
Chapter 8 Gui Ning

Chapter 8 Gui Ning
"Um, do we really want to go back to where I live?"

When Yu Tian said the word "Guining", Mo Xiaoyu was still a little uncomfortable.

After all, the place where she has lived for more than ten years is just a forest, just a house.

Without parents, without relatives, she thought that this so-called Gui Ning might just come to nothing.

But now that Yu Tian mentioned it, she was a little happy and a little worried.

"Sir, that place..."

"Don't be afraid, little fish, I will accompany you."

Knowing what Mo Xiaoyu was worried about, Yu Tian pointed to the carriageway.

"The frame is ready. According to the custom, Gui Ning still needs it this time. Besides, as your husband-in-law, I have to go back and thank the mountains and forests that have raised you for so many years."

Clenching the handle in his hand, Mo Xiaoyu took a deep breath and smiled.

"Okay, let's go."

Now that Yu Tian is ready, she must also look at this mountain forest that has raised her for many years with gratitude.

"I have lived in Qingfeng Town for so long, and I have never looked at this town carefully."

Opening the curtain of the car, looking back at the gradually shrinking Qingfeng Town, Yu Tian sighed with emotion.

"However, this time it is considered a chance."

"Msanggong, that Tiger King from before..."

Grabbing the palm of Yu Tian's hand just as he put down the car curtain, Mo Xiaoyu hesitated for a while before asking.

"Why did that Tiger King watch... provoke you."

He lowered his head and peeked at Yu Tian, ​​then raised his head to peek again.

As if afraid of being caught.Mo Xiaoyu repeated this several times.

Seeing this, Yu Tian laughed.

"Young lady has snatched me back to be her husband. Why are you asking about Wang Huhu now?"

Touching his fingers, he stared at Yu Tian's handsome face.

Mo Xiaoyu's neck was completely red this time.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid she will snatch you away again."

With a red face, Mo Xiaoyu made a noise.

She already felt good about Yu Tian, ​​so she would never let him go.

Before she went to grab the bridal sedan chair, she also made up her mind, but now that Yu Tian has become her husband and they have set foot on this mountain road, Mo Xiaoyu has to worry that Wang Huo will make a comeback.

But it was obvious that Mo Xiaoyu's worries were unnecessary. On the night when Yu Tian was carried back to the forest by her, there was no such person as Tiger Wang in this world.

Of course Yu Tian didn't want to tell Mo Xiaoyu about this matter.

"Don't worry, Tiger Wang has 'repented of evil and returned to righteousness', and bandits will no longer be rampant in the future."

Touching Mo Xiaoyu's head, Yu Tian pointed at the hut not far away and smiled.

"Look, here we are."

Staring at the hut where she has lived for many years, Mo Xiaoyu suddenly felt a little strange.

Is it so natural to forget the old "home" after having a new "home"?

Touching her beating heart, Mo Xiaoyu took a deep breath and immediately wrapped her arms around Yu Tian's waist.

"Msanggong, it's the same as last time, how about letting me carry you back?"

Stared at by Mo Xiaoyu's wet eyes, Yu Tian couldn't say anything to refuse.

Last time...

Thinking of the last time, Yu Tian felt a little embarrassed.

It was obviously Mo Xiaoyu who carried him back that time, and because he was pretending to be dizzy, he endured some "bumps" on the way and didn't say a word.

As long as he thinks that Mo Xiaoyu will take him back to the wooden house in that way again, Yu Tian will be a little "scared".

"Sanggong, what are you thinking, why would I carry you back?"

Seeing Yu Tian's trembling little finger, Mo Xiaoyu laughed.

This period of getting along has allowed her to grasp the meaning of Yu Tian's small actions.

Her husband-in-law is actually more "cute" than she imagined.

"Master, be careful, my wife will take you home right away."

After bending down to hold him steady, Mo Xiaoyu lifted the curtain with one hand this time and got out of the car steadily.

"Miss, you can go faster."

Feeling the hot air on her neck, Mo Xiaoyu nodded with red ears.

After that... even Yu Tian didn't know what happened, he was carried into the bed in the wooden house by Mo Xiaoyu.

"I didn't expect that in the few days we left, this place is still the same as when we left."

Looking back at the tail that leaked out of the window, Mo Xiaoyu smiled mischievously.

"Yeah, I was surprised too."

Turning around to pick up the teacup on the table, feeling the slightly hot teapot, Mo Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Sir, I'm going out to warm a cup of tea, and I'll be back in a while."

Squinting his eyes, staring at the back of Mo Xiaoyu who hastily left, and looking at some marks left on the table, Yu Tian frowned...

His wife seems... still has a lot of secrets.


"You kid, you're disobedient again, aren't you?"

Holding the opponent's tail, Mo Xiaoyu looked back at the quiet mountain forest, and after heaving a sigh of relief, he directly lifted the cute monkey just now on his shoulder.

"Knowing that someone is coming, you still have to miss the tail on purpose, right?"

With its head drooping, like a child who has done something wrong, the monkey stopped talking after a few "squeaks".

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful."

Seeing the monkey's "poor" look, Mo Xiaoyu finally couldn't bear it, so he put the monkey on the ground.

But the other party seemed to have made up his mind to stay on her shoulders.

Just when the monkey's feet were about to touch the ground, he grabbed Mo Xiaoyu's sleeve and climbed onto Mo Xiaoyu's shoulder.

Holding his head and looking at the innocent monkey, Mo Xiaoyu didn't know what to say anymore.

This monkey is her companion since childhood.

When she was walking with Yu Tian, ​​she thought about taking the monkey with her, but she thought that Qingfeng Town is a place where people live after all.

If a monkey suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, it might be regarded as a rare object to fight for.

but now……

Looking at the monkey's fur that is no longer shiny, Mo Xiaoyu still felt a little distressed.

"I've been away for so long, why do you need to clean the house?"

That's right, if the little monkey in front of him is Mo Xiaoyu's partner, it's better to say he's Mo Xiaoyu's "servant".

Ever since Mo Xiaoyu became sensible, monkeys have been helping to take care of the house.

And getting used to the monkey's way of doing things, Mo Xiaoyu didn't think there was anything strange about it.

But after seeing those jugglers in the town one time, Mo Xiaoyu realized how rare the monkey that came to her house was.

"You, you should find a safer place to hide."

Touching the opponent's head, Mo Xiaoyu squatted on the ground after sighing.

It would definitely be dangerous if the monkeys were allowed to live here.

But if you bring the monkey to the town, I'm afraid there will be more troubles.

For a while, Mo Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed.

Today is Gui Ning's day, strictly speaking, she also wants to bring Yu Tian to see this "family" together.


Mo Xiaoyu, who was in deep thought, froze instantly when he saw the shadow imprinted on the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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