Chapter 11

Lin Feng's exclamation immediately startled everyone outside!

Lin Feng is not dead!
Lin Qingyu only felt a ball of anger burning in his heart, his face was full of resentment, and he even shouted frantically: "Rush in and kill him!"

But Qingxuan was full of joy but rushed in immediately, trying to find Lin Feng.

It's just that the two teams were obviously a little afraid of the monsters at the second door and hesitated.

However, before everyone could enter, a group of black shadows rushed out quickly, hugged Qingxuan in his arms, and arrived at the door in the blink of an eye.

One punch!
Immediately, the three people at the door were knocked into the air.

"Run! The wall of the third door shattered, and the monster rushed out..."

Lin Feng shouted violently, no matter what the Sanqi 21 carrier Qingxuan rushed towards the black iron city wall at an extremely fast speed, appearing extremely panicked.

Lin Qingyu and the others behind him hadn't figured out the cause of the incident when they heard the earth-shattering roar of monsters!

The entire [-]-meter mountain vibrated unexpectedly!
A bloody aura swept out of the corridor.

"The monster at the third door! Hurry up and run... Ahh!"

Everyone was shocked, their expressions changed drastically, and they wanted to turn around and run away.

I saw a snake-shaped monster roaring out, and there was a whole person hugging it with bent arms!
call out!
The meat crown on the head of this monster has four colors, and there is a mallet-shaped snake head at the head and tail.

Just after rushing out, the two Lin family disciples died instantly under the bite of the first one!
"Ah! Hurry up and run, this is a seventh-order monster..."

Seventh-order monsters are enough to kill the strong ones in the mortal martial realm, and they are not able to resist them at all.

At this moment, more than 20 children of the Lin family fled in a panic like sheep being chased away!

Lin Feng was extremely fast, and he rushed to the black iron city wall in the first time while holding Qingxuan in his arms. Looking back, he took a breath, and within ten short breaths, only [-] of the Lin family's children were left. Ten people down!

Lin Qingyu lay on the ground and screamed again and again: "Save me, save me! I am the young master of the Lin family..."

It's a pity that no one is willing to take their own lives as a joke at this moment.


After a shrill cry, Lin Qingyu's whole body was torn in two, his eyes were full of unwillingness, at the last moment of his life, he even regretted why he had made a grudge against Lin Feng in the first place, and even lost his life step by step.

"Brother Feng..." Qingxuan's face turned pale, frightened by the terrifying scene below, she bowed her head and lay in Lin Feng's arms.

"Help us! Help..." Lin Feng patted her on the shoulder, gently pushed Qingxuan away, estimated the distance between everyone and the iron wall, and jumped down without hesitation, towards the snake-shaped monster rush away.

At this moment, it must be fast!
Otherwise, the tunnel will be broken, and more monsters will rush out and no one will be able to survive.

"I'll block them, you have five breaths to rush to the city wall!" Lin Feng jumped in front of the giant snake with two heads and colorful crown.

There were only five or six people left without any hesitation. At this juncture, they just wanted to survive!

The monster seemed to be provoked, and it jumped up with an arch of its body. The two mallet-shaped crowns hit Lin Feng at the front and back, making bursts of angry sounds!
Lin Feng could have retreated originally, but at this moment he knew that if he retreated, the five people behind would probably die, so he chose to carry it on!
These five people are different from Lin Qingyu, they have no grievances or enmity with him, he can't just ignore death...

But Lin Feng is not a saint, he must guarantee that he can survive, only two breaths, after two breaths, he will immediately return to the city wall, he secretly thought: this time must be quick!
With the first blow, blood gushed from Lin Feng's mouth.

In the second blow, his legs were slightly bent, and he punched at the moment the monster snake attacked, and his whole body was ejected backwards, pulling away a distance.

Then with the help of this force, he rushed to the high wall at an extremely fast speed!
Escape from the third attack of the monster snake dangerously and dangerously!

Seeing the bloody and bloody eyes below the stage, and the slender eyes of the monster snake, everyone felt that they were already drenched in cold sweat.


The huge mountain shook unexpectedly, and it was obvious that the monsters following behind were trying to hit the tunnel!
The violent noise made most of the entire Lin family walk out of the door, looking at this place in surprise.

