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Chapter 9 Today, who is the prey!

Chapter 9 Today, who is the prey!
Beast cave.

A place that makes the children of the Lin family terrified when they hear about it, but it can be described as extremely dangerous inside.

Lin Feng was personally escorted by Lin Sanye and others, which naturally attracted many Lin family children to join in the fun.

"Another unlucky guy who wants to enter the beast den. Last time I was punished to go in and kill two monsters. I almost died!" The speaker pointed to his eyes and said with lingering fear.

"You counted well, and you only lost one eye. Last time Lin Wan killed an ordinary person for no reason and was caught by the city lord's mansion and handed over to the family for disposal. He killed five monsters. When he came out, two The arm has no flesh..."

"I haven't seen this guy before. I don't know what mistake he made. How many monsters are he going to kill?"


huh huh.

On the high black iron wall, two old men in black robes jumped down and landed in front of everyone.

Nearly a hundred people onlookers, including Sanye Lin, all bent down and clasped their fists to salute, saying: "I have seen the two Supreme Elders..."

The Supreme Elders, each of them is the oldest person in the Lin family, and they are also members of the elder hall. They have the right to restrain the head of the Lin family, and their strength is naturally extremely powerful.

The two old men hunched their backs and their entire bodies were covered by black robes. They said indifferently, "What did this person commit, and how should he be punished?"

"The elder on the platform, this person is named Lin Feng, he committed a heinous crime within the clan, almost killed Qingyu... he is punished here to kill the monster." Third Master Lin replied respectfully.

The two old men nodded, looked at Lin Feng carefully, shook their heads and sighed, "You are his son, I think you were just a child when I had to send you away..."

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat when the Supreme Elder's words seemed to have a different meaning. He was about to speak but was interrupted by another elder.

"Second brother, don't talk too much, let's take him in." Said he put his right hand on Lin Feng's shoulder, and then jumped up lightly, as if stepping into the air, and appeared again on the tall iron wall.

Third Master Lin in the audience gave a gloomy smile, then turned and left, patted Lin Qingyu who was full of resentment and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, he won't live for two days..."

"Huh? How many monsters does he want to kill? Why didn't he say it clearly?"

"It's not two or three heads, it's the same if you don't say it, but he is very brave! He dared to hurt Lin Qingyu like this."

"Yeah, even if he came out alive, he probably won't live long."

"You've also heard that the sea of ​​clouds is about to appear. At that time, Lin Qingyun will return to the family from Xianzong. He has always loved his younger brother. If Lin Feng is not dead today, he will suffer all kinds of torture..."

Everyone talked to each other for a long time, and when they were about to leave, they heard the three uncles from the main branch of Lin Feng wailing and shouting angrily: "A hundred monsters, a hundred monsters! Monster beast, Feng'er, you must not die!"

"One hundred monsters!"


As soon as these words came out, everyone froze, took a breath, shook their heads and left one by one, three or five heads was the limit, and killing a hundred heads and a hundred lives might not be enough to kill them.

On the high wall, the old man beside Lin Feng also snorted softly, obviously feeling that this matter was a bit too much.

After a while, he said, "Second brother, go get some pills and give them to Lin Qingyu, I'll take care of them here..."

After speaking, the man jumped down and brought Lin Feng to the front of the [-]-meter-high mountain.

Just as Lin Feng stood up, he felt a strong bloody aura rushing towards his face in front of him, accompanied by bursts of roars, which made people startled!
"Your father is a rare genius in my Lin family for hundreds of years, but you have not cultivated your physique, but you still came back to the Lin family today. What a twist of fate."

"It's impossible for you to complete a hundred monsters. Today you try your best to kill two or three monsters. As for the owner and Mr. Lin, I will intercede for you. You will have to apologize when the time comes." .”

Lin Feng was noncommittal. At this moment, his eyes were like torches, staring at the three giant black iron gates above the mountain, feeling the breath of monsters one after another inside them.

His blood was boiling at this moment!

As if it were a desire, a desire to kill, to fight!

"Go into the first door, just kill a few first-order monsters." The elder didn't say any more, and motioned Lin Feng to enter the first door.

Lin Feng nodded, and when he got close to the iron gate, he could clearly feel from the screams of the monsters that the monsters at the first gate were definitely not as good as the other two.

As the old man pressed his right hand on the iron gate, the huge iron gate slowly moved up, like a giant beast opening its bloody mouth!

The moment the iron gate was opened, the sound of monsters and beasts filled the sky, and a disgusting bloody smell suddenly hit.

Lin Feng didn't pause, and jumped in, as if there were all kinds of temptations inside.

Such a scene stunned the old man at the door. He looked at Lin Feng with some puzzlement, and murmured: "Fu Yu, your son is as brave as you. It would be great if he had half the talent of yours. Is it really worth it for a woman..."

After finishing speaking, the old man couldn't stop sighing, and finally the iron gate fell.

Ka Ka Ka!
The moment the iron gate fell, the place where Lin Feng was located in the mountainside was instantly brightened. This place is like a long corridor, the width and height of which are no more than one meter, and the vision gradually widens as you continue to walk forward.

A circular field with a radius of more than ten meters appeared in front of him, with fluorescent stones one after another on the top, and a black iron plate several meters thick below, with criss-cross traces of sharp claws on it, and dried black blood everywhere!

Right in front of Lin Feng, there appeared a corridor again, separated by an iron gate. A scarlet eye was fixed on Lin Feng, and the huge head kept hitting the iron gate, as if staring at a prey. Lin Feng was him. dinner!

And it can't wait!

Lin Feng clenched his fists tightly, unconsciously his blood was boiling like boiling water, and his eyes were no different from that of this monster.

Today, who is the prey?

Lin Feng let out a violent roar, venting the excitement in his heart, and getting rid of the last trace of fear!
roar roar...

With this roar, all the monsters in the cave seemed to be enraged.


The iron fence was opened suddenly, and a dark green iron-clad monster about two or three meters high rushed out. Senhan's fangs were half a meter long, like two round moon scimitars, showing their coldness under the fluorescent light!

The monster appeared, and looking into the tunnel, one could find that there was another iron fence behind it, firmly blocking the angry monster.

"Second, what do the third master Lin and the Patriarch say?" He took out a piece of blue spar the size of a mung bean with his right hand and put it on a smooth cut surface on the mountain.

The moment the blue crystal was put in, everything about Lin Feng inside the mountain suddenly emerged, but the next scene completely attracted the attention of the two of them...

(End of this chapter)

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