Anti-sky file system

Chapter 475 Heaven's Way Warning

Chapter 475 Heaven's Way Warning
If it is not because of the VIP3 authority, the conditional formatting function can only create low-level and intermediate-level exercises of the yellow rank.

Chu Yunfan now wants to use the conditional formatting function to directly create the first volume of the Taichang family's inherited exercises.

Chu Yunfan bought VIP3 and spent 2000 million star points. The price of VIP4 is ten times that of VIP3, reaching [-] million taels.

Although the price is extremely expensive, it is only based on the function of the formula function and the function of the conditional formatting function.Chu Yunfan felt that it was worth the money.

"It's time to completely get rid of the Tianzi Shenwen!"

In Chu Yunfan's eyes, two yellow rays of light flashed across his body, full of murderous aura.

After continuous attacks, the Tianzi Shenwen has long been dimmed and extremely gloomy.

Its blocking effect on the security protection function and the sealing effect on the hyperlink function are only [-]% left.

Although the divine text of Tianzi had little influence on Chu Yunfan.But only by completely erasing it from his body can he be relieved.

Chu Yunfan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and fully mobilized the blood power, soul power, and spiritual power of the five great beasts, and launched a fierce attack towards the Tianzi divine text in the center of the WPS file system.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Under Chu Yunfan's urging, the five original documents erupted with terrifying power.

The first original document condensed a flame phoenix, exuding fiery heat.

The second original document condenses a real dragon with teeth and claws, the might of the dragon is overwhelming!
The third original document condenses a huge Soaring Snake. Although the Soaring Snake is condensed from black flames, it is extremely cold.

The fourth original document is rippling with water, a huge Xuanwu.

The fifth original document is full of coercion, condensing a khaki Taichang.

The phantom of the divine beast transformed from the blood of the five great divine beasts, carrying the power of destroying heaven and earth, ruthlessly blasted towards the divine text of Tianzi.

In addition to the blood power of the five great beasts, Chu Yunfan's majestic soul power and spiritual power, like a tsunami, blasted towards Tianzi Shenwen!


Chu Yunfan raised his head and let out a painful howl.His expression was extremely ferocious, and his eyes were bloodshot.It can be seen that he is in great pain at this time.

Although the divine text of Tianzi is already dim and extremely gloomy.But it's at the center of the WPS documentation system.

Weaken its power, no problem.But trying to completely erase it is like pulling out the bone marrow from a person's body, it is extremely painful!

"It must be wiped out!"

Chu Yunfan gritted his teeth and persisted.Strands of bright red blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

As time passed, his seven orifices began to bleed, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

The more this is the case, the more Chu Yunfan wants to erase the Tianzi divine script from the WPS file system!
Ten minutes later, under the attack of the blood of the five great beasts, as well as the pounding soul power, and spiritual power, the Tianzi Shenwen gradually began to become transparent.

Just when Tianzi Shenwen was about to collapse.The divine text of Tianzi suddenly burst into dazzling light, and a terrifying power that suffocated the world suddenly burst out from the divine text.


Under this terrifying power, Chu Yunfan's body was severely injured, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Chu Yunfan's eyes narrowed suddenly, and there was a hint of shock in his eyes.Just as he was shocked by the terrifying power erupting from the Tianzi divine script, an emotionless voice suddenly sounded in Chu Yunfan's mind.

"Heavenly characters and divine characters represent the way of heaven. If you dare to attack the way of heaven, you will be killed without mercy!"

This voice is extremely vicissitudes, as if it came from ancient times.And full of majesty!

Under this voice, Chu Yunfan felt that he was as small as an ant.

"Could this voice be the voice of heaven?" Chu Yunfan's face was filled with horror.

The way of heaven is above all living beings.Think of it as the order of the universe.

Although Chu Yunfan thought that there must be a connection between Tianzi Shenwen and Tiandao.But I didn't expect that the connection between the two was so close.When the Tianzi Shenwen was about to collapse, the Heavenly Dao would actually intervene.

Chu Yunfan fell into a passive state at this time.

Tiandao has already issued a warning, if the Tianzi divine text is forcibly erased.It is bound to anger Heaven.In case of the legendary punishment from heaven.

Not to mention that Chu Yunfan's current cultivation base is only aspiring to the fifth heaven, even if he is a strong man in the Great Sacred Realm, it is impossible for him to withstand the punishment of heaven.

But Chu Yunfan will always feel uneasy if the Tianzi divine text is not erased.

Chu Yunfan took a deep breath and slowly recovered.Decided to give up attacking Tianzi Shenwen for the time being.

The moment he received his power, Chu Yunfan clearly felt that the terrifying power of the Tianzi divine script was also slowly retracted and disappeared.

Chu Yunfan frowned slightly, thoughtfully.After a long time, he turned his palm over, took out the jade piece that recorded "Da Yan's Soul Refining Art" from the space ring, and started activating the hyperlink function to connect to Hai Wuya across continents.

Hai Wuya has lived for thousands of years and knows many secrets of the Three Thousand Great World.Therefore, Chu Yunfan wanted to ask Hai Wuya to see if he understood the Dao of Heaven.

Under the authority of VIP3, the success rate of the hyperlink function has reached a terrifying level.

Chu Yunfan used the hyperlink function, and within a minute, he felt a slight shock in his soul, and successfully connected to Hai Wuya.

"Senior Hai Wuya, I have already joined the wild holy city. And I was accepted as an apprentice by the deputy city lord of the wild holy city."

Chu Yunfan first reported his recent situation to Hai Wuya.

Hai Wuya, who was in the dark space, slowly raised his head, a gleam of light flashed across his eyes.

"Since you have joined the Wild Holy City, you can leave the Xuanwu Great World as long as you pass the assessment in the Wild Holy City."

"Assessment?" Chu Yunfan asked suspiciously.

Half a minute later, Hai Wuya's voice came leisurely.

"Baihu Ancient City and the Four Great Sacred Cities have their own assessments to test the strength of the disciples in the city. Only those who pass the assessment can leave the Xuanwu Great World."

"I remember that the third round of the Fengyun Grand Competition was to break into the White Tiger Tower. And the White Tiger Tower is the assessment of the ancient city of Baihu. The assessment of the wild holy city seems to be called the wild sea pearl."

Chu Yunfan nodded. Originally, he thought that by becoming a core disciple, he would be able to leave the Xuanwu Great World.It seems that he thought too simply.

"Senior, I mainly want to ask you about the connection of divine sense this time, do you understand the Dao of Heaven?" Chu Yunfan asked.

"The way of heaven?"

Hai Wuya's doubtful voice sounded beside Chu Yunfan's ear.

Chu Yunfan explained: "The system bound in my body has a celestial character in the center. I feel that this celestial character seems to have a control effect on the system, so I want to completely erase it. But when it is about to erase When it was time to eliminate, the way of heaven actually made a sound!"

(End of this chapter)

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