Lin Family Center, Presbyterian Hall.

"The two of us are absolutely not mistaken. His talent is no longer under Lin Fuyu's back then. My Lin family is very likely to be considered an outstanding person again!"

"Fighting against a fifth-order monster can be won with just a single dagger. What a talent, the two of us have observed his attack carefully, but there are only five or six auras in his body, and he must not have reached the seventh floor of the Mortal Martial Realm. What a talent!"

Everyone in the Presbyterian Hall exclaimed unceasingly, they only felt that what they said was too shocking, but they nodded again when they remembered what happened to Lin Feng's father, Lin Fuyu.

"What sound! It seems to be coming from the beast den. Could it be that something happened to Lin Feng... Hurry up and have a look!"

Nearly ten elders in the elder hall screamed suddenly, then jumped up, turning into afterimages and rushing towards the beast den.

"What to do, what to do? Lin Qingyu is dead, the second young master is dead..."

"What can we do, we are lucky to survive!"

Everyone said something to each other, their faces were full of fear and uneasiness.

"Brother Feng, let's go quickly..." Although the city wall is strong, even if the monsters rush out, it is impossible to climb over, but looking at the pieces of broken corpses below, Qingxuan obviously couldn't bear it.

Lin Feng nodded, and led Qingxuan to jump down the city wall and walk towards the residence. As for Lin Qingyu's death, he suffered from the consequences of himself, no one else.

About a quarter of an hour after the two left, nearly ten elders finally arrived in the presbytery hall. They frowned tightly when they saw the seventh-rank monsters rushing out from below and piles of corpses.

One of them even rushed down directly, and a virtual blade stood up with a flickering aura in his hand, cutting the beast in half.

"The two of you hurry up and drive all the monsters back, and seal them up with formations!" The leader of the Supreme Elder said decisively, "Where is Lin Feng? Did he die inside..."

The people around were stunned when they heard the words, why did the people in the elder hall look for Lin Feng, did they want to question him?

"Tell the elder that he is not inside and has already left with Qingxuan..."

Hearing this, all the elders breathed a sigh of relief, and then went down into the beast den.

This incident caused an uproar in the Lin family, and the death of the second young master of the Lin family under the riot in the beast den was big news in Scarlet Blood City.

And it aroused the wrath of Lin Qingshan, the head of the Lin family!
Lin Sanye personally led the Law Enforcement Hall, arrested all the people involved in the incident of the Lin family, and abolished their cultivation, and put them in the family prison!
However, only one person seemed to be forgotten, and that was Lin Feng!

It seemed he had nothing to do with the matter.

In the Lin family's meeting hall, Lin Sanye had an angry look on his face, and he stood up against the table, shouting: "Brother, as the head of the Lin family, Qing Yu's death has a lot to do with that kid, so why don't you just let him go like this..."

"Otherwise? The Presbyterian Hall tried its best to protect it, and took all the blame for it, saying that it was a problem with the formation that caused the wall separating the two animal caves to break, and it was Qingyu who ordered someone to open the iron gate that had a formation in the corridor! "The middle-aged man sat on the jade-carved golden chair in the center, his voice could not be heard to appease his anger, but the coercion exuded from his body even Lin Sanye did not dare to approach him within ten steps.

"However, I will decide his fate. Without him, the bastard Qingyu will not die at all!" Lin Qingshan said sharply, "Qingyun will be back in a few days, and I want you to give me the quota of Wanling Yunhai. That Lin Feng... Even if he doesn't participate, let me get him in, then I'll see who else can protect him!"


In another tall building behind the conference hall, all the Supreme Elders were also given a gag order at this moment. Everything about Lin Feng must not be spread outside, and all help can only be done in secret!

However, Lin Feng, the instigator, seemed as if nothing had happened, and continued to practice for several days.

It wasn't until late at night that he took out his mobile phone on a whim. This thing was his biggest secret.

"I've been blocked for so many days, compared to this group of gods, they should have forgotten about that trouble." Lin Feng clicked on the 99+ WeChat chat group.

But as soon as he opened it, he was shocked!

A series of hundreds of messages from @另口老王… What the hell is this!

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(End of this chapter)

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