WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 3 Abnormal power!

Chapter 3 Abnormal power!

The Jinpeng Demon King gave out red envelopes!

"This is my self-created Hundred Practice Technique, which can obtain the ability to devour, and when the descendants fight each other, they can absorb blood energy to improve their cultivation, and send it to all the disciples!" Jin Peng Demon King said with a hint of arrogance. Sent a cool emoji.

"Damn you, you monster race kill each other's kung fu, if my human race practiced it, wouldn't half of them die..."

"My Hehuan Sect pays attention to the way of dual cultivation, but I don't practice your monster skills!"


Unexpectedly, the nearby demon king sent out a red envelope, which immediately caused everyone in the WeChat group to complain, and it wasn't long before Jinpeng demon king sent two rows of embarrassing expressions.

Lin Feng couldn't help being amused by these strange things. Even though he had come to this continent, he had never heard of these god kings, god kings, etc. What is going on with these guys...

Thinking about it, Lin Feng casually clicked on the red envelope of Jin Peng Demon King, which no one wanted.

He succeeded in snatching the red envelope from the Jinpeng Demon King, and obtained the hundred exercises.

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and immediately clicked into the WeChat cloud storage column, and found a practice called "Monster Hundred Practices" in his 60G blockbuster.

"open to take a look."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Feng touched the screen with his finger, there was a flower in front of him, and a page of animal skin fell in front of him.

what happened? !
Lin Feng was startled, subconsciously took a few steps back, and looked at the animal skin on the ground.

"Damn it, is this mobile phone smart? Virtual things can actually be materialized. Could it be that all the things in this group can be converted through WeChat..." Lin Feng's right hand trembled slightly, and he wanted to pick up the animal skin on the ground.

An even weirder thing happened. The moment his fingertips touched the animal skin, the animal skin turned into a purple light and disappeared before his eyes.

At the same time, a series of annotations appeared in his mind, and there was also a complete exercise, and a series of meridians opened up in his body, and a golden light appeared faintly!
Lin Feng lost his head and fell straight on the ground...

Several hours later, Lin Feng was awakened by the noisy voice outside the door.

Lin Feng jumped up and looked around in disbelief. There was a stench coming from layers of black liquid on the ground. Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was ecstatic. This is the Mortal Martial Realm!
Washing away the mortal impurities, this is the sign of stepping into the mortal realm!
Not only that, the mobile phone also turned into a totem-like print and attached to his right arm.

Such a strange thing, but Lin Feng didn't care about it at all, he was immersed in this sudden joy!
"One demon vein, two demon veins! I actually became a cultivator at the second level of the Mortal Martial Realm...haha!" Lin Feng couldn't believe it, and looked inside according to the exercise notes that were passed into his mind by the animal skin , he was sure that he had entered the second level of the mortal monster, that is, the second level of the mortal martial realm!
It's just that he, a human race, actually practiced the monster clan's skills, which made him a little awkward.

"Do you think we can't find it if you don't say it? Let the two of you burn to death in this house together today..." Just as Lin Feng was happy, the loud shouting outside the door rang out again, accompanied by There were also screams.

Lin Feng heard it clearly, the scream was undoubtedly Fatty Huang!
As soon as the voice outside the door fell, Fatty Huang broke through the door like a cannonball and fell hard to the ground, covered in blood, dying.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly opened wide, bloodshot all over his face, and his whole face turned cold!

He rushed forward and hugged Fatty Huang in his arms...

Fatty Huang has been his only friend for so many years, he could even be said to be a brother. If it wasn't for this fatty Huang who sells buns, he would have starved to death when he first came to Chixue Lake.

Before Lin Feng could react, smoke suddenly billowed outside the door, the smell of burnt air filled the air immediately, and the dilapidated house was ignited by a raging fire!
"Too deceiving!!"

Lin Feng yelled violently, bent his knees suddenly, and blocked Fatty Huang with his whole body, and shot him out like a slingshot...

He has never felt so full of strength like today!
puff puff.

Mars scattered in the bright air like stars, as if a scorching sun was slowly rising.

"Huh? It's really troublesome to rush out." A man in black waved his hand, staring at Lin Feng and said with some annoyance.

The person beside him sneered: "It's a little troublesome, we have to do it ourselves, isn't it very comfortable to have a proper cremation and go to the Underworld..."

Even though the three of them said that, they didn't feel relaxed at all. As soon as they finished speaking, they surrounded Lin Feng in the middle, forming a battle of trapped beasts.

Yes, it is the battle of trapped beasts!

Lin Feng stood up slowly from a half-squatting body, and placed the dying Huang Fatty behind a pile of stones beside him, his eyes were as crazy as a wild beast, and he held a machete tightly in his hand.

"Yo? Still resisting... Haha, the third one is quick to fight, don't cause more trouble if there is a fire here." The leader of a man in black said casually, as if taking Lin Feng's life was as simple as slaughtering pigs and dogs.

