Chapter 4
In Red Blood City.

The Lin family is located in a courtyard in the south.

"Fart! Uncle, don't listen to this idiot's nonsense. Yesterday, that kid was just an ordinary person. Nearly a hundred people present could see clearly. How could he become a powerhouse at the third level of the Mortal Martial Realm overnight? It's just talking nonsense!"

Lin Qingyu spit and stood up from the seat in front of him, kicking the man in black who was kneeling in front of him to the ground.

The man in black threw himself on the ground, he was struggling to speak, he hesitated but he didn't know what to say.

"It's okay, just run away if you run away, as long as you don't want to go back to the Lin family. Although their department is withered, there are still a few old people who don't die. If he returns to the Lin family, that old guy will inevitably trouble me."

The person who spoke had a cut face, with a cold and resolute expression, but his casual words made people feel as serious as a general's order. This is Mr. Lin, and also the law enforcement elder of the Lin family.

"Hmph, that kid hurt me last time and now he killed two of my subordinates. How could he just run away like this? Xuanyuan City, which is the closest to Scarlet Blood City, is half a month away. I will definitely catch up with him and kill him." !" Lin Qingyu said as he put his foot on the man on the ground again, and rushed out angrily.


Lin Qingyu hurriedly bumped into a boy just as he was leaving the house.

"Damn the little ones, damn the little ones!" The boy kowtowed in panic, and shouted, "That man has entered the city again."

Lin Qingyu was still in a hurry to get angry when he heard this, and his brows were filled with joy, but Sanye Lin behind him frowned slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"God help me, he actually came back to seek death..." Lin Qingyu pushed the boy away, and rushed out with strides, as if he couldn't wait to deal with Lin Feng.

"Going and returning, I'm afraid I have nothing to fear." A moment after Lin Qingyu left, Third Master Lin asked indifferently: "Order, let Lin Qian lead a team of people to pay attention to this person at all times, and it is best to let him go back forever." The thoughts of the Lin family."


After entering the city gate, he walked towards the poorest west city, where Lin Feng dragged the fat man along.

Fatty Huang slapped Lin Feng's arm with a bitter look on his face, and shouted, "Crazy man, take the money and leave quickly! Do you really want to die? Then Lin Qingyu is obviously motivated to kill."

"What kind of steamed stuffed bun shop? At worst, I'll buy it back in a few years...Damn it, you're talking!"

No matter how anxious he was, Lin Feng didn't say a word, and walked straight to a small shop. Although it was a shop, it was only about ten square meters, but it was spotless and looked very clean and tidy.

"Take it all in and stop!"

Seeing the two throw pots and pans out of the room one after another, Lin Feng shouted.

The man in the head with a big gold tooth is considered a bully among the poor in the west city. Seeing Lin Feng and Fatty Huang, he grinned and said, "I bought this place for 700 taels. I want to throw it away." Throw whatever you want, why do you care?"

"Here is 800 taels, this bun shop is no longer for sale!" Lin Feng also recognized this big gold tooth, and he bullied Fatty Huang a lot because of how many firewood shops he had. God.

Fatty Huang stood aside and shook his head and sighed twice, but he didn't try to persuade Lin Feng any more. The boy's beliefs would never be reversed.

"800 taels? I'm selling it for 900 taels now!" The big gold tooth laughed twice, and poured a basin of water in front of Lin Feng and the two of them.

"Big Gold Tooth, don't sit on the ground and raise the price. I only sold you 700 taels, and you'll be asking for 800 taels in a blink of an eye!" Fatty Huang suddenly became angry. Isn't this killing them two pigs?

"Love or not!"

As Fatty Huang said, he was about to rush forward to fight, but Lin Feng grabbed him and motioned him to stay calm.

Lin Feng thought for a while and said lightly: "Here is 900 taels, the extra 200 taels will be considered as an apology for you..."

Said that Lin Feng clasped his fists slightly, but he didn't want to make more troubles, after all, they were wronged about this matter.

Da Jinya took the banknote and counted it, narrowed his eyes slightly, and put the banknote on the table again, saying: "900 tael is the price just now, now 1000 tael is not for sale!"

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed, and his brows were deeply frowned upon hearing these words, but he still threw out the last bank note in his arms.

"Yo, it's really 1000 taels! Haha, take your money and go away. This place is not far from my shop and it happens to be a warehouse. I don't want your 1000 taels!" Da Jinya glanced at Lin Feng. Looking at Fatty Huang, he laughed sarcastically, and was about to throw ten banknotes at Lin Feng's face.

"What are you, a fishmonger dares to make irresponsible remarks in front of me, what a joke!"

"Too much deceit!" Lin Feng's face was gloomy, and his right hand grabbed Da Jinya's right hand as quickly as lightning.

Originally it was their reneging on what they promised, and he didn't want to force it, but at this moment, the big gold tooth simply treated them like monkeys.

"Fuck you!" Fatty Huang was obviously impatient, and took this opportunity to kick Da Jinya's stomach.

Da Jinya fell to the ground and rolled out, clutching his stomach and yelling in pain, "I beat someone, come out!"

Following Big Jinya's yell, more than a dozen people rushed out of the chaimi shop not far away with sticks in their hands, aggressively.

"Crazy, run away..."


Fatty Huang pulled Lin Feng and was about to retreat, but was hurriedly pulled by Lin Feng instead, and in a blink of an eye, he was surrounded by more than ten people.

"Hit me hard, just don't kill people in the city to attract people from the City Lord's Mansion!" Da Jinya patted the dust and stood up, regaining his haughty look.

The ten people waved their sticks and waved their sticks to greet Lin Feng and Fatty Huang.

click, click...

I saw Lin Feng moving forward with the saber in his hand, and when he moved his feet, the wooden stick as thick as an arm of the tree root broke in two instantly.

Such a scene immediately caused more than ten people to stop what they were doing, with expressions of panic on their faces, even Big Gold Tooth not far away sat down on the ground with a thud, and said tremblingly, " are a warrior?"

Puff, puff.

The ten or so people who were still aggressive just now also knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Lin Feng non-stop.

"My lord, forgive me, my lord, forgive me!"

"Forgive me, it's the little ones who didn't know Taishan and ran into the warrior master."


On the Shenwu Continent, a warrior means a strong man. In Scarlet Blood City, a warrior means that Lin Feng is a member of the three major families or the city lord's mansion.

"Isn't this Lin Feng? Has he returned to the Lin family? He has become a warrior."

"The former fishmonger, now he has reached the sky in one step!"

"It would be great if one day I can become a warrior..."

Those who watched around heard that Lin Feng was a warrior, and they all showed envy and respect.

Lin Feng's complexion remained unchanged. He walked up to Da Jinya step by step, and asked teasingly, "How much money do you not sell?"

The big golden tooth is like an eggplant beaten by frost, and the whole person is wilting. While kowtowing and slapping himself non-stop, he shouted: "Don't dare, dare not, this is the house deed. My lord has seen it, my lord has seen it..."

Fatty Huang snatched the land deed, and then kicked this fellow in the chest in a fit of frustration, "Let you, a profiteer, bully you!"

"Get out, get out!"

Just when more and more people were watching the show, Lin Qingyu rushed towards Lin Feng and others with a team of people.

(End of this chapter)

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