WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 5 Red Envelope Battle!

Chapter 5 Red Envelope Battle!

The crowd immediately stood on both sides in a panic, looking at the people in black iron armor embroidered with the characters of the Lin family, with expressions of awe.

The members of the three major families have the status second only to the city lord's mansion in the city, and the Lin family in Xicheng owns the management rights of most of the shops, and the taxes paid by each shop every month are a huge amount.

"Lin Feng, we meet again..." Lin Qingyu laughed playfully, and asked more than a dozen Lin family guards behind him to surround Lin Feng and others.

"Let's just say that you won't be allowed to come back. You're in serious trouble now!" Fatty Huang's body was trembling with fat, and his entire face drooped.

Lin Feng shook his head. Although he knew that this trip would be full of troubles, he still didn't want to leave, and even if he didn't have any news from his father, he couldn't swallow the anger at all!
"Cut his legs first!" Lin Qingyu saw that there were a lot of people around, but he didn't kill him directly.

As soon as the voice fell, the first two guards rushed out.

The fists of the two were like the wind, extremely thick, and they hit Lin Feng's waist from left to right.

Lin Feng's eyes shrank, his fists were clenched, he did not retreat but advanced, and he shook head-on from left to right!

Lin Feng stepped back a few steps, his face was flushed, and the two guards also stepped back again and again, almost not standing still, and their faces were shocked!

"Warrior! He is a martial artist. He knocked back two people with one punch. At least a single punch has the strength of two bulls. At least it weighs four hundred catties..."

"Becoming a martial artist, you can return to your home directly without any requirements, and we can't make a move."


In order to vividly illustrate the power of each level, all warriors also divided the ten levels of the Mortal Martial Realm into ten levels of strength.

Each layer has the strength of a single punch of two hundred catties, that is, the strength of an ox.

Many guards immediately glanced at each other, not knowing what to do.

Lin Qingyu's face was even more weird, and he couldn't believe it. He never thought that Lin Feng, who was an ordinary person two days ago, would become a warrior, and even punched back two guards. This is simply a joke in the world!
The two guards hesitated again and again, stared at Lin Qingyu for a few times, but finally stood on both sides like Lin Feng clasped his fists.

Although these guards are in the Lin family, they are not of the blood of the Lin family. They dare not violate the family rules of the Lin family, otherwise they will die. What's more, they also recognize Lin Feng, the former young master. In terms of blood, Lin Feng is the real master!

"Three restaurants? Go back and tell Mr. Lin that I, Lin Feng, are going to order!" Lin Feng swaggered past Lin Qingyu and walked towards the Lin family's mansion.

Fatty Huang looked at it but did not choose to follow. Lin Feng threw the 1000 taels of silver note to Da Jinya for 700 taels.

Lin Qingyu watched Lin Feng walk past him, his face turned blue and red, but he had nothing to say, since Lin Feng has become a warrior, he can no longer bully him wantonly, warriors are not allowed to fight at will in Scarlet Blood City, Otherwise, they will be sanctioned by the City Lord's Mansion.


Lin Qingyu yelled angrily and rushed towards the Lin family with a group of guards.


The Lin family, in the courtyard of Mr. Lin.

A young man with the word Law Enforcement printed on the back knocked on the door and said respectfully: "Third Master, Lin Qian can't complete what you have told me. Then Lin Feng really has nothing to fear. He has become a warrior at this moment, and he is known by many people. He went straight to the Lin family under the circumstances... His return to the Lin family is already a certainty."

As soon as this person finished speaking, the white porcelain patterned cup in Lin Sanye's hand was pinched and shattered, and he stood up.

"Where did he come from? And when he was kicked out of the Lin family, he was inspected and had no qualifications for cultivation at all." Lin Sanye's face was a little ugly, "I don't care what you think, let him be in the Lin family within three days. disappear!"

Lin Qian looked a little embarrassed, but still nodded in agreement, and immediately left.

At this moment, in the Lin Family Square, a woman had already heard the news and rushed to the street.

The two soon ran into each other.

Lin Feng smiled when he saw Qingxuan, and said teasingly, "Little sister Qingxuan, I haven't seen you for two days, I don't think so~"


Seeing that Lin Feng was not upright, Qingxuan covered her mouth and laughed lightly, and said angrily, "I'm your sister, you pretended to be pretty, so you've already been a martial artist, let's see how I punish you..."

Apparently Qingxuan thought that Lin Feng was hiding his clumsiness a few days ago, Lin Feng didn't explain it but just smiled helplessly, and soon Qingxuan walked towards the Lin family's inner mansion with his arm closely held by Qingxuan.

Qingxuan was naturally in a good mood when Lin Feng was able to return to his family to live a good life.

It's just that Lin Qingyu, who was following the two of them, was about to gnaw his gums. He stared at Lin Feng with the desire to burst into flames. He gritted his teeth and said, "Dog boy and girl!"

Under Qingxuan's leadership, Lin Feng found a room in the main department.

Lin Feng's return to the Lin family made many elders in his line happy, especially when they heard that Lin Feng was able to practice, they simply called their ancestors to bless them.

Under Qingxuan's repeated questioning, Lin Feng recounted the events of the past two days.

"That's unreasonable! It seems that you can't stay in the Lin family anymore. Brother Lin Feng, I must persuade Master to take you to the Tongtong Arm Sect." Qingxuan's beautiful face was covered with frost, "Although you have returned to the Lin family, but now you The department is full of old, weak, sick and disabled, and they are oppressed badly, you will definitely be bullied to death if you stay in the Lin family!"

Lin Feng shook his head, his heart was full of emotion, he stretched out his right hand subconsciously and squeezed Qingxuan's cheek, "Don't worry, it's not certain who will die..."

Qingxuan's cheeks were instantly red and hot, her beautiful eyes glanced over shyly, and she stood up in a panic.Said: "I... I will go to the master right now, Lin Feng, you must come to see if you have something to do."

Said to run away like fleeing.

Lin Feng couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, and said to himself, "The girls in this place are much more reserved than those on Earth."


Just as Lin Feng was about to look inside and carefully examine the monster clan skills he was practicing, he was suddenly interrupted by a series of vibrations. Jud saw that it was the totem on his right arm.

"I just forgot about this, this phone is really smart, it's just so long on me, and it's still in vibration mode..." Lin Feng saw his phone appear out of thin air in his hand, and the WeChat window popped up come out.

Another @quanqun!

When Lin Feng saw the news, he almost sat down on the ground without being excited. After successfully practicing the Jinpeng Monster King's skills last time, he stepped into the martial arts. He has high hopes for this WeChat red envelope group. This is his own cheating. !
Red envelope, red envelope!
Before Lin Feng could stand still, the five fingers of his right hand were already tapping on the screen as fast as possible.

Can't get it now? !
The red envelope had just appeared. Lin Feng wished he had clicked it dozens of times. When he moved his hand away to see what he had snatched, he almost cried.

The red envelopes have been robbed! !
"A group of old people who have been single for millions of years? Damn, what's the speed..." Lin Feng complained, and checked what was sent in the red envelope.

"Emperor Huanggu, you're out of luck! You just grabbed the cheapest purple sky thunder charm, now it's your turn!"

"Haha, everyone should mark the grades of the things they want to send out, and those who are unlucky will send out their own good things. Don't be foolish..."

"Come on, come on, everyone is in charge of the destiny, don't be stingy, the second round of the red envelope war begins!"

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(End of this chapter)

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