The man in black who was called the third child immediately stood up with a smile, and pointed a long knife in his hand at Lin Feng, as if he had received a good job.

"Kid, stretch your neck a little bit, so you don't get caught by my uncle's knife..."

As soon as the words fell, the man slashed at Lin Feng's neck with a long knife, the blade flickered, and a long cold light streaked across the night sky.

Seeing the long knife attacking, Lin Feng didn't have the slightest fear but a look of excitement on his face. The man in front of him was very powerful, he seemed to be a warrior, and now he himself has become a warrior... To be precise, he is a demon cultivator!
A human who practiced the Yaozu Kungfu!

The long knife opened and closed, and cut diagonally down from the upper right. If it hit the target, Lin Feng's entire head might be split in half like a watermelon!

Lin Feng's right leg turned sideways, his body suddenly curled up like a cheetah, and without retreating, he threw himself into this person's arms...

Step sideways, bow, pounce!

This series of actions is extremely coherent, almost completed in an instant, and anyone with a discerning eye can easily find out that this is not a powerful martial skill, but a method used by street hooligans to fight and kill!
"you wanna die!"

The man in black instantly lost his balance, and his chest was tight. He felt that he was being rushed by a beast, but the long knife in his hand seemed to be dragged by the outside of the pavilion, and he couldn't bend his arms to cut at Lin Feng in his arms.

Throwing down the long knife in a single stroke, bursts of khaki-yellow light appeared with his fist, and hammered towards Lin Feng's back!
There was a muffled sound when the fist landed on Lin Feng's back, as if it had been hammered on the ground, followed by a shrill cry...

The clenched fist hangs down feebly.

"How is this possible... I didn't kill him with one punch..."

The man's face was full of disbelief, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Plop, the whole person fell on his back weakly, and Lin Feng reappeared in front of several people covered in blood.

The dagger, the blood, the flames behind him!
It was the first time that Lin Feng felt the strength of a warrior. If the usual series of attacks seemed to be fighting for his life, even if he killed this person, he would definitely die. His internal organs were pounded to pieces!
But now he only felt a surge of energy and blood...

"What's going on here, the third child was killed just by meeting him!" The other two men in black were suddenly furious, and their exposed eyes showed incredulous expressions.

It happened so fast that few people even had time to stop it.

Lin Feng looked at the guy on the ground who had been stabbed five or six times with his dagger, and his face gradually became weird, because he was surprised to find that his blood was surging more and more, it was like boiling water, boiling non-stop!
Then I saw bursts of blood on the man's body like mist circulating around his body and disappearing...

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the third demon vein in his body began to condense, and not only that, he clearly found that his flesh and blood began to become full of toughness!
Such a discovery made him inexplicably shocked, even a little terrified... Is this the cultivation method of monsters?
"How is this possible? The third child is already at the second level of the Mortal Martial Realm, but he didn't hurt him at all. Is this guy also a warrior?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go together and kill him quickly, and go back to deal with business!"

After the two were shocked, they rushed towards Lin Feng as soon as they finished speaking!

Seeing that the fishermen who came to fish in the distance were already looming, they had to deal with Lin Feng quickly.

The two yelled violently, and instantly leaned forward. Lin Feng's heart sank, and he rolled to avoid the powerful blow of the three of them!
Both of them have a strength of nearly four hundred catties in a single blow, and they both seem to be strong at the second level of the Mortal Martial Realm...

At the same time, Lin Feng swept across with his right leg, wanting to take advantage of the momentum to knock down one person and look for a chance to get away.


However, the next scene made Lin Feng's whole body tremble, and the other person took a few steps back in an instant, looking at him in horror!
I saw that his kick twisted the whole right leg of the man, flying tens of meters, life or death is unknown!
This... what a power this is!

"Didn't the young master send back a message saying that he is an ordinary person! What kind of power is this, at least he must be a strong man who has reached the fourth level of the Mortal Martial Realm!"

There are ten levels in the Mortal Martial Realm, and each level can increase the strength of a single punch by two hundred catties.

Seeing that the fishermen from afar were already rushing towards with their pots and pans in their arms, the last one was about to jump into the Scarlet Blood Lake after a few sprints.

Lin Feng didn't give chase at all, he stared blankly at his hands and feet, he obviously only had two demon veins, and the third demon vein has not yet formed, how could he have such powerful power!

That kick directly killed a warrior at the second level of the Mortal Martial Realm!
"Golden Roc Demon King...Hundreds of training methods...the ability to devour!" Lin Feng couldn't help but hear the words that Jin Roc Demon King issued a ruby ​​in the wechat group back then.

Could it be that the Jinpeng Demon King is really a demon king of the Shenwu Continent, or a god-level demon king of a certain high-martial plane? !

Such speculation made his body tremble with excitement...

(End of this chapter)

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