
Chapter 24 Uncle

Chapter 24 Uncle
Touching the monkey's head, the man wiped the corners of his eyes and stared pitifully at Mo Xiaoyu.

Mo Xiaoyu, who was disgusted by the other party's eyes, trembled violently.

Men in their thirties made such little daughter-in-law expressions, not to mention Mo Xiaoyu, even Yu Tian couldn't bear it.

"Which uncle are you?"

After saying this, Mo Xiaoyu realized something was wrong, coughed a few times and said, "Are you my uncle?"

"Maomao, the cruel little fish doesn't recognize me anymore, and you are the only one who knows me."

After the monkey stretched out its paw and touched the man's head, it turned around and glanced at Mo Xiaoyu.

Although the monkey can't speak, Mo Xiaoyu still saw the word "sympathy" in the opponent's eyes.

Rubbing his forehead, Mo Xiaoyu sighed and walked over to fish the monkey into his arms.

"Speak well, or you can go out."

Squinting his eyes and taking a look at the man, Yu Tian pushed the wheelchair and slowly moved to the man.

Sensing the sudden shadow above his head, the man's wide mouth seemed to be stuck, and his voice suddenly fell silent.

"Little fish, you don't recognize me, and your husband doesn't recognize me either."

While crying, the man who thought about Mo Xiaoyu moving over grabbed Mo Xiaoyu's skirt.

"Look at me, take a closer look."

Originally, Mo Xiaoyu didn't want to talk to the man, but after carefully looking at the man's eyebrows, Mo Xiaoyu let out a "huh".

"Little fish, do you recognize me?"

Just when the man was excitedly grabbing Mo Xiaoyu's skirt, Mo Xiaoyu said in surprise: "Look carefully, how similar you are to a monkey."


Touching his chin, after glancing at the man a few times, Yu Tian nodded.

The man's eyebrows are very good, but maybe because of his thicker eyebrows, he looks somewhat similar to a monkey.

"Little fish... Since you don't know me yet, I can only use my trump card."

Gritting his teeth, the man turned his clothes left and right and took out a cloth bag.

"I don't know, you should know this thing."

Uncovering the cloth bag and taking out a bracelet, the man handed it directly to Mo Xiaoyu.

"This one……"

Looking at the familiar patterns, Mo Xiaoyu already knew that this was exactly the same as her hidden bracelet.

But the bracelet on her body has been with her since she was a child.

She didn't know if there was a pair.

"Do you have a bracelet with 'fish' engraved on it?"

Seeing Mo Xiaoyu's thoughtful expression, the man seemed to have some confidence, and went forward and stuffed the bracelet into Mo Xiaoyu's hand.

"Look carefully, don't miss it."

Squinting his eyes, staring at the bracelet in his palm, Mo Xiaoyu looked back at Yu Tian.

She really didn't know the person in front of her, but Mo Xiaoyu felt a little troubled seeing the monkey and this déjà vu bracelet.

She is eager to have relatives, but she also does not want anyone to use her name to drag down the Yu family.

Therefore, Mo Xiaoyu has to be more cautious about the matter of "admitting relatives".

"Xiaoyu, it seems that this should be your uncle."

After receiving Mo Xiaoyu's embarrassing gaze, Yu Tian directly made the decision for her.

Since Mo Xiaoyu hopes to have a family member, Yu Tian doesn't mind accepting a cat or a dog casually at this moment.

After all, under his nose, he will not let people with evil intentions stir up trouble in Yu's house.

It was precisely because of such certainty that Yu recognized the man.

"Since Xianggong has said so, then you are my uncle."

After putting the bracelet into his arms, Mo Xiaoyu stepped forward and directly helped the person sitting on the ground up.

"Uncle, I may not have seen you when I was a child, so I couldn't recognize you for a while."

After helping the man pat the dust off his body, Mo Xiaoyu helped him to sit on the stool.

"I used to be very envious when I saw the children with parents, and I was also very envious when I saw the family together during the New Year..." Mo Xiaoyu sighed, "At that time, I really hoped that the parents would appear, but it is a pity to wait I haven't seen my parents for so many years...Uncle, you know who my parents are."

"Uh, well, let's talk about it later, let me fill my stomach first."

Hearing the "cuckoo" sound from the man's stomach, Mo Xiaoyu smiled and motioned for him to serve vegetables.

"Hehe, I've been so busy getting to know my uncle that I even forgot that my uncle hasn't eaten."

After picking up the monkey on the ground again, Mo Xiaoyu walked to Yu Tian's side.

Mo Xiaoyu would not identify the man who appeared suddenly just because of his few words.

After following Yu Tian for so long, Mo Xiaoyu also knew that "defense against others is indispensable", so the moment he helped him up, Mo Xiaoyu had already started to test.

"It took me more than ten years to find the little fish. It's okay to be a little hungry now."

Mo Xiaoyu: "..." 'Who said just now that we eat first'.

"Hey, Maomao, I really didn't hurt you for nothing."

Holding the monkey's tail, the man pulled the monkey directly to his side and said with a smile, "It's been so long that I forgot to report my name."

When the man said this, Mo Xiaoyu realized that she didn't know the man's name until now.

"Mo Tian, ​​this is my name, Xiaoyu has to remember it."

"Mo Tian?"

Yu Zhenhai who was sitting in the upper position frowned after looking at Mo Tian for a few times.

As long as there are some famous people alive within a radius of a hundred miles, Yu Zhenhai still knows, but he has never heard of the name "Mo Tian". At least he can be sure that this person is not from Qingfeng Town or nearby towns.

"Does uncle also live in the mountains?"

Although Mo Xiaoyu didn't know if Mo Tian's name was his real name, she still wanted to investigate the other party's details.

Now that the other party has reservations about her, she is also anxious to get to the bottom of it.

"I have some shops in the capital. Those who have been to the capital to do business should have heard of my name. As for the mountains and forests, Xiaoyu, I don't live there."

After shaking his fingers, Mo Tian directly pulled a sign from his waist.

"Hey, this is the badge of my shop. As long as you have this item, you can come and go from Mo Tian's shop at will, and you don't need to pay any money for everything."

After speaking, Mo Tian directly put the sign in Mo Xiaoyu's hand.

"Look, the badges of our Mo family are all marked with fish."

Looking at the sign on the palm of his hand, and then at the smile in the corner of Mo Tian's eyes, Yu Tian felt more and more confused about the person in front of him...

"Little fish, put away your things first, let uncle have a good meal now."

Stepping forward and hugging Mo Xiaoyu's waist, Yu Tian smiled at Mo Tian.

"Uncle, although the food in Qingfeng Town is not as good as that in Beijing, you will never forget the taste."

After clapping their hands, the maid outside the door came in with food.

"Look, this is Cuihua carp. Although it doesn't look delicious, as long as you pick up a chopstick, you will definitely want to swallow the whole plate. Come, uncle, try this dish first."

Staring at the carp on the plate, Mo Tian smiled and put a small piece of meat into his mouth.

Staring at the opponent's movements and applications, Yu Tian narrowed his eyes after seeing the smile on the opponent's face.

Mo Tian is an unfathomable person, it seems that he will protect his wife more in the future.

"How does uncle feel?"

"It tastes good, but there are too many thorns."

Smiling at Yu Tian, ​​Mo Tian moved his second chopsticks...

(End of this chapter)

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