Chapter 8
But, so what!
After Lin Feng's words fell, the people around felt a thrill in their hearts, and even the old people in the main department couldn't help but shuddered and screamed hastily.

"No way!"

"Don't be impulsive, or you will die!"


Everyone gritted their teeth with hatred for Lin Qingyu, but they all knew that now that the Lin family's Lin Qingshan lineage is in power, killing his son Lin Qingyu is tantamount to seizing his son!

However, Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he said coldly, "Even if I don't kill him today, do you think he can give up?"

Lin Feng already has a decision in mind, kill!

Kill Lin Qingyu, go far away to the barren hills, have a WeChat red envelope group, one day he will be able to rise up, and then the new and old grudges will be counted together, this is what Lin Feng wants to fight at the moment!
"I can only blame you for bullying too much!" Lin Feng's voice fell, and his right foot was pressed down like a giant cauldron!
If this foot is implemented, even if it is an iron block, it may be stepped on and collapsed.

Um! ?

However, Lin Feng's right foot was only an inch away from Lin Qingyu's head, but it couldn't fall no matter what, as if it was protected by a spiritual light!
"It's so murderous, but I can't let you kill him." The middle-aged man behind Qingxuan had a flat expression, and a faint blue aura flickered on his fingertips, like a glimmer of fluorescent light in the night sky.

Mortal Martial Realm, Spirit Martial Realm, and Spiritual Path Realm.

These are the three major realms that Lin Feng knows now, and at this moment, only one spiritual realm higher than him by one level can make him feel powerless.

"Why did you stop me?" Lin Feng's words were a little dark.

Qingxuan was at a loss, she held Lin Feng's hand in a crying voice and said: "Brother Feng, if you kill him, Lin Qingshan will never die with you forever, come with me, let him die..."

Just as Lin Feng was about to speak, a series of hurried footsteps in the distance attracted everyone's attention.

Immediately, Lin Sanye came with nearly twenty guards wearing the costumes of the Lin family's Law Enforcement Hall, and instantly surrounded Lin Feng three layers in and out.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng shook his head and sighed twice, and moved away his right foot that was about to kill Lin Qingyu.

At this moment, in front of so many people, and with this middle-aged man in the spiritual realm protecting him, he couldn't make a move. Even if he really did make a move, I am afraid that there is no hope of escaping today.

"Lin Feng, you are so brave, you dare to hurt Qing Yu like this!" Standing in front of the crowd, Third Master Lin shouted angrily, "Come and take him down for me, and kill him on the spot!"

Following Lin Sanye's order, twenty guards rushed up and hacked Lin Feng to death in an instant.

Lin Feng's complexion suddenly changed, and he was about to lift Lin Qingyu in his hands.

"No!" Qing Xuan shouted eagerly, staring at her master pleadingly.

"Wait!" At this moment, Qingxuan's master shook his head and spoke again. At the same time, light flashed under his feet, and afterimages appeared in front of Lin Feng to protect him.

"Master Lin, can you let him go for my sake?" The middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Lin Sanye frowned, obviously he was quite afraid of the middle-aged man, after all, he was a member of the Immortal Sect, and he was far from being provoked by a Lin family.

After half an hour.

"Capital crimes are inevitable, but living crimes are inevitable! Lin Feng, you dare to attack the second young master of the Lin family. Since the elder Tongbimen pleaded for you, capital crimes are inevitable, and living crimes are inevitable! Today, I will leave the three restaurants left by your father to you." It will be confiscated, and you will be fined to go to the beast cave to kill a hundred monsters..." Lin Sanye said with a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth.

As soon as these words came out, the people around all took a breath of cold air.

Beast dens, such places are set up in all the major families and even the city lord's mansion in Scarlet Blood City.

There are many monsters in it, and it is a place where each family has captured monsters for generations, and the elders will enter to capture or kill them when necessary.

You must know that the monster inner alchemy and monster materials are important materials for cultivation and refining leather armor and other defensive items.

The monsters are so cruel that ordinary people of the same level cannot compete with them.

One hundred heads, isn't this trying to push Lin Feng into the fire pit? The final outcome is obviously a dead end!
"Mr. Lin, how could you be like this? You can just take those three restaurants. Isn't it tantamount to committing suicide in the beast den with his mortal martial arts cultivation?"

"Master Lin only asks you to let Lin Feng live!"


Many old people in the main department shouted angrily.

Lin Feng's heart was icy cold, he looked at Mr. Lin solemnly, this guy not only wanted to seize the real estate but also didn't intend to keep his life!
However, that beast den may be a life-threatening place for others, but it may be a rare and good place for him. He who possesses the monster clan skills is very likely to soar into the sky.

Lin Feng clenched his fists, his heart was full of anger, but at this moment, he couldn't help but refuse, otherwise there would only be a dead end.

Forcibly calming down the anger in his heart, Lin Feng said coldly: "I agree..."

One day, I will make you pay the price!Lin Feng roared in his heart.

"No! If you go to the beast den, you will definitely die!"

"You don't know the horror of the beast den. Those monsters are naturally powerful, let alone a hundred, or three. You can't do it alive..."

"Let's invite our ancestors, and we will never let you die unexpectedly!"

The people around did not expect that Lin Feng would choose to enter the beast den. In their eyes, killing a hundred monsters in the beast den was simply an impossible task.

"Master, please save him! As long as you accept him as an apprentice, the Lin family will definitely not dare to embarrass Brother Feng!" Qingxuan, with tears on her cheeks, knelt down in front of the middle-aged man and begged.

The middle-aged man shook his head and said: "I just saw that his aptitude is extremely poor. It is unbelievable that he can cultivate. He must have cultivated at this level in his whole life. How could I accept him as a disciple, and he chose this path himself. Life and death are up to you!"

"Some people are destined to live an ordinary life. If you are worried about him, you'd better persuade him to abolish his cultivation and leave the Lin family. If he insists on entering the beast den, he will have no worries with others."

Lin Feng stood up, stretched out his hand to wipe away the teardrops on Qingxuan's cheeks, passed the tip of her nose, and squeezed out a smile: "Silly girl, don't worry, my life is cheap, I can't die."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he turned around and walked away, walking towards the interior of the Lin family. The third master Lin snorted coldly and led Lin Feng to the beast den under the regretful eyes of many old people from the main line.

"Brother Feng..." Qingxuan fainted when she saw Lin Feng's back.

After walking for half an hour, the houses in the east of Lin's house gradually decreased, and there were even two tall black iron walls separating this place.

Behind the high wall is a mountain about [-] meters high, and sometimes there are beasts roaring from inside, which makes one's scalp tingle.

"Lin Feng, I really want to see you being torn into pieces inside!" Lin Qingyu said viciously even though he was weak when he heard the roar of the beast.

The few old men who had been following along also tried to persuade Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng was shaking his head all the time, not only that, there was even a ray of excitement and anticipation in his eyes...

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(End of this chapter)

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