Chapter 6
Red envelope war!

Lin Feng was almost not amused by these guys. This group of powerhouses who seem to be in charge of the destiny and the level of gods and emperors actually played a red envelope war here...

Lin Feng saw hundreds of unread messages above, so he directly chose to skip them.

Look at your sister!

Grabbing the red envelope is the last word...

Emperor Huanggu: "I was born in the wilderness, and entered Taoism through physical training. I control the destiny with brute force. There is really nothing to do. So I will give you some of my special ore, and everyone will keep it!"

"All right, all right, I'm just trying to have fun, and it's the same for everything!" Taoist Zhetian sent a row of handshake emojis.

"That's right, that's right, otherwise I will send you a few female apprentices under me for you to train and train you? Hehe..." Hehuan prodigy immediately sent a smirk.

"Grab the red envelope! I ate two Seven-Star Speed ​​Pills to grab the red envelope!"

The cool expressions of Peerless Danjun didn't make Lin Feng half dead, no wonder the **** couldn't grab it, these guys snatched a red envelope and took drugs!
Red envelopes are given out!

Lin Feng was very excited, regardless of 21 [-], it just clicked on the screen of the mobile phone like a storm.

Ten red envelopes at a time, many people snatch them together, and the one who is unlucky and grabs the most parallel ones will give out another red envelope.

Red orange yellow green cyan blue purple black and white gray.

Each of the ten red envelope items is color coded.

"Emperor Nine Suns grabbed the red envelope: Red-Purple Gold Dragon Stone!"

"Acacia prodigy grabs a red envelope: black-glazed amber!"

"Emperor Qin snatched..."

Lin Feng's eyes turned red when he saw the news that one of the red envelopes was snatched, but he didn't snatch another one.

Just by the names of these things, one knows that they are definitely not ordinary products. I think that the ore issued by the Great Desolate Emperor, I am afraid that if you just take a piece of it to cast a weapon, it is a peerless magic weapon! !
Lin Feng's mood at the moment is not humane, it is like a pile of first prize winning tickets of the Mark Six lottery floating in front of him, but he can't catch them anyway. This feeling is simply maddening.

"This stone is not bad. It just happens to refine a Wushuang level chaos gun. I will show you when the time comes. Whose turn will it be next..."

"The gray one was snatched by Emperor Qin, it's his turn to post it."


I click, click! !The red envelopes have been robbed again...

What the hell!

This game is unplayable.

For a whole day and night, Lin Feng's hands were red and swollen, and he couldn't grab anything.

At this moment, his hair was as messy as straw, and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he hadn't slept in months.

"For the last time, God bless you to grab it!" Lin Feng stretched out his right hand tremblingly.

"Everyone, take it, ten Wanyu beast circles, ten colors, let's see who is lucky!" After finishing speaking, the king of beasts sent out a red envelope.

Must grab, must grab!

Lin Feng roared in his heart.

Grab the red envelope: Hui-Wanyu Beast Fencing Circle!
Seeing a series of reminders on WeChat, Lin Feng almost cried without laughing, and jumped up, exclaiming endlessly.

"I got it, I got it at last! Damn it, I just said that luck is not so bad..." Lin Feng smirked foolishly.

But soon he came to his senses, his whole body trembled, and he carefully read the rules of these guys' red envelope wars...

"Grey, it's not my turn to give out red envelopes!"

Seeing that the circle of beasts has been stored in the cloud space, thousands of grass and mud horses are galloping past in my heart. How bad is this luck? After fighting for a day and a night, I even snatched the last place. If I grab one, I will send out ten!
"God, don't play with me! I, a little Xiami on the second floor of the Mortal Martial Realm, sent something to these gods and gods..." Lin Feng looked at the bricks in the corner and wanted to smash the phone.

Just when Lin Feng was anxious like ants on a hot pot, the group of gods and emperor-level powerhouses in the group had already started to make a fuss.

"The old king next door? Who is this sacred, who is in charge of the next day's life... This title is really unheard of."

"You don't care what fate he is in charge of, hurry up and send something, and you are having fun! Send it!!"

"Old Wang next door, hurry up and give out red envelopes, everyone is waiting impatiently!"


Ahem, Lin Feng almost vomited blood, only to see the WeChat window keep beating, the speed made him dizzy.

What to do! ?
He never thought that he would win the bid by grabbing ten red envelopes once.

Old Wang next door is his nickname on WeChat. As for the days of his life, Lin Feng has no idea at all.

After hesitating again and again, Lin Feng clicked on the chat window and typed word by word...

"Fellow daoists, don't be too excited. My brother Yandi has an unexpected situation. He asked me to go to his house to take care of my sister-in-law. I won't send it after two days. Goodbye!"

"Old Wang is going to take care of his sister-in-law? Don't run away, fellow Taoist, tomorrow must..."

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he tapped the block directly, regardless of 21, and immediately put the phone away with a thought.

Seeing that the phone turned into a totem and landed on his right arm again, Lin Feng patted his chest, secretly thinking that these guys should have forgotten about it in two days.

Heaving a long breath, Lin Feng lay directly on the bed. He didn't close his eyes all day and night and still made this matter, which really annoyed him.

However, the Wanyu Beast Fencing Circle made him look forward to it. With the name of the Beast Familiar God, even the worst one is probably enough to catch any monster he can see today.

"The three major families have to enter the sea of ​​clouds every two years. I don't know if the monsters inside can be captured..."

He fell asleep thinking about facing Lin Feng, but unfortunately he hadn't lay down for a few hours when there was a burst of noise outside the door.

"Lin Feng came out and was punished, you have the guts to violate the family rules!" This person was Lin Qingyu again.

Lin Qingyu led two people behind him, standing in front of Lin Feng's room and yelling non-stop.

Soon many old people from Lin Feng's lineage surrounded him. Seeing that it was Lin Qingyu who came, his expression turned ugly, but he still forced a smile and walked forward, "Young Master Lin, what are you doing..."

"Go away!" Impatient Lin Qingyu swung the old man to the ground with a wave of his right hand and retreated several meters. "Ask Lin Feng to come out. He violated the rules in the city and came to the Law Enforcement Hall today to arrest him!"

"That's unreasonable! Lin Qingyu, don't bully people too much. My main line is being targeted by you everywhere. All the young people of my main line have been beaten into cripples and expelled from the Lin family. Now that Lin Feng has just returned, you are here to find fault!"

"Lin Qingyu, no matter what you say, you are the second young master of the patriarch, can you have a trace of blood relationship!"


Now only the old and the weak, women and children are left in the main line. Everyone stares at Lin Qingyu wishing that there are flames beating in his eyes, but they are also full of fear.

Since the head of the family was taken away by the branch Lin Qingshan, the opportunity of the main line has been squeezed out everywhere, and Lin Qingshan has the plan to completely drive Lin Feng's line out of the Lin family, at least almost all the young people of the line have been expelled Lin.

"Where is the person in the Law Enforcement Hall, Lin Qian, if he doesn't come out, he will just grab and break his legs and drive him out of the Lin family!" Lin Qingyu didn't care about that, with a playful look on the corner of his mouth, he ordered to the two behind him.

Lin Qian nodded and said, he wanted to forcefully kick open the door to catch Lin Feng out.

"Damn, let people not sleep! It's annoying, it's really annoying!" Lin Feng's violent voice roared from the room.

Originally, he was in a state of rampage because of grabbing red envelopes, but now he was forcibly woken up after falling asleep, and now he is completely mad!
"Lin Qingyu, okay! It's time for you to pay back the interest..."

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(End of this chapter)

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