
Chapter 11

Chapter 11
"Xiang'er, what time is it?
Rubbing his eyes, Mo Xiaoyu sat up straight after scanning around to find that there was no Yu Tian.

"Where is your husband?"

Throwing the quilt aside in a hurry, Mo Xiaoyu stepped on the ground with both feet, and ran out before she even had time to put on her shoes and socks.

"Young Madam, you haven't even put on your coat yet."

After hearing the order, Xiang'er, who had just entered the door, became anxious when she saw Mo Xiaoyu running out in a hurry.

When Yu Tian went out, he specially told her.

Now that she is awake, not only did she fail to take good care of her wife, but she even made her stand barefoot on the ground.

Thinking of Yu Tian's serious appearance, Xiang'er shook her shoulders and grabbed Mo Xiaoyu's sleeve.

"Ma'am, the young master went to inspect those shops today."

After dragging Mo Xiaoyu to the chair, Xiang'er helped Mo Xiaoyu wash up while sighing.

"The young master also left in a hurry in the morning, so he didn't ask his wife to go with him."

"is it?"

Looking at the figure projected in the mirror, Mo Xiaoyu fell silent.

In the morning, she seemed to hear Yu Tian's voice in a daze.

Unfortunately, at that time, she was too tired...

Now that she is Yu Tian's wife, she must get up early to prepare breakfast for her husband-in-law in the future.

Clenching her fists, Mo Xiaoyu, who secretly made up her mind to be a competent wife, brushed her hair and was about to stand up.

"Madam, no matter how anxious you are, you have to wait for the slave to put on your clothes."

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's anxious face, Xiang'er snickered.

In the past, when the young master had a bad temper, these servants would guess what the future young lady would be like.

Now that she saw Mo Xiaoyu with her own eyes, Xiang'er, who had also figured out Mo Xiaoyu's temper, instantly let go of her heart.

Her young master has suffered too much, and now Mo Xiaoyu's appearance can be regarded as a beam of light for the young master.

"Look, this bun paired with this pink dress is the most suitable for my wife's temperament."

Originally, Mo Xiaoyu blamed himself for taking too much time to freshen up, but now hearing Xiang'er's praise, Mo Xiaoyu was very happy.

"Xiang'er's mouth is still sweet."

Laughing, and walking out the door slowly with the hem of her skirt in hand, Mo Xiaoyu's eyes rolled.

Yu Tian went to those shops ahead of time, so if she went there, she would definitely surprise Yu Tian.

Rubbing his chin, recalling Yu Tian's actions in recent days, Mo Xiaoyu suddenly thought of an idea.

"Xiang'er, let's go to the North Alley first."


Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's expectant look, Xiang'er sighed and got ready for the carriage...

Although the North Alley in Qingfeng Town was not as lively as the South Alley, none of the shops in the North Alley closed their doors due to depression.

This is the mayor's credit.

Although few people go to the North Alley, because the mayor gathered all the craftsmen in the North Alley, the North Alley has become a place for some "specific" people to visit even though it is desolate.

Now Mo Xiaoyu decided to go to Beixiang because there is one thing that must be bought in Beixiang.

"Xiang'er, you have enough money on your body."

Lifting the curtain of the car and looking at the shop in front of him, Mo Xiaoyu remembered the problem of the silver tael.

In the past, she could hunt some wild game to exchange for some things, but now, she doesn't even have a rabbit in her hand.

"Madam, you don't need to worry." After taking out the heavy purse from her waist with a smile, Xiang'er smiled triumphantly, "Master has already prepared pocket money for Madam to go out."

Looking at the heavy purse, although she didn't know exactly how many taels were in it, Mo Xiaoyu knew that the taels in Xiang'er's hand were enough for her to buy half a street.

"Sanggong is really a prodigal."

While talking, Mo Xiaoyu, who was about to open the curtain and jump out of the carriage, heard a "buzzing" sound...

"Xiang'er, get in the car quickly!"

Mo Xiaoyu had already yelled when he realized something was wrong.

But it's a pity that the swarm of wasps came in menacingly. Although Mo Xiaoyu was ready to deal with it, the swarm of wasps still rushed towards him...

"Master! I really didn't read the almanac when I went out today!"

Covering the pustules all over his face, the boy in linen immediately began to curse.

And it was his scolding that made Mo Xiaoyu instantly pinpoint the culprit of this "attack".

"You idiot!"

Seeing the honey sticking to the man's back, Mo Xiaoyu jumped out of the carriage and ran directly in front of the man.

"You are so stupid that your parents are willing to let you go out!"

Mo Xiaoyu yelled, while tugging hard at the piece of cloth stuck with honey behind the man.

Originally, she wanted to throw away the things about the lively hornet, but she didn't expect the man who was standing still just now to hang directly on Mo Xiaoyu's body.

"Sister, help me! Help me!"

Although I don't know what Mo Xiaoyu's specific abilities are, but after seeing Mo Xiaoyu who is still safe and sound under the siege of the hornet, Le Yousheng feels that his chance to survive has come.

"You prodigal son, let go of my wife!"

While continuing to drive away the wasps with a handkerchief, he stared at the man who was messing with Mo Xiaoyu.

Xiang'er completely ignored the big pain in her head at this moment, but picked up the horsewhip on the shaft and threw it at the opponent.

"Hurry up and get rid of your stinky hands!"

Seeing the man still embracing Mo Xiaoyu unscrupulously, Xiang'er was suddenly annoyed.


Realizing that the man had no intention of letting go, Mo Xiaoyu directly squeezed the man's wrist and exerted some strength.

"Yo yo, it hurts, it hurts."

While shouting, the man who let go of his hand shook his robe.

"I'm just seeking asylum. The two girls have regarded me as a villain from the beginning."

After looking at Mo Xiaoyu and Xiang'er for a few moments, after confirming that the other party would not attack, the man tore off half of the cloth covering his head.


Staring at the man who was swollen like a pig's head in front of him, Mo Xiaoyu sighed and dragged Xiang'er to enter the shop, but unfortunately, when Mo Xiaoyu was pulling Xiang'er to leave, Le You's voice was like a Like a wall, it firmly blocked the front.

(End of this chapter)

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