
Chapter 22 Peach Blossom Stuffed

Chapter 22 Peach Blossom Stuffed

The shopkeeper pursed his lips and glanced at Yu Tian and Mo Xiaoyu, and then carefully looked around before saying in a low voice, "Master Fang from the town bought these stones."

Master Fang?After Mo Xiaoyu murmured in his heart, he continued to ask: "Do you know what use Master Fang bought these stones for?"

"Oh, how can a little shopkeeper like me know so much."

After squinting and looking at the other party for a few times, Yu Tian took out a silver ingot from his pocket and threw it to the shopkeeper.

Seeing that the money was in hand, the shopkeeper smiled happily and then explained the whole story.

It turned out that this morning, Master Fang and his men searched almost the entire quarry.

Those people obviously came here for some characteristic stones, and almost all of them were searched in this way.

"According to you, this quarry just can't find what we want?"

Grabbing the shopkeeper's sleeve, Mo Xiaoyu shouted directly.

Originally, she just came here to take a look at her thoughts, but now hearing what the shopkeeper said, Mo Xiaoyu felt a little regretful that she didn't buy what she wanted this trip.

"Not necessarily."

Under Yu Tian's cold eyes, the shopkeeper slowly approached Mo Xiaoyu's ear, "There is an old man at the end of the south alley who has some strange stones in his collection. If you go to him, you may get unexpected goods. .”

Having said that, Yu Tian instantly thought of the old man who was called "sloppy household" by everyone.

If there is anyone else in the south alley who can escape Master Fang's search, then this is the only one.

Thinking of this, Yu Tian took out an ingot of silver from his pocket and put it on the table, then pulled Mo Xiaoyu and left the shop.

"Master, do you know that person?"

"That old man with a bad temper." With a helpless smile, under Mo Xiaoyu's urging eyes, Yu Tian said: "I know, but if you want to get something from that man, you must have good wine."

"Good wine?" Mo Xiaoyu smiled while pushing Yu Tian forward slowly.

"If you want to talk about good wine, I have a way."


He knew some of Mo Xiaoyu's "skills", but he had never heard of Mo Xiaoyu's ability to make wine.

"Could it be that the lady has hidden a lot of good wine behind my back?"

"Hey, I'll take my husband to a place first, and you'll know when we get there."

Blinking his eyes, Mo Xiaoyu with a mysterious face pushed Yu Tian to a remote alley.

At first, when he entered the alley, Yu Tian thought that Mo Xiaoyu was going to take him to the beggar's den, but when he got there, Yu Tian understood what Mo Xiaoyu meant.

"Peach Blossom Brew, my specialty."

Pointing to some bare branches, Mo Xiaoyu walked directly to the root of the tree.

"All the good things I have treasured for several years are here."

While talking, Mo Xiaoyu started digging.

Looking at the somewhat familiar path and the thick|thick peach trees, Yu Tian inexplicably has a feeling of "it used to be like this".

It was like some time before, it was Mo Xiaoyu who ran here with him and dug out a jar of fragrant wine.

"Little fish, you..."

"Well? What?"

Mo Xiaoyu, who was digging vigorously, turned his head when he heard Yu Tian's voice.

"Sir, what did you say?"

Looking at the mud on Mo Xiaoyu's face, Yu Tian shook his head helplessly.

"I said your face is covered in mud."

Touching her side face, Mo Xiaoyu laughed, "It really is."

Sighing, Mo Xiaoyu rolled up his sleeves a few times, then buried his head and began to dig.

Right now, Yu Tian's mood is a bit complicated, and so is Mo Xiaoyu.

From getting married to now, Mo Xiaoyu can see Yu Tian smiling from time to time, but Yu Tian's smile just now...

"Master, look, this is my hidden treasure."

Carefully wiping the mud off the wine jar, Mo Xiaoyu walked up to Yu Tian with a jar in his arms.

Before Mo Xiaoyu walked up to him, he could already smell the fragrance.

Now that Mo Xiaoyu has come to him, the familiar and rich aroma is even more craving.

"Now my husband is a bit reluctant to use these things to flatter that old guy."

Even so, in the end Yu Tian was still holding two jars of peach blossom wine, and was pushed by Mo Xiaoyu to the door of the sloppy household.

The crooked door frame, the weeds in the garden... When she got there, Mo Xiaoyu realized that the reality was worse than she expected.

"Is senior there?"

After placing Yu Tian in the center of the courtyard, Mo Xiaoyu stepped forward and knocked on the crumbling wooden door.

"Is anyone there?" Feeling that there was no response from inside, Mo Xiaoyu increased his voice. "Is anyone here?"

"Is it hard to use your ears at a young age?"

Just as Mo Xiaoyu shouted loudly, the crooked half door was opened.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Seeing the ragged old man appearing at the crack of the door, Mo Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment.

Judging from the age of this person, he should be in his seventies, but listening to the strength of the other party's words, Mo Xiaoyu thought that the other party was only in his forties.

"Senior, we are here..."

"Did you bring something good here!"

Before Mo Xiaoyu could finish speaking, the old man who was standing at the crack of the door just now jumped out of the door.

"Where is it, I can smell it!"

After lowering his head and sniffing around Mo Xiaoyu, the old man finally set his sights on Yu Tian.

"Why you brat."

Originally, he thought that he was going to drink fine wine this time, but the moment he saw Yu Tian, ​​the old man directly suppressed his greed.

"Hehe, if it weren't for me, how could I send you the wine that suits you?"

Patting the handle of the wheelchair, Yu Tian smiled and took out the wine jar behind him.

Almost the moment Yu Tian moved, the old man's eyes lit up.

"Good boy, it really tastes right."

Looking back at Mo Xiaoyu who was standing at the door, the old man took a meaningful look at Yu Tian, ​​took a jar of wine and drank it.

"Let's talk, while I'm in a good mood now, maybe you can still get what you want."

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoyu hurried to the old man.

"Senior, do you have some strange stones here?"

"Stone? Hehe, some people ask me for jade, some people ask me for herbal medicine, some people ask me for cheat books... But you girl is the first person to ask me for stones."

Looking Mo Xiaoyu up and down, the old man seemed to understand something after sniffing.

"What kind of stone do you want? For this wine, as long as I have it, I will give it to you."

The old man said so, so Mo Xiaoyu was naturally not polite.

"I want a few stones that seep through the seasons."

Squinting his eyes and staring at Yu Tian's legs for a few moments, the old man said with a smile: "It seems that you are a little bit interesting."

He also had a lot of "valuable" stones in his hand, but when Mo Xiaoyu said the stone he wanted, the old man already understood what Mo Xiaoyu was going to do.

And from the faint scent of medicine you guessed, the old man already understood Mo Xiaoyu's intentions.

"You brat stay outside, I'll take the girl in to pick some better stones."

Throwing the empty wine jar back, the old man grabbed Mo Xiaoyu's sleeve and dragged him into the room...

(End of this chapter)

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