
Chapter 23

Chapter 23
"Girl wants that brat to stand up."

More than just thinking, she now wants Yu Tian to stand up like everyone else.

She didn't want to see Yu Tian's legs shrink anymore, and she didn't want to see other people's mocking eyes.

"Senior, is there any shortcut?"

"Heh...you little girl."

Smiling and shaking his head, the old man opened the wooden cabinet in front of him.

"There is hope for those legs, but there may not be a shortcut to recovery."

After taking out a few stones from the cabinet while talking, the old man placed them directly on the table.

"I think you want to use these stones as vessels for boiling soup, but little girl..."

Glancing at Mo Xiaoyu, the old man frowned, "But have you ever thought that using a vessel that is too good may damage some of the efficacy of the medicine?"

"Damage the efficacy of the medicine?"

Mo Xiaoyu had already made a plan before. She found the underworld grass and several other rare herbs and started to treat them. In order to fully exert the efficacy of the medicine, she planned to use a stone that could gradually filter out the useless medicine juice as a vessel. The soup that comes out will be more effective...

"Senior, do you mean that my thinking is a little off?"

Even though she didn't clearly tell the old man how to make the soup, Mo Xiaoyu knew that the old man had already guessed her method.

"Yes, if you deduce it theoretically, your idea is indeed correct, but based on my understanding of these stones, if the vessel is used for too long, some toxins in the stone will seep into the soup." Speaking here, the old man She glanced at Mo Xiaoyu meaningfully, "Little girl won't plan to make a few utensils, so keep changing them in the middle of staying up late."

Raising her head suddenly, seeing the smile on the old man's lips, Mo Xiaoyu frowned.

Indeed, as the old man said, she intended to do so.

Naturally formed stones absorb rain and dew every day and then discharge some liquid. Although this kind of stone has the effect of filtering impurities, some potential toxins are hidden in the stone because of years of "filtering".

In order to avoid the danger of secondary poisoning when boiling medicinal herbs, Mo Xiaoyu really planned to prepare a few more utensils.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Some herbs are more delicate. If the brewing is interrupted in the middle, I'm afraid your thoughts will be in vain."

The old man picked up a stone from the table and handed it to Mo Xiaoyu.

"I don't know much about pharmacology, but for the sake of that kid's life, you'd better think about it."

Touching the smooth stone, Mo Xiaoyu suddenly fell into a dead silence.

She thought that with her experience in the mountains and forests, she could help Yu Tian stand up, and she thought that as long as everything was ready, she could be cured... But in the end, she was just a little frizzy little girl.

"Don't be discouraged. Although there are some things you haven't considered, you have done well."

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's disappointment, the old man stroked his beard and smiled.

From the moment he opened the door, he could already see the atmosphere between Mo Xiaoyu and Yu Tian.

Maybe he didn't know how the two got married, but he saw the attachment in their eyes.

According to those who have experienced it, Mo Xiaoyu and Yu Tian must be that kind of inseparable couple.

"Okay, I'll send someone to pack these stones and bring them to you. As for now, you just need to hold the one in your hand, lest the kid outside be suspicious."

Looking back at the old man, Mo Xiaoyu sighed.

She thought she was covering it up well, but it turned out that it was only the first time they met, and the old man in front of her saw through it all, so Yu Tian...

"Don't worry, little girl. Although the kid outside is smarter, he is still relatively slow in certain things."

"Thank you senior."

Smiling and bowing to the old man, Mo Xiaoyu walked out of the room holding the stone with a smile.

"Little fish, what's the matter?"

"Hey... I got it." Looking at Yu Tian who wanted to move over by himself, Mo Xiaoyu smiled and stepped forward to hug Yu Tian.

Although he didn't understand why Mo Xiaoyu suddenly hugged him, Yu Tian still put his arms around Mo Xiaoyu's waist and smiled.

There is still a lot that his little lady doesn't understand, and there is still a lot that he can't. He needs to teach her a lot.

