WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 12 Focusing on the Sea of ​​Clouds

Chapter 12 Focusing on the Sea of ​​Clouds
The last red envelope of Acacia Divine Ability sent out two fox demons.

This is something that Lin Feng never thought of. This WeChat red envelope can even send and store living things?

It's incredible...

Lin Feng hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't bear the compulsive disorder and ordered the red envelope.

Congratulations, you have received the Acacia Divine Power red envelope, twin fox sisters.


Lin Feng swallowed hard, looking at the words 'twin fox demon sisters' after being single for two lifetimes, he couldn't help but have a series of evil thoughts in his mind.

Opening the cloud space, Lin Feng checked carefully, only to find that each item has a detailed information query after clicking.

For example, for the first amethyst spirit vein, the remark is: a superb crystal stone spirit vein, which can increase the speed of cultivation.

Mad War Blood Essence Qi Pill: It can be cultivated in a short period of time, and each pill can increase the strength of the body's flesh and blood, increase the power of a dragon and elephant, reach an unprecedented peak of energy, and increase the stamina of intercourse by ten times!
Seeing this, Lin Feng complained again, that Acacia Magic Ability is really dirty, the mad war spirit pill, the word 'kuangzhan' and 'jingqi' are really appropriate.

As for the double cultivation rope, it can be said to be the most useful thing harvested this time. Anyone below the king rank can be tied with a rope. This is simply a forbidden artifact!

But if you want to come to Acacia Prodigy, it means to let him use it to play SM.

"Now I am struggling in the Lin family, and Lin Qingyu's death has made me stand on the cusp of the storm. These two fox demons are too coquettish and cannot be taken out for the time being, otherwise they will definitely cause big trouble, but they may be of great use in Wanlingyunhai Ah! There is also the beast enclosure that I snatched last time."

Lin Feng thought to himself, looking forward to Wanling Yunhai.

When the sea of ​​clouds of all spirits is open, even the three major immortal sects will send their disciples to experience it, which is a grand event with a radius of thousands of miles in Chixue City.

This place is a secret place, which will be opened automatically at a fixed time. It is rumored that it is the space left by the earth immortal Da Neng above the spiritual path realm after his death, and it is full of unimaginable benefits!

Of course, Lin Feng didn't know about these things, but every time when the sea of ​​clouds opened, the three great immortal sects would subdue many high-level monsters and become mounts. How arrogant it is for a [-]-meter giant eagle to be taken away by an elder of Xianmen!
This is also the reason why Lin Feng has never used the beast circle, he doesn't like the monsters in the beast cave at all!

A man should have great ambitions. How could the circle of beasts issued by the peak powerhouses in the WeChat group be used on ordinary monsters? At least one hundred-foot giant eagle should be subdued...

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking, but in his heart he was more concerned about the matter of Wanling Yunhai.

In this way, the most important thing for Lin Feng at this moment is this spiritual vein. Although Lin Feng has never touched the spirit stone, he can guess the value of this spiritual vein with his big toe.

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, there was a flash of inspiration.

Twenty purple crystals appeared in front of them, and the aura within them flickered like neon lights, moving continuously, extremely gorgeous!
Lin Feng was startled, just holding these crystals in his hands, he could feel the aura blowing towards his face, the whole room seemed to be ethereal, and there was a chance to get out of the dust.

Just when he was about to use these crystals to condense the sixth demon vein in one fell swoop, a call came from outside the door: "Brother Feng, I'm here to bring you food~".

Lin Feng immediately put away the spar with a movement of his hand, and opened the door.

The Qingxuan in front of him can be said to be the closest person to him in the entire Lin family. From that day on, Qingxuan would come here to deliver meals almost every day. Naturally, Lin Feng could tell her purpose at a glance, she was only protecting Lin Feng.

"Master said that in a few days, there will be many people from the three major immortal sects coming one after another. After the sea of ​​myriad spirits is opened, I must find a medicine to improve my aptitude so that brother Feng can successfully join the immortal sect and will not be bullied again." Qingxuan Her beautiful eyes were slightly red, but her words were unwavering.

"Crybaby, I have very good qualifications. It's your master who doesn't know people. He won't accept me now. Sooner or later he will beg me to join his sect, hehe." Lin Feng said haha.

Qingxuan covered her mouth and laughed lightly when she heard the words, Qianqian flicked her finger on Lin Feng's forehead, and said softly: "You are the only one who can brag..."

"Don't believe me, I might be stronger than you now." Lin Feng said with some confidence.

"Little guy, it's a big deal. If I break the seal and use my blood power with all my strength, I will now have the strength of the eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm!" Qingxuan said quite proudly.

When Lin Feng heard it, it turned out that Qingxuan's strength was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, the power of blood?Presumably this is the reason why the elder of Xianzong accepted her as his apprentice...

"By the way, I'll give you these crystals, little girl. You can use them to practice, and you should be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Lin Feng suddenly thought of his own spirit stones, and immediately took out ten of them from his pocket and handed them to Qingxuan.

As soon as the ten spars appeared, the whole room was filled with aura, and a refreshing feeling swept over the whole body.

Qingxuan's nimble eyes shrank suddenly, and then her face was filled with shock, she exclaimed: "This... what grade of spiritual stone is this? How can there be almost substantial spiritual energy coming out!"

Qingxuan's contact with the spirit stone is obviously much more comprehensive than that of Lin Feng, and she can see the extraordinaryness of this spirit stone with just one glance.

Lin Feng was also stunned for a moment, completely unaware that these few spirit stones would make Qingxuan lose his composure, and asked casually, "Are these spirit stones so valuable? You just keep them first. The more expensive you are, the more low-key you should be."

"Brother Feng, spiritual stones are divided into upper, middle and lower grades. My master specially let me have a look at them at the beginning. Your spiritual stone is probably the best spiritual stone." Qingxuan looked at Lin Feng with some confusion, "What do you do with this thing?" There will be..."

Lin Feng let out a haha, and just when he was about to talk casually, there were bursts of hurried footsteps and excited discussions at the door.

"The Presbyterian Hall has been confirmed, and the Sea of ​​Clouds will open in seven days. The Sun family and the Li family came to my Lin family square to challenge at the same time. It seems that they want to grab as many places as possible... Hurry up and have a look."

"It is said that there are only [-] places for each family to enter Wanlingyunhai this time, [-] for the City Lord's Mansion, and [-] places for the three major immortal sects. They will rush to Scarlet Blood City soon!"

"No wonder the Lin family of the Sun family came to challenge immediately upon hearing the news. They wanted to suppress my Lin family before entering Yunhai! I still remember the last time Yunhai and his party, Lin Qingyun, the son of the patriarch, caused the Sun family and the Li family to suffer a lot... "


The sea of ​​clouds of all spirits is about to open!
As soon as this news appeared, the entire Scarlet Blood City suddenly fell into a turbulent stage.

"Let's go, Qingxuan, let's go and see how strong the Sun family and Li family are? Maybe we can get a place for Wanling Yunhai..." Lin Feng pulled Qingxuan and walked out the door, but he didn't know about the Lingshi matter. Not a word.

Wanlingyunhai is finally coming!
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(End of this chapter)

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