Anti-sky file system

Chapter 425 Mo Feifei

Chapter 425 Mo Feifei

"Your Du family offended the Tiansong City Lord's Mansion, and all of them were wiped out. You dare to brag about your whereabouts. You don't know how to live or die. If I were you, I would turn around and run away now. Maybe I could survive." The Patriarch of the Han family sneered road.

"It's just the City Lord's Mansion of Tiansong City. I will go to them in person and settle the Du family's debt in a short time." Chu Yunfan said coldly.

"But before that, I have to settle the accounts between the Han family and my Du family!"

A ferocious light flashed across Chu Yunfan's eyes, his left hand formed a claw, grabbed the head of the Han family, and grabbed him.The huge strength of the hand made the Patriarch of the Han family's face flushed and it was difficult to breathe.

I saw Chu Yunfan clenched his right hand into a fist, carrying a mighty force, and slammed hard on the stomach of the Patriarch of the Han family.


A tragic howl came from the throat of the Patriarch of the Han family.Chu Yunfan directly abolished his Dantian Zifu, turning him into a cripple who couldn't cultivate.

After Chu Yunfan tore off the interspatial ring from the hand of the Patriarch of the Han family, he casually threw the Patriarch of the Han family on the ground like throwing garbage.

He said to the elders of the Han family who fell to the ground: "I will give you one minute to hand over the embezzled property of the Du family and half of the property of your Han family. Otherwise, I will destroy all your dantians !"

When the elders of the Han family heard the words, they all felt cold, especially when they saw the head of the Han family who had been abolished.Everyone felt a chill, rushing directly from the soles of their feet to their foreheads.

The great elder of the Han family rolled and crawled on the ground, rushing towards the treasure house of the Han family.

After a while, he returned and carefully handed Chu Yunfan two space rings.One of them pretended to be the property of the Du family.There is also a coin that pretends to be half of the Han family's property.

"Besides the Han family, who else embezzled my Du family's property?" Chu Yunfan asked coldly.

The great elder of the Han family did not dare to hide anything, so he resolutely betrayed the Feng family.

"Hurry up and get out of my Du's mansion. If you are still here when I come back, I will not abolish your cultivation, but keep your heads!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunfan soared into the sky and rushed towards Feng's house.

The Feng family and the Han family are about the same in strength, and there are six or seven strong men in the family.The head of the family is a strong man who aspires to the Nine Heavens, and he is only a hair away from the Martial King Realm.

After Chu Yunfan rushed to Feng's house, it only took half an hour to overthrow the head of Feng's family, together with all the elders, to the ground.

The conditions are the same as for the Han family.Chu Yunfan took away the property of Du's family they embezzled and half of the property of Feng's family from Feng's family.

After leaving Feng's house, Chu Yunfan did not return to Du's house immediately.Instead, leave Silver Frost City.He is going to visit Mohu City in Mohu area.

Just like what the Patriarch of the Han family said, the Tiansong City City Lord's Mansion will definitely attack him after getting news of him.

With Chu Yunfan's current strength, he still can't deal with Tiansong City's Lord's Mansion.So, he decided to find someone to ally with.The ally he has in mind is Mohu City.

Chu Yunfan knew that he had exposed the identity of the Du family's children.It will definitely attract the pursuit of Tiansong City City Lord's Mansion.But he still made a high-profile appearance in Silver Frost City to avenge the Du family.

Chu Yunfan did this to reveal his identity.Let the people of Silver Frost City know that he is a direct descendant of the Du family and has the blood of the Du family.Only in this way can his identity not be suspected by others.

Chu Yunfan had already thought about the way forward.

Mohu City, like Feiyun City and Tiansong City, is also a city of stars.Take control of the Mohu area.

Chu Yunfan learned from Du Shaofu's memory that Mohu City and Tiansong City have always been at odds.The two star cities often have conflicts.Sometimes there are big fights.

As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.Chu Yunfan wanted to form an alliance with Mohu City and use its power to protect himself.

Just as Chu Yunfan was rushing to Mohu City, the Tiansong City Lord's Mansion received the news.It is said that the members of the Du family are not dead, and there is also a cultivation genius who appeared in Yinshuang City and taught the Han family and the Feng family a lesson.

Tiansong City City Lord's Mansion immediately dispatched strong men to search for Chu Yunfan's whereabouts.

A day later, Chu Yunfan arrived at Mohu City.After he entered the city, he went straight to the City Lord's Mansion.

"Is the City Lord of Mohu City here? Junior Du Yunfan, I have something important to discuss with the City Lord." Chu Yunfan stood in the City Lord's Mansion and shouted loudly.

"Where did you come from, you little boy, dare to speak nonsense in the city lord's mansion! Just because you want to see the city lord, and don't take a picture of yourself." The guard of the city lord's mansion sternly shouted.

Chu Yunfan glanced at the guard lightly and ignored him.He shouted loudly again: "Junior Du Yunfan, I have important matters to discuss with the city lord."

"How dare you take my words as a deaf ear, court death!"

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion was furious, and waved the long spear in his hand, and instantly swung several spear shadows, stabbing at the vital parts of Chu Yunfan's body.

Chu Yunfan had no intention of defending at all. When the gun shadow was less than one meter away from him, he shot like lightning.The fierce fist wind shattered the shadow of the gun directly, and the fist hit the guard directly.

The guard's eyes opened wide, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew upside down.Directly smashed the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Do you have something important to discuss with the city lord?"

At this time, a man as rich as jade came out of the city lord's mansion. The man was extremely handsome, and he exuded the aura of a superior person all over his body.

This person is the lord of Mohu City, Mo Feifan.

According to the rules set by Baihu Ancient City, the city lord of Xingchen City can only be held by extremely talented young people.

Mo Feifei is 29 years old this year, but his cultivation has reached the seventh heaven, which shows his high aptitude.

Standing beside him was a foreigner with dark skin and a gloomy aura all over his body.This person is the enshrinement of Mohu City, and possesses the cultivation base of the Heavenly King Realm!

This strong man of the Heavenly King Realm put great pressure on Chu Yunfan.

"I'll give you a chance to say something. If you don't attract the interest of the city lord, then you can die." Mo Feifei said indifferently, with the attitude of a superior.

"I have a piece in my hand, the token of Feiyun City's battle for the lord of the city." Chu Yunfan raised his eyebrows and said lightly.

Mo Feifei's eyes suddenly flashed a bright light. As the lord of Mohu City, he is very clear about the value of a battle token for the lord battle.He said slowly:

"Do you want to sell the token of the battle for the city lord to the city lord?"

Chu Yunfan shook his head and said, "I want to form an alliance with the City Lord to deal with the Tiansong City City Lord's Mansion together!"

"Hahaha, a cultivator from the Eighth Heaven of Shattering Void actually wants to form an alliance with the Lord of this city, he really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth."

"Although you have the token of the battle for the city lord in your hand. But just because you want to form an alliance with the city lord, do you deserve it?" Mo Feifei said contemptuously.

(End of this chapter)

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