WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 2 There is a girl Qingxuan

Chapter 2 There is a girl Qingxuan
Scarlet Blood City, on the square in front of the Lin Family Mansion.

Lin Feng leaped over several warriors and rushed towards Lin Qingyu like crazy!
There was a three-inch dagger in his hand, and the cold light suddenly appeared!

This scene made the people around take a breath, subconsciously took two steps back again, this fellow was actually going to attack the Lin family's mansion...

Lin Qingyu was also frightened by Lin Feng's aura for a moment, and he just took a step back but felt ashamed. He is a warrior at the second level of the Mortal Martial Realm, so he is afraid that this ordinary gangster will not succeed!
"Death to me!"

Lin Qingyu didn't retreat but advanced, a gleam of light emerged from his right hand, and he slammed towards Lin Feng's chest, but he never thought that the dagger in Lin Feng's hand was astoundingly fast, but even so, he would definitely be able to punch him like this over him.


The scalp tingling sound was made when the blade cut across the bone, blood splashed between Lin Qingyu and Lin Feng!

Lin Feng flew upside down, with a wry smile on his face, he had never fought a martial artist before, and he clearly felt that the punch would kill him if it hit hard. At the last moment, his palm turned inward, and the blade edge One turn cut Lin Qingyu's arm, removing most of his strength.

At this moment, Lin Qingyu's right hand was dripping with blood and a large piece of flesh was cut off abruptly.

"Ahh!" Lin Qingyu held his right arm firmly with his left hand to stop the blood flowing out of the turbulence, and screamed, "Kill him, kill him!"

The complexions of several big men were ashen at the moment, and Lin Feng, an ordinary person, injured Lin Qingyu in front of them, which made them feel extremely ashamed.

Several people dispersed in an instant, surrounded Chu Tang, and a murderous intent pervaded immediately.

"Killed! The second son of the Lin family led a group of warriors to openly commit murder!!"

No one thought that a yellow fat man standing beside him, who was looking fierce just now, opened his throat and yelled loudly with all his strength.

This made several big men stagnate. If warriors in Chixue City attacked ordinary people and killed them, they would be punished by the City Lord's Mansion.

"Kill him, I'll take care of anything!" Lin Qingyu, not far away at this time, roared angrily.

Now the few people felt relieved, and immediately wanted to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's face was frosty, this is a warrior!
Ordinary people have no power to fight back in front of warriors, and warriors have a huge strength of two hundred catties with one hand!
He was so angry that he held the scimitar tightly in his hand, and even if he died today, he would bring a back pad!
At this moment, the door of the Lin family was suddenly pushed open, and a woman came out in a light gauze and a long blue dress.

There was a faint smile on the corner of the woman's mouth, but her eyes made people feel a sense of sternness. She stared at the big men with her beautiful eyes, and they stopped their movements abruptly.

"Oh, sister fairy, hurry up and save my brother! You are all from the Lin family, you can't fight each other..." Seeing that he was saved, Fatty Huang cried out with snot and tears.

"Lin Feng, do you still remember me?" The woman walked up to Lin Feng and knelt down slowly.

"You are... Qingxuan?" Lin Feng exclaimed in surprise.

The woman has a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows, a melon-seeded face paired with exquisite facial features, which is quite impressive, causing people around her to look sideways.

"Qingxuan, why are you so close to this outsider? This person dares to attack me, he deserves death!" Lin Qingyu felt even more angry when he saw this scene.

Lin Qingxuan returned to the family a few months ago, and he fell in love at first sight, but Lin Qingxuan's masters from the three major sects didn't care about him at all. He also wanted to peek at Lin Qingxuan taking a bath, and the family blocked him because of the power of the three major sects. Expelled from the Lin family.

Now the woman in his heart is so close to Lin Feng, how can he not be angry.

"Lin Qingyu, I didn't care about what happened last time. If you dare to make a move today, I will make sure that you will never be able to set foot in Scarlet Blood City..." Lin Qingxuan helped Lin Feng up, but her beautiful eyebrows were full of coldness.

Lin Qingyu felt a chill in his heart. Lin Qingxuan was a member of the three major sects. Even the Lin family had to be afraid of it. Besides, she had already reached the fourth level of ordinary martial arts and stepped into the middle stage of ordinary martial arts. She could have eight hundred catties of strength with one hand. It's really troublesome to really piss her off.