"Since the lady's business is done, let's go home now, I guess dad is waiting in a hurry."

"Well, go home."

Standing up with a smile, after holding the handle of the wheelchair with both hands, Mo Xiaoyu glanced back at the wooden house with the closed door and left...

On the other hand, Yu Zhenhai, who was told by Yu Tian to "wait urgently", now feels that this person is not good to the strange visitor at home.

"If you want money, I'll ask the butler to give it to you. If you want food, I'll ask the cook to cook it for you, okay?"

"No, I don't want anything but your wife."

Frowning, staring at the man sitting in the lobby, Yu Zhenhai felt that he was being raped by a plague god this time.

"Xiaoyu has already had his day, an old man like you should give up!"

He patted the table hard, and Yu Zhenhai, who was panting heavily, widened his eyes.

Just now he wanted the guards in the courtyard to "invite" people out directly, but when those people were about to get half a step closer to the person in front of him, they were all shot away.

Now Master Yu is not subdued, nor is he not subdued.

The point is... this person will just lie on the ground and roll around when he is in a hurry, and won't leave.

Hard methods have been used, and soft methods have also been tried, but...

"I must take your wife away today."

With Erlang's legs crossed, the man took a sip of tea and continued to shout, "You must take her away!"

Rubbing his forehead and looking at the confused person in front of him, Master Yu took a deep breath.

"Father, we're back."

Just when Master Yu was having a headache, Mo Xiaoyu pushed Yu Tian into the yard.


"Little fish!!!"

Just when Master Yu was about to get up to meet Yu Tian, ​​the man who was sitting quietly just now rushed towards Mo Xiaoyu.

But when the man was about to throw Mo Xiaoyu down, he suddenly staggered and fell to the side.

"Little fish, I finally found you!"

"Who are you?"

Staring at the man sitting on the ground and howling, Mo Xiaoyu rarely frowned.

For more than ten years, she was used to living alone in the mountains and forests. If she knew animals, she didn't know people.

So regarding the appearance of the man, Mo Xiaoyu was a little confused for a moment.

"Xiaoyu, I am the uncle who has been waiting for you on the mountain for many years."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and looking at the man with an exaggerated expression, Yu Tian tugged at the corner of Mo Xiaoyu's clothes.

"My lady... let's go first to the lobby."

Glancing at the man, then at Yu Tian who looked sleepy, Mo Xiaoyu finally ignored the man and carried Yu Tian into the lobby.

"Father, who is that person outside?"

"A tough guy."

Taking a deep breath, seeing Mo Xiaoyu's unchanged expression, Master Yu instantly understood that the people who are sitting on the ground howling now are just here to eat and drink.

"Little fish, don't you know me!"

Seeing that Mo Xiaoyu was about to carry someone back to the house, the man who was still lying on the ground rushed over and grabbed Mo Xiaoyu by the corner of his clothes.

But after howling a few times, seeing Mo Xiaoyu's still cold expression, the man was a little disappointed.

"Xiaoyu, even if you don't remember me, you should remember Mao Mao."

"Maomao?" With the name in her mouth, Mo Xiaoyu suddenly remembered that her monkey was called Maomao, and she couldn't say why it was called Maomao.

"How about it, Xiaoyu, do you remember?"

"Sorry, didn't remember."

Hugging Yu Tian and casting a glance at the man, Mo Xiaoyu stepped forward and was about to walk forward, but was finally held back by the man.

"Maomao, Maomao, Xiaoyu doesn't recognize me as an uncle anymore, Maomao, Maomao, where are you?"

As if hearing the man's call, Mao Mao, who was supposed to be having fun in the backyard, suddenly appeared in the lobby, and seeing the man, the monkey jumped a few times before jumping onto the man's shoulder.

"Maomao, you really remember me who has been waiting on the mountain for many years."

Mo Xiaoyu: "..."

Yu Tian: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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