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Chapter 10 Inherited Martial Skill Talent

Chapter 10 Inherited Martial Skill Talent
When Lin Feng opened the first page of martial arts, his eyes lit up.

More than ten pages behind this martial art have been corroded, but the front part is intact. I am afraid that the Supreme Elder has even read it, and he doesn't even bother to look at such a broken martial art. However, Lin Feng feels that he may have picked up a treasure. .

This is an assassination treasure-level martial arts book, and the weapon used in its explanation is obviously a dagger.

I'm afraid that the Supreme Elder didn't think too much about it. After all, any martial skill can be effective even if it is performed with fists, but it just so happened that this weapon turned out to be Lin Feng's favorite dagger.

"The martial arts of the seventh rank of the spiritual rank, this is really lucky, but unfortunately it is a broken book, otherwise even if it is sold, it can be sold at a good price." Lin Feng was not without joy.

Lin Feng also knows a little about the ranks of martial arts, and they are divided into ordinary ranks, spiritual ranks, and king ranks of martial arts. Each rank is divided into nine ranks, the first rank is the worst, and the ninth rank is excellent.

It is said that there are only less than five martial arts in the entire Scarlet Blood City with a spirit martial rank above the seventh rank.

This is really a bargain!

I'm afraid the Supreme Elder would not have given this thing to him if he knew about it.

After entering the mountainside, the scene inside is almost the same as the other one, except that the space is much larger and the corridors are also wider. One can imagine that the monsters inside must be huge, far from the first cave.

Seeing that the monsters did not come out for a long time, Lin Feng was not in a hurry, so he studied it carefully, and then took out the dagger at his waist to gesture.

Half an hour passed, Lin Feng looked a little weird, and put the martial arts in his arms.

The dagger whizzed past like a poisonous snake, and Lin Feng's body changed like a shape-shifting shadow, like a ghost that couldn't be caught, but the moves were still jerky and he hadn't mastered them proficiently.

"Why is this martial skill so easy to practice? They all said that when I was kicked out of the family, my meridians were weak and I couldn't practice it. Now it seems that all my talents are in martial arts..." Lin Feng said to himself.

The two elders outside the door looked at each other and smiled, as if they had been prepared for such an outcome.

"Sure enough, he is the son of Lin Fuyu. His ability to comprehend martial arts can be called a monster. It seems that my Lin family can produce another outstanding person!"


In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and Lin Feng swung the dagger easily like an arm, and his whole body was like a black shadow in the mountainside, the speed was jaw-dropping.

In just five days, he had cultivated the martial arts of the ninth rank of the mortal level to a great success, and his comprehension of martial arts has reached an astonishing speed!

"Okay, let the monster go out..."

This time the monster was nearly five meters high, and its dark brown leather armor made a metallic sound when it touched the wall. It looked somewhat similar to a rhinoceros, but there was a row of long horns on its head. Like a spear!

Lin Feng, who had practiced martial arts, was obviously more dexterous, but after a short fight, he found that this monster was at least at the fourth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, and with its huge body and leather armor, its strength was almost the same as his!

"How long do you think he can last this time?"

Time passed by one minute and one second, and five days passed in the blink of an eye.


Outside the beast den.

Under the black iron wall, a woman would come every day, waiting from early morning to sunset.

Ever since Lin Feng entered the beast den, Qingxuan has been restless every day, and doesn't think about eating or drinking.

"I won't die, Brother Feng Jiren has his own appearance!"

Seeing that the sky was getting late and the sun was setting, Qingxuan was worried about the table, and when she was about to leave, a group of more than 20 people walked towards her.

"Hey, isn't this Qingxuan? Are you here to help collect that kid's body..." The speaker leaned on the crutch, lightly flicking his words indescribably.

"Second Young Master is right. I have stayed in the beast cave for more than ten days. I am afraid that the corpses have been eaten by monsters, haha!"

Qingxuan's haggard face suddenly became angry: "Lin Qingyu, Brother Feng spared your life, yet you don't feel grateful at all, and still gloat so much!"

"Grateful? Let me tell you, I came here today to get his corpse out and flog it. He ruined all my cultivation. It's too cheap for him to die like this. Even if there are only bones, I have to dig them out!" Lin Qingyu cried bitterly.

With more than 20 people, they rushed directly to the iron wall.

"Master, I checked yesterday that the two elders rushed to the elder hall for a meeting for some reason. There is no one in the animal cave at the moment, and the highest cultivation level among us is already at the fifth floor of the Mortal Martial Realm. As long as we don't enter the third gate, we will be fine." Nothing will happen."

Qingxuan was furious when she heard the words, followed by a few moves.

More than 20 people went down the iron wall one by one, and finally came to the first hole******* opened the iron door, we went in to have a look, but there was no movement inside, I am afraid that he really has only There are only bones left, haha..."


The iron door opened slowly.

On their right, in the mountainside behind the second door, blood spattered!

Lin Feng pulled out the dagger from the monster's eye...

"Finally, I have reached the peak of the fifth level of the Mortal Martial Realm. If the next one is a monster of the fifth level of the Mortal Martial Realm, then I will be able to reach the sixth level of the Mortal Martial Realm! I am afraid that I will have the power of nine bulls, comparable to the ninth level of the Mortal Martial Realm." ! At that time, there will be no opponents except the Mortal Martial Realm and the Great Perfection Mortal Martial Realm!"

Lin Feng's body was in a mess, and his hair was sticking together from the dry blood.

The edge of the wall was full of cracks, and it was deeply sunken, and six giant beasts several meters tall were thrown on the ground.

"Huh? What's going on outside? Someone has entered the first door again?" Lin Feng said to himself, then walked into the corridor and forcibly pushed up an iron fence.

Two days ago, when he saw that the iron fence was no longer open, he had already done it himself.

Lifting the iron fence, he quickly retreated. The strength of the monsters on the second floor should not be underestimated. If it wasn't for this, he wouldn't have killed six of them in so many days.

A monster roared out.

Lin Feng fixed his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became serious. After these few days of experience, he clearly knew that this was a fifth-order monster!
The monsters of this level are no different from his strength, so we must deal with them carefully!
At the same time, the first door had just opened, and the more than 20 people led by Lin Qingyu had weird expressions when they heard the movement. Could it be that Lin Feng was among the second door?
Even though this idea was quickly rejected, it has never been heard of a younger generation of disciples entering the second door for so many years.

"It seems that no one else has been thrown into the beast den in the past few days. Who is in the second door?" A Lin family disciple at the fourth level of the Mortal Martial Realm asked.

"Could it be that Lin Feng..."

"Fart, can he enter the second door with his cultivation base? Can he still live until now? Funny."

Lin Qingyu heard this group of people making noise, and said coldly: "What's the noise, you can find out by looking at it, go and open the second door for me, and let the people inside come out to see me."

Qingxuan stood aside, but there was a look of anticipation on her face, secretly praying to God that Lin Feng was still alive.


Just as the cave door opened and Lin Qingyu stepped in, a sound of the mountain cracking came out.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng yelled in a panic: "Not good!"

 Two chapters are updated a day, no comments, do you recommend, -. -

(End of this chapter)

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