"Go! I won't just let this matter go. If you have the ability, you will always hide behind women..." Lin Qingyu led a group of people directly into the Lin family's gate, and said fiercely.

"Next time I will not only spill your blood, but I will kill you!" Lin Feng stared at Lin Qingyu, unwilling to show weakness. He already hated Lin Qingyu to the bone, and he wanted to avenge this revenge no matter what method he used!
He, Lin Feng, has never been a person who suffers from being dumb. He is a second-tier warrior, and he has not yet reached the level of being invincible!
Before Lin Qingyu could go far, a martial artist beside him asked in a deep voice: "Master, the third master said that at least one of his legs will be crippled so that he will never be able to return to the Lin family..."

"Don't worry! If an ordinary person wants to kill him, it's like crushing an ant. If I didn't underestimate him, how could he hurt me? Originally, as long as he became disabled, he would never be eligible to enter the Lin family, but now I want him to sacrifice his life." cost."

On the other side, after Lin Qingyu left, the people around also dispersed. Lin Qingxuan hugged Lin Feng in her arms, and the scent of a woman blowing towards Lin Feng made Lin Feng feel strange, but immediately he was full of warmth.

"Brother Lin Feng, I've been in Scarlet Blood City for the past few months but I haven't heard from you at all. How have you been doing these years? Now Sister Qingxuan is a disciple of the Tongbi Sect, one of the three major sects..."

Fatty Huang stood aside with a look of envy and hatred, he quickly patted the dirt on his body, opened his bear hug, and said sternly: "Ahem, Fatty Huang, he is 22 years old, has no parents at home, unmarried..."

"Fuck you!"

Lin Feng was almost so angry that he kicked him away.

Lin Qingxuan was also amused by the two, covering her mouth and giggling.

Then the three of them thought about going to Lin Feng's small house outside Chixue City. During this period, no matter what Lin Feng did, Lin Qingxuan was unwilling to let Fatty Huang do it for him, and held him tightly in his arms.

"Tsk tsk, the lunatic is so lucky. I went to the city to find such a fairy daughter-in-law..." An old fish seller saw Lin Qingxuan's eyes straightened.

Lin Qingxuan's cheeks blushed unnaturally, but she walked a few steps faster.

"Here, it's here." Lin Feng pointed at the cabin and smiled, and pulled Lin Qingxuan into it.

Fatty Huang was very knowledgeable and found an excuse and left.

Just after entering the room, Lin Feng found that Lin Qingxuan's eyes were red with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Brother Lin Feng, have you lived here for so many years?"

"Back then, you were the young master of the Lin family, and I was just an abandoned baby who was picked up and bullied. Only brother Lin Feng protected me everywhere..."

Lin Qingxuan's voice choked up as she spoke, and two lines of tears slowly fell down her beautiful face.

"Sister Qingxuan is a well-cultivated martial artist now. Why do you still cry so much? This place is very good, with mountains and rivers behind, beautiful scenery, and now there are beauties as companions..." Lin Feng joked, saying With the index finger of his right hand, he slid across the bridge of Lin Qingxuan's tall nose.


Lin Qingxuan was immediately amused by Lin Feng's words, "Isn't this just a fish pond and an earthen mountain, and she is not a beautiful woman, she is still so glib after so many years."

The two had a long talk, and when they heard that the land deed that Lin Feng had kept for several years to return to the Lin family had not been tampered with, Lin Qingxuan was even more angry and wanted to go back to the Lin family to seek an explanation for him, but was stopped by Lin Feng.

He, Lin Feng, is a man, he has to get some things back by himself...

"Brother Feng, it's getting late and I'll go back first, and I'll convince Master to take you back to the sect together!" After speaking, Lin Feng disappeared into the night without waiting for Lin Feng to refuse.

Lin Feng shook his head, how could the three major sects just enter as soon as they said it?

"Lin Qingyu, let me see how to skin this guy!" Lin Feng's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he began to plan in his heart.

However, at this moment, the Iphone 10S that he had been carrying in his arms vibrated for a while, and when he opened it, it turned out that that weird WeChat group was sending out red envelopes again!

(End of this chapter)

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