pill have been improved, each adding a supernatural medicinal material.

Chu Yunfan has seen these two kinds of medicinal materials in the treasure house of the Chufeng Ancient Clan.

With a wave of Chu Yunfan's hand, he will need to refine the medicinal materials of the Blood Lotus Heavenly Pill and Overlord Pill, and put them into the space ring.In addition to medicinal materials, Chu Yunfan also put some spiritual materials into the space ring.

As for the sacred weapon battle ax in the dark room, it was handed over to Wang Cai for safekeeping.

(End of this chapter)

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