
Chapter 9 The Monkey

Chapter 9 The Monkey
"Monkey? Looks pretty clever."

Looking at the dazed Mo Xiaoyu and the monkey who hastily hid behind, Yu Tian smiled.

He had already felt a little abnormal when he entered the wooden house before.

Now looking at the monkey hanging on Mo Xiaoyu's back, Yu Tian understood everything.

This monkey is quite dexterous, not only helping to clean the house, but also doing some simple tasks of serving tea and pouring water.

The last time he was cultivating in the wooden house, he didn't meet any monkeys, probably because of Mo Xiaoyu's earlier instruction.

"Little fish, do you want to take it home?"

Stretching out his hand, watching Mo Xiaoyu bend down, Yu Tian touched the top of Mo Xiaoyu's head.

At this moment, the little monkey was still somewhat afraid of Yu Tian, ​​so when he stretched out his hand, the monkey had already slid down Mo Xiaoyu's back to the ground.

"Master, can monkeys follow us?"

In fact, Mo Xiaoyu couldn't bear to see the monkey's pitiful look just now.

Now that Yu Tian has found out about the monkey, Mo Xiaoyu naturally wants Yu Tian to take the monkey back.

"It's fine, it's fine, I'm afraid the monkey will feel a little uncomfortable if it follows us into the town."

Although the Yu family is a big family, it is only a drop in the ocean compared to the vast mountains and forests.

Smart animals like monkeys like to be close to people, but they will get tired of living among people for a long time.

Yu Tian couldn't see Mo Xiaoyu being sad, and he didn't want a monkey to take away all of Mo Xiaoyu's sight in the future.

"Well, let's leave the monkey here for now, and I will send someone over to take care of it every day."

Having said that, seeing Mo Xiaoyu's reluctance, Yu Tian softened his decision.

"If you miss the monkey in the future, we can come back to see it."

Yu Tian knows this very well, as long as Mo Xiaoyu takes over the Yu family's shop, there will be much less idle time.

At that time, if Mo Xiaoyu wanted to come back to see the monkey, he might not be able to spare that time.

Thinking of these, Yu Tian smiled complacently.

Maybe Yu Tian's smile was too obvious, the monkey who was squatting on the ground just now jumped onto Mo Xiaoyu's shoulder.

He stretched out his soft paws and patted Mo Xiaoyu's face, then rolled up his tail and rubbed against Mo Xiaoyu's shoulder...

Now the monkey has made up his mind to let Mo Xiaoyu take it with him.

"You!" Sighed, holding the monkey's paw, Mo Xiaoyu squeezed the monkey and hugged the monkey directly.

"Sir, let's take it with us."

Looking back at Yu Tian pleadingly, Mo Xiaoyu muttered, then bent down and pressed a kiss on Yu Tian's face. ,

"Good man, let's take it back."

Listening to Mo Xiaoyu's instantly softened tone and that "acting like a baby" posture, although Mo Xiaoyu is not very good at acting like a baby, Yu Tian still likes it.

"Okay, take, take, take."

Patting the back of Mo Xiaoyu's hand, looking up at the monkey sitting on Mo Xiaoyu's shoulder baring its teeth, Yu Tian sighed in his heart.

This monkey is too "fine", it is almost impossible for Mo Xiaoyu to let go.

So now...the only way is to find a way to take the monkey away from Mo Xiaoyu's side.

"Little fish, we just arrived at the wooden house, and we need to take a rest now, you might as well."

Sensing the sight from the monkey, Yu Tian felt a little nervous.

Yu Tian couldn't bear this feeling of "carrying" his wife's "child" on his back.

"I will arrange for a capable servant to take the monkey back first..."


Before Yu Tian could finish speaking, the monkey who was still a bit tepid just now blew up.

As if knowing that Yu Tian intended to abandon it, the monkey stared at Yu Tian and roared instantly.

"No, I'll take it with me."

Seeing the agitated monkey, Mo Xiaoyu took the monkey into his arms after looking at Yu Tian suspiciously.

"Forget it... let's go back together."

Staring at the swaying hair on the monkey's head, Yu Tian snorted coldly.

This monkey is obviously a ghost, as long as he discarded the monkey's thoughts just now, the monkey would 'ask for help' to Mo Xiaoyu.

Then you must find a proper excuse to dump the monkey in the future.

After making up his mind, Yu Tian raised his eyebrows as he looked at Mo Xiaoyu who was already walking towards the house.

"Lady, we are going to spend tonight at your mother's house."

Looking back at Yu Tian behind him, Mo Xiaoyu's footsteps paused.

A few days ago, when she and Yu Tian were not married, she was already thinking of stealing, but now that she is in her territory... Hehe...

"Hurry up, my husband, it will be dark in a while."

Although he didn't know what Mo Xiaoyu was thinking, but when he saw the smirk on the other side's mouth, Yu Tian felt a chill for no reason...

"Squeak..." What do you think they are doing now?
"Cuckoo..." Don't you know if you go in and have a look?

One large and one small black shadow stared at the flickering candles in the room and began to discuss.

Since the monkey stumbled in Yu Tian's hands last time, so this time the monkey specially called for a helper.

Although the cricket is small in size, it can definitely help it go into the house and check it out.


The ideal is full, the reality is cruel.

When the monkey slowly swung to the front of the house, it was pinched by the cold wind waiting on the side.

"Look at your eyes, the appearance of such an elf can be sold for a good price."

As if looking at gold, the cold wind shook the monkey in his hand and jumped to the top of the tree.

When it was almost night, Yu Tian had already told him to take good care of the monkey, but he didn't expect it to fall into his own hands now.

Thinking of this, Hanfeng curled his mouth and pinched the monkey's tail and shook it.

If the monkey could talk, I'm afraid it would have scolded its father, but there is no way, its tail is in someone's hands at the moment, no matter how arrogant the monkey is, it has to be obedient at the moment.

"Yes, you know how to restrain yourself."

Rubbing his chin, looking at the darkened room, the cold wind smiled and carried the monkey and quickly disappeared into the forest...

"Sanggong, I heard the monkey's cry just now, it's okay!"

"No, the lady is overthinking."

Knowing that the cold wind had already succeeded, Yu Tian lowered his head and kissed Mo Xiaoyu's hair.

"My lady cares about monkeys now, so she might as well care about her husband."

Dodging the opponent's chin, Mo Xiaoyu sneaked out a pair of eyes and stared at the smirking Yu Tian, ​​blushing instantly.

During the day, she still had a lot of ambitions to take the other party down, but when she lay down on the bed, she finally understood what it meant to be "more than enough heart but not enough strength".

"sleep early."

After stuttering, Mo Xiaoyu directly pulled the quilt over his head.

"It turns out that the lady is still a little shy."

Staring at the shaking quilt with a smile, Yu Tian sighed and lay back beside Mo Xiaoyu.

(End of this chapter)

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