Anti-sky file system

Chapter 423 Heading to Cangyun Continent

Chapter 423 Heading to Cangyun Continent
After clarifying the goal, Chu Yunfan's eyes were full of fighting spirit.Although the world outside the Xuanwu Continent is full of dangers.But Chu Yunfan believed that he would climb to the top and overlook all living beings!
Chu Yunfan is now on the Qingxuan ancient star, and his side mission: to leave the Xuanwu Continent.When he stepped out of the door of space, it was already completed.Acquired 1000 star points.

Chu Yunfan now has a total of 1549453 star points.

As long as he can become the lord of Feiyun City, then his other sub-quest: gaining a foothold in other places can be completed.

Chu Yunfan has integrated the blood of Frost Earth. He is in Cangyun Continent, so he can completely say that he is a member of the Du family.In order to better disguise your identity, and not be discovered by others.

Chu Yunfan decided to practice Du Shaofu's skills and martial arts.

He firstly used the search and replace function to improve all the exercises and martial arts handed down by the Du family that he had obtained from Du Shaofu's memory.

The reason is not improved with conditional formatting.It was because these exercises and martial arts didn't have much effect on Chu Yunfan.Cultivating them is just to hide their identities.Just pursue the power of skills and martial arts.

After improving the exercises and martial arts, Chu Yunfan copied and pasted the content into the blank document one by one, and started to practice.

After a while, Chu Yunfan practiced all these exercises and martial arts to perfection.The information in the fifth original document has changed at this time.

Because the fifth original document has not been connected with the first four original documents.Therefore, the information in the original document is displayed separately.

Host: Chu Yunfan
Cultivation level: Fragmented Void Eight Layers (initial stage)
Cultivation method: "Nine Nether Cold Soil Jue" (earth-level low-level exercises)

Mastery: perfect
Practicing martial arts: Tianshuang Houtu Fist (earth-level low-level martial arts)

Mastery: perfect
Frost Hands (Mysterious High-rank Martial Skill)

Mastery: perfect
Bloodline: Frost Earth Bloodline

Ability: Shield

Because of the fusion of Frost Earth's bloodline, the official website has updated the medium force: Frost Earth Force, medium will: Frost Earth Will, and medium profound meaning: Frost Earth Profound Meaning.

Chu Yunfan spent 5550 star points to buy them all.

The current Chu Yunfan can completely use his identity as a member of the Du family without any flaws.

As for Lin Xingyu and Wangcai, Chu Yunfan decided to let them stay in the space file for a while.After he has established a firm foothold in the Cangyun Continent.Then find a way to arrange their status.

"Go to Cangyun Continent first, and take over the Du family's mansion."

Chu Yunfan soared into the sky, and according to Du Shaofu's memory, flew towards the transmission array of Qingxuan ancient star.

The ancient star Qingxuan is just an ancient star of life.The ancient star is small in size, lacks aura, and has limited cultivation resources.Therefore, people on the ancient planet generally have low cultivation.The strongest person is nothing but the Shattered Void Realm.

Chu Yunfan didn't need to stay here any longer.

An hour later, he came to an altar built with spirit stones and opened it.A door of space opened immediately.

Chu Yunfan stepped forward and disappeared in place in an instant.

The teleportation altar on the Qingxuan ancient planet is obviously of a much lower grade than the five-color altar in the Xuandi Hall.

The multicolored altar in the Xuandi Temple constitutes the gate of space.It will be randomly opened at any one of the nine life ancient stars.

And the teleportation altar of Qingxuan Ancient Star can only teleport people to the fixed teleportation altar of Cangyun Continent.

After a whirlwind, Chu Yunfan walked out from a teleportation altar in the south of Cangyun Continent.

"Although the Cangyun Continent is only a low-level continent, it has not been sealed. The aura is several times stronger than that of the Xuanwu Continent."

Chu Yunfan breathed heavily, the fresh air of Cangyun Continent.

He identified the direction, flew away, turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the direction of Du's mansion according to Du Shaofu's memory.

The Cangyun Continent is jointly controlled by the city lords of fifty star cities.Every city lord controls a large area.

These regions are all named after the city of stars that ruled them.For example, the Du family where Du Shaofu is located is in the Feiyun area under the control of Feiyun City.

In the Feiyun region, apart from the star city Feiyun City, there are many ordinary cities.The Du family is in an ordinary city called Silver Frost City.

A few hours later, Chu Yunfan came to Silver Frost City.Outside Silver Frost City, he encountered the inspection of two soldiers in bright silver armor.

The cultivation bases of these two soldiers have both reached the Ascension Stage.The word Feiyun is engraved on its armor.Obviously, they were soldiers from Feiyun City.

Although the City Lord of Feiyun City is dead, the position of City Lord is vacant.However, the soldiers of Feiyun City still strictly followed the rules set by Baihu Ancient City.Check everyone who enters the city.

After confirming that the blood in Chu Yunfan's body belonged to the blood in the blood spectrum, the soldiers put him into the city.

"I didn't expect that thousands of years had passed since the shocking war, and Baihu Ancient City's supervision of Xuanwu Continent is still so strict. Fortunately, I met Du Shaofu, otherwise, my identity would definitely be exposed." Chu Yunfan said with great joy in his heart.

After entering Silver Frost City, Chu Yunfan walked westward, and after a while, he came to a mansion.

This is the residence of the Du family.

The Du family was in the Silver Frost City, and things were going well.One of the three major families in Silver Frost City.If it wasn't for getting the token of the battle for the city lord, it would be snatched by Lin Zichen.There will be no genocide at all.

At this time, the Du Mansion had changed its name and became the Han Mansion.

The Han family is also one of the three major families in Silver Frost City, and its strength is comparable to that of the Du family.After Lin Zichen sent someone to slaughter the whole family of Du's family.

The Han family immediately sent someone to take over the Du family's mansion, and joined forces with the Feng family, another of the three major families in Yinshuang City.Together they divided up the property of the Du family.

Chu Yunfan raised his head and glanced at the plaque of the Han Mansion. He directly swung an invisible sword energy and smashed it into pieces.

"All of the Han family, I'll give you ten seconds to get out of Du's mansion. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Chu Yunfan's voice echoed across the sky like rolling thunder.Not only the Han family heard it, but everyone in Yinshuang City heard it.

"Someone dares to trouble the Han family, they really don't know how to live or die."

"Judging from his tone, he must be from the Du family."

"Impossible. The members of the Du family have obviously been wiped out. Even if there are one or two fish that slipped through the net, they must be hiding now, and it is impossible to show up."


Just as people in the city were discussing, a figure in the Han Mansion soared into the sky.The majestic momentum swept across the sky.

"He Fangxiao, who came to my cold mansion to make trouble! Just use your life to repent for your stupid behavior!"

As he said that, the figure condensed a big Qingtian handprint, and slapped Chu Yunfan fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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