Chapter 7 Crush!

My life, I save myself!

Lin Qingyu didn't understand this sentence. As for the life and death of the big golden tooth, he didn't care at all. Even if Lin Feng didn't kill him, Lin Qingyu would find a way to seal his mouth after today.

But such a sentence sounded like a curse to Da Jinya's ears, it sent a chill down his spine instantly, and the courage to ridicule Lin Feng just now disappeared without a trace.


Unfortunately, Lin Feng didn't give him the slightest chance to beg for mercy...

Da Jinya was limp on the ground, he never thought that he would die here today, and Lin Qingyu and Lin Qingyu had no intention of saving him at all.

"I have to say that you are quite ruthless, but killing an ordinary person is like scaring us? Daydreaming, how about it, today you cut off your legs, and you will be a dog wagging your tail by my side from now on, I can let you stay At the Lin family, haha..." Lin Qingyu smiled wantonly, thinking of Lin Feng and Qingxuan's closeness, he felt angry.

Kill this guy, Qingxuan will get it sooner or later!
Thinking this way, Lin Qingyu greeted Lin Qian and wanted to take Lin Feng down.

However, Lin Feng didn't move at this moment. He saw that a series of blood energy rushed into his body from the big gold tooth along his palm, because no one else saw it because of the clothes blocking it, especially the invisible strands of energy. It made Lin Feng's whole spirit shake, and he felt that the strength of his flesh and bones increased sharply again!
And with the inhalation of blood energy and essence energy, the smelting of the demon veins that had only a trace left was finally completed!

"Fortunately, the third demon vein is only a tiny bit short of the last two absorptions, otherwise he might not be able to break through as an ordinary person..." Lin Feng thought to himself, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, he clenched his fist tightly with his right hand, and felt that his whole body was full of strength again, as if his own blood was burning vigorously like a furnace.

"What's wrong with Lin Feng, why do I feel that his momentum is like a giant beast!"

"What a strong blood, is this really human..."

A few elderly people were obviously very knowledgeable, and they could see the changes in Lin Feng at a glance.

But at this moment, Lin Qian's fist hit once again like a tsunami!

"Break me! Roar!!"

At this moment, Lin Feng let out an angry roar and climbed up again, the surrounding air was blown up and scattered, his punches were like dragons, and there were bursts of explosive sounds!

At this moment, Lin Feng looked like a giant beast!

Bang bang bang!
The fists collided, but a series of bangs erupted, like two mountain peaks colliding!

However, this time, Lin Feng's feet were as steady as a rock, and the bluestone slabs under his feet were shaken into powder for several meters, while Lin Qian flew upside down like a sandbag, his right hand was completely broken, twisted at a strange angle , the person is in the air, but the blood in the mouth can't stop no matter what.

His face was full of horror and horror!
Lin Feng, who was knocked back by his punch just now, is now bursting out with such terrifying power!

"This, this is impossible! How could you have such a powerful force in such a short period of time... Poof!" After Lin Qian finished speaking, he spurted out another mouthful of reverse blood, and his whole body collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, the scene suddenly became silent, as if a needle could be noticed when it fell on the ground, and the air was filled with incredible breath.

In the blink of an eye, the scene changed instantly!
Lin Qingyu stood stiffly on the spot, and the moves in his hand stopped awkwardly in the air...

Lin Qian was stronger than him, but he was blown away by Lin Feng's group, and the verdict was judged.

"This, how is this possible? Are you hiding?!" Lin Qingyu couldn't believe it, and slowly backed away as he spoke.

However, Lin Feng's figure appeared behind him as soon as he moved, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Zangzhuo? That has nothing to do with you, let's settle the score today..." Lin Feng kicked Lin Qingyu directly on the crook of the leg.

With Lin Feng's strength at this moment, this kick almost crippled his leg, and even heard the sound of bones breaking.

"It seems that I should have the power of five oxen now, but the third level of the Mortal Martial Realm has the power comparable to the fifth level of the Mortal Martial Realm. Although this monster clan's skill is a bit evil, it is really good..." Lin Feng looked at Lin Qingyu in front of him. It looks like estimated.

"Lin Feng! You can't die if you want to. I'm the young master of the Lin family. How dare you break my leg!" Lin Qingyu hissed in pain, with white sweat pouring out of his forehead and his gums almost gnawed.

"Didn't you always want to make me crippled, so what if I break your legs today!"


The sound of a broken bone made the scalp tingle. Lin Feng kicked him from the side like a hammer to the knee of his other leg. Lin Qingyu rolled out on the ground, leaving behind a glaring blood stain!
"I'm going to kill you, ahh..."

Lin Qingyu fell into madness, and the severe pain made him lose his mind. However, Lin Feng interrupted him again, and stepped on him, making his face tightly pressed against the bluestone slab.

"If you don't see the coffin, you won't shed tears." Lin Feng's voice was as light as water, but it sounded like an ice cave to the ears of the older generation around him.


Lin Feng suddenly raised his foot and landed heavily, directly breaking the main vein of his abdomen, making Lin Qingyu completely useless!
Lin Qingyu was lying on the ground like a dead dog, twitching constantly, spitting blood at the mouth, his eyes were even a little white, and his limbs were all useless.

Cool, Lin Qingyu felt that the bluestone slab was extremely cool at the moment.

Lin Feng's foot still stepped on his head...

"You and I are related by blood, but since you took my land deed, we have had an enmity. That's all. You want to take my life one after another, kill my friends... Humiliate the elders, you don't regret your death today." Lin Fengyi Saying it one by one, I only feel that Lin Qingyu's death is not a pity.

"Don't kill him!! Brother Feng, don't do it."

At this moment, Qingxuan ran over anxiously under the leadership of an old man, and behind him was a middle-aged man in his 50s wearing a white robe.

The two came towards Lin Feng quickly, and Qing Xuan cried out anxiously from afar.

As soon as the two approached, Lin Feng's eyes shrank suddenly, and he looked at the middle-aged man behind Qingxuan. This man exuded a chilling aura, and just staring at him with his eyes made his hair stand on end.

This person must have surpassed the realm of mortal martial arts and stepped into the realm of spiritual martial arts.

"Brother Feng, you must not kill him! If you kill him, the entire Lin family will never tolerate you. If that's all, then Lin Qingshan and Lin Qingyu's elder brother, Lin Qingyun, will probably never die for you!" Qingxuan saw Lin Feng He said quickly without any intention of stopping.

Lin Feng nodded. He is not an idiot. He is naturally very clear about the power of this. When he first thought of killing Lin Qingyu, he thought about the difficulties he would face.

But how can it be? !
(End of this chapter)

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