
Chapter 12

Chapter 12
"Girl, bring the uncle along!"

Pulling Mo Xiaoyu's arm, Le Yousheng rubbed his nose, then grabbed Mo Xiaoyu's clothes.

"Take me away, or you will die."

Looking down at the pair of black palms pulling his clothes, Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

"You want me to take you away?"


"You want me to buy you food, right?"

Nod again.

"You'd better stay on the sidelines!"

Pulling the palm off the shirt, Mo Xiaoyu dragged Xiang'er into the store without looking back.

"The most poisonous woman's heart..."

After touching his sore palm, Le You yelled at the people around him and squatted silently outside the shop door.

"What kind of accessories does the girl want to see?"

Looking at the two women who had just entered the door, the sharp-eyed shopkeeper immediately took aim at Mo Xiaoyu, the fat sheep.

"Our shop has high-quality jade wares, as well as some rare treasures from rare places. Whatever the girl wants, we have it in our shop."

Looking up and scanning the things in the store, Mo Xiaoyu quickly walked up to him after seeing a wooden hairpin embedded on the wall.

"How to sell this wooden hairpin?"

Looking at the hairpin that Mo Xiaoyu had already pinched in his hand, the shopkeeper felt a little troubled.

This thing was deposited here by a gentleman more than ten years ago. The man once explained that if the thing has not been taken away after 10 years, it will be disposed of by the shopkeeper.

It's almost ten years now, if you want to talk about selling this thing...

"If the girl wants it, that's the price."

Stretching out his palm and shaking his ten fingers, the shopkeeper sat back on the stool.

At this moment, it was as if Mo Xiaoyu was sure that Mo Xiaoyu would buy the hairpin. The shopkeeper was not in a hurry to ask for money.

Touching the things in his hands carefully, it was rare for Mo Xiaoyu to spend more effort than Yu Tian on other things this time.

I can't feel the needle-pricking feeling of wood at the beginning, and I can't smell any fragrance.

If this hairpin had this feature, Mo Xiaoyu wouldn't be reluctant to put it down as soon as he held it.

"Xiang'er, give me the money."

Putting the hairpin into his arms, and giving Xiang'er a look, Mo Xiaoyu turned around and was about to walk towards the carriage.

"Sister, eldest sister, dear sister, take me with you."

Seeing the face that suddenly appeared by the door frame, Mo Xiaoyu retracted his raised foot.

The troublesome pig head in front of him is like an out-and-out fool.

Everyone believes, no one believes.

Although Mo Xiaoyu is not very smart, he is not stupid either.

This man has been sticking to her side since he appeared. If he had no intentions, Mo Xiaoyu smiled. "Tell me, what do you want?"

Rarely, her mood improved, and Mo Xiaoyu became more patient.

At this moment, he directly pulled the corner of the skirt and squatted down.

Staring carefully at the man's eyes, Mo Xiaoyu smiled.

"Or what do you want?"

Being stared at so intently by Mo Xiaoyu, Le You's voice stuttered instantly.

"Actually... just... just want to follow you."

Just after finishing speaking and realizing that there was some inappropriateness in this statement, Le Yousheng added another sentence.

"I have meat to eat with you."

Squinting his eyes, looking at Le Yousheng who looked like a large dog in front of him, Mo Xiaoyu stood up while smiling.

"Let me take you away, but you have to buy me the most expensive and biggest thing in this store."

Following the direction of Mo Xiaoyu's finger, Le Yousheng saw a piece of black jade in the center of the shop.

The largest and most expensive, Moyu fits the bill in this store.

"Shopkeeper, I want this thing."

Looking at the man in ragged clothes, whose tone changed from a beggar to a nobleman in an instant, Anecdotes immediately became vigilant.

There have also been people who find fault in this small shop, people like Le Yousheng who speak as a rhythm of finding fault, the shopkeeper has indeed seen a lot.

But this time the shopkeeper really worried too much.

"This is two taels of silver, enough to buy half of your shop."

After taking out a few ingots of silver from his waist and slapping them on the table, Le Yousheng turned around and immediately turned into a "dog leg".

"You can take me with you now."

Glancing at the trembling look of Le Yousheng hugging the huge Moyu, Mo Xiaoyu nodded reluctantly.

"You are my own sister!"

Smiling and jumping up, after realizing that there was still a large piece of black jade in his arms, Le Yousheng rubbed his nose and obediently got into the carriage.

In the small carriage this time, I don't know how much Le Yousheng was, and there was also a piece of black and shiny ink jade.

But Mo Xiaoyu is not shy about seeing strangers, so when Le Yousheng was "active" in various ways, she just leaned against the carriage and took a nap.

"Hey, why did you buy such a big ink jade?"

Seeing that Mo Xiaoyu didn't respond to him, Le Yousheng slowly leaned towards Mo Xiaoyu.

"Although she has a bad temper and a bit of a hard heart, it's okay to look at her."

Touching his chin was like appreciating a utensil, and Le Yousheng began to appraise it carefully.

"The eyebrows are too thin, and fate is rough. The lips are too thin, and people are too fickle. The bridge of the nose is too high, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?"

Looking at Le You's voice with his hands fluttering in the air with wide eyes, Mo Xiaoyu curled the corners of his mouth.

Before, she wanted to see how Yu Tian was doing, but now she picked up a treasure on the way, and Mo Xiaoyu felt that if she "dedicated" this thing to Yu Tian, ​​Yu Tian would be very happy.

"I'm afraid your husband's life is very thin..."

"Say one more word?"

Holding the opponent's collar, Mo Xiaoyu directly dragged him to him.

"Sister, I'm just talking casually...just talking casually."

Feeling that the air around the car cooled instantly, Le Yousheng had a new judgment on Mo Xiaoyu.

When we first met, he thought Mo Xiaoyu was a kind-hearted fool, but now...

"Don't take it seriously, if you take it seriously...you are too ridiculous."

He couldn't hear others say that Yu Tian was short-lived, and he couldn't see anyone laughing at Yu Tian's legs.

Mo Xiaoyu noticed that she cared more about Yu Tian than before.

"Shut your mouth and hug Mo Yu, otherwise I will throw you down now!"

Looking back and seeing the cliff outside from the gap in the car curtain, Le Yousheng quickly closed his mouth.

No matter how easy Mo Xiaoyu is to bully, there is a limit to it, and if he wants to survive in a stable way, he must take care of this broken mouth.

After all, dying with one mouth is an extremely useless thing.

Le Yousheng doesn't want to die like a fool, and naturally he doesn't want to live like a fool.

So after weighing it briefly, he also hugged Mo Yu and started to take a nap like Mo Xiaoyu.

Qingfeng Town is neither big nor small.

It's just that there is a cliff between the south alley and the north alley.

Now Mo Xiaoyu and his party are still galloping on the road, but Yu Tian's side is relatively more relaxed.

Although the many shops in Beixiang do not have the backbone of the shopkeeper, the accounts of the operation of those shops are clearly recorded.

Yu Tian only had a few simple cross-examinations, and he had a clear grasp of the business conditions of several shops in Beixiang.

Although these stores are a bit small, they are still very easy to operate because they have existed for a long time.

In the future, it will be much easier for Mo Xiaoyu to manage it personally...

(End of this chapter)

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