Chapter 424
"It's just a mere aspiration to the third heaven, and you dare to be arrogant in front of me."

Chu Yunfan snorted coldly, stomped his right foot on the ground, and turned into a human-shaped cannonball with the help of powerful reverse thrust.He rushed towards the figure.

Chu Yunfan's physical state has reached the early seven-star state.Even if he doesn't use spiritual power, he can beat monks below the fifth heaven with his physical strength alone.

I saw Chu Yunfan attacking in front of the figure in an instant.He swung his right fist, carrying the power to dominate the world, and blasted towards that figure.

The Qingtian big handprint condensed in the void was instantly shattered.Chu Yunfan's fist hit the figure's chest straight.


The sound of bone breaking came out, and the figure spat out blood, like a kite with a broken string, and smashed hard towards the ground.

Chu Yunfan's punch directly smashed five of his ribs.Let his chest sag completely.

Within the Han residence, several streaks of light burst out in an instant.The leader is called Han Feng, and he is an old man with white hair and a childlike face.His cultivation has reached the fifth heaven.He is an elder of the Han family.

"Blood of Frost Earth! You are from the Du family? But why have I never seen you before?" Han Feng stared at Chu Yunfan, frowning tightly.

Both the Du family and the Han family are among the three major families in Silver Frost City.They all know each other very well.How could he not know that the Du family had such a powerful young man.

"My name is Du Yunfan! I'm Du Shaofu's cousin. He went out to practice at the age of eight. A few days ago, my cousin sent me a letter saying that something happened to the family. I set off and rushed here, but I was still a step late!"

Chu Yunfan's eyes flashed cold, and he said in a cold voice: "People from the Han family dare to take advantage of our family's danger and occupy our family's mansion! They are looking for death!"

"Within ten breaths, get out of my family's mansion. Otherwise, you will stay here forever!"

Chu Yunfan's words made everyone feel cold.Even the cold wind felt a chill in my heart.

When he came back to his senses, his eyebrows were raised upside down.It is a great shame that he, who has the cultivation base of the fifth heaven, should be frightened by a monk of the eighth heaven of fragmentation.

Although Chu Yunfan's combat strength is against the sky, he can leapfrog the ranks to fight.But the Han family except him, and the one who was just abolished by Chu Yunfan, the one who was a strong man at the top of the list.There are also six Aspirations Realm powerhouses.

Among them, the head of the Han family is a strong man who aspires to the Nine Heavens, only half a step away from the Martial King Realm.Getting rid of Chu Yunfan is definitely not a problem.

"A bereaved dog dares to threaten my Han family! I really don't know how to write death. This old man will send you on the road now, and let you meet the Du family!"

After finishing speaking, Han Feng waved his sleeves and rolled up two hurricanes, which hit Chu Yunfan.

"Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.He let out a low voice, "Sky Frost Thick Earth Fist!"

I saw him punching out, and the icy chill condensed into a icy fist wind.Wherever the fist wind passes, the air condenses and the ground freezes, the power is astonishing!
At the same time, Chu Yunfan also displayed the medium-level profound art, the frost-earth profound art.Combined with Tianshuang Thick Earth Fist.The power of martial arts is greatly increased.

The two hurricanes blown by the cold wind were instantly frozen.He didn't even touch Chu Yunfan's body.

"Sky Frost's Thick Earth Fist! The secret of the Du family. I didn't expect you to be a direct descendant of the Du family!" Han Feng's face changed slightly.

Originally he had doubts about Chu Yunfan's identity, but after seeing Tianshuang's thick earth fist.The suspicion in my heart was instantly dispelled.

"This kid's combat power is against the sky, and his talent is extremely high. We must not let him live!"

A fierce light flashed in Hanfeng's eyes.The cultivation base of aspiring to the fifth heaven erupted suddenly.He rushed towards Chu Yunfan.

But he underestimated Chu Yunfan's strength, and overestimated his own.

In just a few breaths, he was severely injured by Chu Yunfan.Not only him, but even several other top-level powerhouses of the Han family were severely injured by Chu Yunfan and fell to the ground, completely losing their fighting power.

"Du Yunfan, even if you go against the sky, I don't believe you can fight against the Patriarch!"

Cold Wind directly took out a sound transmission jade talisman from the space ring and crushed it.Wake up the Patriarch who has been retreating.

After receiving the sound transmission, the Patriarch of the Han Family immediately rushed out of the retreat, and immediately hit the sky above the Han Mansion.

"Patriarch, this son is a direct descendant of the Du family, with extremely high talent, we must not let him leave alive!" Han Feng shouted eagerly.

When the Patriarch of the Han family heard the words, a powerful killing intent erupted from his body.

"Come on!"

"Hehe, it's up to you?" Chu Yunfan sneered, although the cultivator who aspires to the Nine Heavens is powerful.But against him, there is only a tragic end.

Chu Yunfan is now, although he only has the cultivation level of the Eighth Heaven of Fragmentation.But relying on the powerful beast blood, as well as the heaven-defying exercises and martial arts.It has already allowed him to leapfrog and fight, sweeping away the monks in the aspirations realm.

"Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger!"

Chu Yunfan let out a low cry, poked his finger, and the world suddenly changed color.A sky-reaching finger condensed out in the void, exuding terrifying power.

In order to hide their identities, the bloodlines of the four great beasts and the mysteries of the beasts cannot be used.But the profound meaning of the mountain and the profound meaning of the sword can be displayed.

When the profound meaning of the mountain, the profound meaning of the sword, and the profound meaning of the frost and earth are all fused on the nine-day disillusionment finger.This sky-reaching finger seemed to have turned into an epee as thick as a mountain, exuding an icy chill.It seems to open up the world.

The face of the head of the Han family changed again and again. He knew that Chu Yunfan was not as easy to deal with as he imagined.Without the slightest hesitation, the head of the Han family directly unleashed the strongest attack.

"Ice Blade Storm!"

The ice mysteries were unleashed, and thousands of sharp ice blades condensed around the body of the Patriarch of the Han family, forming a huge and incomparable storm.With the momentum of destroying the world, he attacked Chu Yunfan.

Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger and Ice Blade Storm collided instantly.A loud bang resounded through the heavens.The powerful aftermath of energy swept across the entire Silver Frost City, setting off countless smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust in the sky have not yet dissipated,

"Sword Art of the Sky!"

Chu Yunfan knew that with the Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger alone, it was absolutely impossible to seriously injure the Patriarch of the Han family.So after he used the Nine Heavens Disillusionment Finger, he immediately used the Sky Sword Art.

Above the sky, the clouds were surging, and a huge divine sword, carrying an extremely terrifying sword energy, was hanging down.

Although the head of the Han family resisted desperately, he was still severely injured by the sword of the sky, leaving a bloodstain on his chest.Bright red blood gushed out.

Suddenly, a cracking sound rang out.

Chu Yunfan instantly attacked behind the head of the Han family, and with a sharp kick of the whip, he was knocked to the ground directly.

Chu Yunfan stepped on the face of the Patriarch of the Han family, and said in an extremely cold voice: "Now, do you still want to take my life?"

(End of this chapter)

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