Anti-sky file system

Chapter 474 Purchase VIP3

Chapter 474 Purchase VIP3
The too-normal body: progress, 5.00%.

For every one percent increase in progress, 50 star points will be obtained.

If the progress is increased to a whole number of tens, such as 20.00%, 30.00%, 500%, an additional 5000 star points will be obtained.If the progress is increased to [-]%, and the mission of the too-normal body is completed, an additional [-] star points will be obtained.

The content of the top mission of Taichang Body is exactly the same as that of the top missions such as Xuanwu Bone and Immortal Body.

"The top mission of the Taichang Bloodline has appeared. As the progress of the mission progresses, my physical strength will also increase rapidly!" Chu Yunfan's mouth was filled with joy.

As for the number of star points that can be obtained by completing the top task.Chu Yunfan didn't care anymore, he now devoured a few plants of high-level medicinal herbs casually to get star points.It's much more than that.

With the awakening of Taichang's bloodline, the official website was immediately updated, Advanced Martial Power: Taichang Martial Power, Higher Will: Taichang Will, and Higher Mystery: Taichang Mystery.

Chu Yunfan spent 11100 star points to buy them all.

Chu Yunfan originally had 16879553 star points, but after purchasing Wanwushi, Will, and Profound Truth, there are still 16868453 star points left.

Because of the emergence of the top mission of the Taichang Body, it will kill a big devil in the Heavenly King Realm, and the side mission will replace it.

Therefore, all five side missions have been completed.In the branch task bar, a new branch task is updated again.

"Leave the Xuanwu Great World!"

Chu Yunfan glanced at the newly updated side missions in the task column, and then turned his attention to the column of star points.

"There are only more than 300 million star points left, and you can buy VIP3."

Chu Yunfan flipped his palm and took out 600 yuan high-grade spirit stone from the space ring.

Then the blood of the real dragon was activated, and his hands turned into two mini black holes, and began to devour the top-grade spirit stones.

Half an hour later, Chu Yunfan completely devoured the 600 yuan high-grade spirit stone, and his cultivation level went directly from the fifth heaven to the sixth heaven.

Through the dragon blood mission, Chu Yunfan obtained 600 million star points.Adding the remaining star points from before, he now has a total of 22868453 star points.

"Finally, we have collected 2000 million star points, and we can buy VIP3." Chu Yunfan said to himself.

However, Chu Yunfan was not in a hurry to buy VIP3, he first took Wangcai out of the space file.

"Wangcai, devour all of these."

Chu Yunfan stroked Wangcai's forehead affectionately.From the interspatial ring, he took out the remaining 400 yuan high-grade spirit stone, and the extraordinary low-level spirit weapon that Jin Moxuan gave him.

Extraordinary low-level spiritual weapons are not very useful to Chu Yunfan, and they might as well be swallowed by Wangcai.Used to increase the strength of Wangcai.

400 yuan of top-grade spirit stones, equivalent to four trillion taels of silver.And that Transcendent low-level spirit weapon is of quite good quality, comparable to ordinary Transcendent mid-level spirit weapons.Its value is more than four trillion taels.

Wangcai didn't show politeness to Chu Yunfan, and directly opened his mouth to activate the devouring power, devouring the 400 yuan high-grade spirit stone and the extraordinary low-level spirit weapon.


A terrifying power burst out from Wangcai's body.

In the Frost Cave, Wangcai had devoured many treasures of heaven and earth.This time, it devoured another eight trillion taels of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, directly allowing it to break through to the late seventh-order monster beast!

"Wangcai, I have to wrong you to stay in the space file for a while. After you leave the Xuanwu Great World, you will be allowed to move freely." Chu Yunfan said, stroking Wangcai's forehead.


Wangcai knew the situation Chu Yunfan was in now, so he understood his approach very well.

After putting Wangcai into the space file, Chu Yunfan's consciousness sank into the WPS file system.

"Finally I can buy VIP3."

Chu Yunfan is looking forward to the role of VIP3.

He directly spent 2000 million star points and purchased VIP3.A dazzling light burst out from the system.The information in the original document changed instantly.

Host: Chu Yunfan, in this column.Behind Chu Yunfan's name, the original VIP2 has now become VIP3, shining with a faint light.

After spending 2000 million star points, Chu Yunfan now has 2868453 star points left.He quickly mobilized his consciousness and moved towards the various functions that had been activated.

Under the VIP3 authority, the role of individual functions has increased a lot.

Blank document function (increased by 20.00%): The speed of practicing exercises and martial arts has been improved.

Annotation function (increased by 20.00%): More detailed annotations on medicinal materials, spiritual materials, and monsters.

Search and replace function (increased by 20.00%): The power of the improved exercises and martial arts has increased.

Hyperlink function (increased by 20.00%): The stability of spiritual connection has been improved.

Formula function (increased by 20.00%): The effect of the improved pill formula, formation map, and spiritual weapon map has been increased.

In addition, under the authority of VIP3.Using the formula function, the host can create below the third grade (including the third grade), pill recipes, array diagrams, and spirit weapon diagrams.

Conditional formatting function (increased by 20.00%): According to more conditions, you can modify the exercises and martial arts that are more suitable for monks to practice.

In addition, under the authority of VIP3, the conditional formatting function can create yellow-level low-level and yellow-level intermediate skills and martial arts based on fixed conditions, such as wind attributes, fire attributes, or strength and speed!

Starburst function (temporarily unfrozen): Under VIP3 authority, the starburst function is temporarily unfrozen.It can be used once every three months.And when using it, only six activated functions can be detonated at most.

The original star burst function can only be used once every six months.Now the time has been shortened by half. Although the time is still a bit long, it is much better than before.

What shocked Chu Yunfan the most was the conditional formatting function.He didn't expect that under the VIP3 authority, the conditional formatting function could create exercises and martial arts!

Although he could only create the lowest-level yellow-level low-level and intermediate-level exercises and martial arts, this was created out of thin air!It is completely different from improvement.

To give the simplest example, ordinary skills and martial arts mostly have a single attribute.However, Chu Yunfan can completely mix two or three attributes together to create mixed-attribute skills and martial arts.

You can even create exercises and martial arts according to your own situation.

"Under the authority of VIP3, you can create low-level and intermediate-level martial arts and martial arts. What about VIP4, VIP5, and VIP6?"

"As long as the authority is sufficient, can I use the conditional formatting function to create the inheritance skills of the blood of the beast. This way, I don't have to bother and look for it." Chu Yunfan's eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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