WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 17 Two Tigers Fight!

Chapter 17 Two Tigers Fight!

The Lin family withdrew from West Street!

This is no different from a competition between the Sun family and the Lin family. The two families may each have more than a hundred management rights in the stores on West Street. This is not a small gamble.

"Boy, do you dare to pick it up? Do you have the qualifications to pick it up!" The elder Sun's family yelled loudly.

"No, absolutely no!"

"The Supreme Elder will never agree to this matter, even the Patriarch will never agree..."

The children of the Lin family shouted one by one. At this moment, Sun Xingwen obviously had the chance to win. Even though Lin Feng showed extraordinary strength, no one believed that he would win.

The Supreme Elder's face was also very ugly, he didn't expect that the stakes would be so high, it seemed that this matter was beyond his ability to make up his mind.

If Lin Feng lost, then his crime would be too great.

"Gamble! Bet as much as you want today... You can't lose with this face today." At this moment, an old man with white hair and kind eyes came out. Although his face was wrinkled, his voice was still full of vigor. , turned his eyes to Lin Feng while speaking, and said: "Sure enough, it is Lin Fuyu's son, if he wants to gamble today, let him gamble to his heart's content, and I will fully bear it."

"See First Elder!"

As soon as this person appeared, the elder on stage who was in charge of presiding over the Lin family unexpectedly bowed down and bowed respectfully.

Upon hearing this, all the members of the Lin family bowed with great respect, their faces full of reverence.

The first elder is the oldest and most powerful person in the elder hall, who has served three generations of patriarchs!
Since he nodded his head, no one in the Lin family said anything...

On the contrary, the elder in charge of the Sun family hesitated and felt uneasy. After all, he was under a lot of pressure, and that was the management right of all the shops on West Street!

I thought to myself: The first elder of the family actually personally protects him, does this person really have some strength?Or just want him to back off, bluffing?Or maybe it was just because he was the son of that perverted Lin Fuyu back then... Thinking of Lin Fuyu's elders made him startled, and he immediately gave up the battle.

At this moment, Sun Xingwen shouted directly: "The elder just agrees, and I'll see how he beats me!"

The elder looked and looked at Lin Feng with his eyes like knives, repeatedly confirming Lin Feng's strength, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed.

"I don't believe how you, a guy on the fifth or sixth floor of the Mortal Martial Realm, can beat Xingwen!"


Seeing that the two were about to start a fight, even though the First Elder stepped forward to protect it, everyone kept beating their hearts and felt that Lin Feng's chances of winning were too small.

"Let's go. If you are undefeated within ten moves, I will admit defeat. Of course, as long as you kneel down and admit defeat within these ten moves, I will spare half your life." Sun Xingwen stared at Lin Feng and said.

It seems that he disdains to take the lead.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that Lin Feng just sneered when he heard the words, and he was not polite, and rushed forward with a dagger in his hand!


Lin Feng doesn't care about those things, winning is the last word, and it is very rare to take the lead in this situation.

Lin Feng's figure was like lightning, a black shadow disappeared in a flash, and the next moment he appeared within ten feet in front of Sun Xingwen!
A cold light suddenly appeared on the dagger in his hand, and there was actually a red spirit light that was invisible!
The moment Lin Feng appeared, the red spirit glow moved towards the main vein under Sun Xingwen's abdomen at a speed that could hardly be caught by the naked eye...

If this blow hits, it will directly destroy Sun Xingwen!

Sun Xingwen's eyes shrank suddenly, his face was full of surprise, his whole body suddenly moved like a cunning rabbit, and he retreated quickly!

So fast!

Shocked, a sword-bone feather fan appeared in his right hand at some point, and with a heavy swipe from the upper right, five gusts of wind interrupted Lin Feng's attack!

The two retreated immediately, Lin Feng's expression remained unchanged, but Sun Xingwen's expression changed greatly.

A stern look appeared on the originally lazy expression, and his hands also assumed an attacking posture...

"So strong, Brother Feng has grown to this point unknowingly, I knew he was definitely not a mediocre person!" Qingxuan said excitedly with beautiful eyes.

People from the three major families who were present like him were also shocked. Lin Feng's move was extremely fast and fierce, without the slightest sloppiness, and his strength was evident.

"Do you think Lin Feng has a chance to beat that son of a bitch from the Sun family?"

"I think it's almost impossible. This attack is just a victory because the opportunity is in hand, and the surprise attack is profitable, but Lin Feng seems to have good strength."

"Yeah, at least it's enough to go up to the ordinary eighth level of the Mortal Martial Realm. When did such a pervert appear in my Lin family?"

"Even so against Sun Xingwen, who came back from Xianzong and was hungry, he still hit the stone with an egg. Fortunately, we only need to support ten moves. Seeing the current situation, ten moves may not be impossible..."

Everyone in the Lin family's opinion of Lin Feng changed a little, and they even thought that he might be able to survive ten moves, so that he could win without a fight.

"It's fine, kid. I've underestimated you, but this three-legged cat's kung fu is not enough for me...it's up to me next." Sun Xingwen swung his sword bone feather fan and suddenly attacked Lin Feng.

I saw his feet walking in a very strange route, slow and fast, left and right, making people dazzled and dazzled...

"This is Wanjianmen's ghost spirit step, and it's also a sub-spiritual martial skill!" A Li family child shouted, and he could see the physical martial skill Sun Xingwen used at a glance.

Possessing powerful martial arts is enough to support warriors to leapfrog to fight!

Lin Feng frowned, and he didn't even try to avoid the sharpness for a while. Instead, the dagger in his right hand danced rapidly, and the red lights covered his entire body in the blink of an eye...

"Looking for death! The Three-Yuan Cloud Breaking Sword!"

At this moment, Sun Xingwen suddenly gave a cold shout, and the figure who was still a few meters away suddenly appeared in front of Lin Feng, and then patted the feather fan three times in the air.

After three blows, the battle platform behind Lin Feng shattered, countless stones flew upside down, and the wind blew up!

Lin Feng's whole body suddenly sank into the rubble of the battle platform with his legs, and he drew tens of meters straight before stopping...

"It's so strong! This is probably a martial skill of the first rank of the Spiritual Rank. It is worthy of being a disciple of the Immortal Sect. Without these martial skills, even if I only have the fifth-level peak of the Mortal Martial Realm, I can crush him!" Lin Feng stared at Sun Xingwen and muttered He muttered, "It seems that I can only use that trick..."

"It's unbelievable to be able to do so, but Sun Xingwen is far superior to Lin Feng in both physical skills and martial arts."

"It would be fine if we stick to the eight moves, otherwise my Lin family will lose too much..."

"Haha, my Sun family is sure to win!

Although everyone was shocked that Lin Feng was able to block the martial arts of the spiritual level, they also saw the gap between the two in martial arts and body skills.

Seeing this scene, the elder Sun's family breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that he was almost frightened by Lin Feng, he seemed to have seen the scene where Sun Xingwen won all the Lin's shops on West Street for the Sun family.

"That's all I can do, I haven't done anything yet, haha..." Sun Xingwen got a good blow, regained his arrogance just now, and yelled sarcastically.

Lin Feng patted the dust on his body, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, and he sneered, "Yes, that's all you can do? I'm really disappointed, I haven't done anything yet..."

Speaking of Lin Feng, he suddenly disappeared from the spot, completely disappeared!
(End of this chapter)

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