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Chapter 18 The Power of the Dragon and Elephant!

Chapter 18 The Power of the Dragon and Elephant!

A series of wind blades around Lin Feng spun from under his feet, and the air seemed to be torn apart wherever it passed, making harsh sounds.

A cold and earth-shattering aura swept across all directions...

The chaotic rocks flew, and countless stones suddenly turned into debris, covering the sky like smoke and dust.

The violent sound immediately attracted everyone's attention. At this moment, everyone was shocked to find that Lin Feng had also stood up, and it seemed that his strength was far beyond his own!
Then they returned to calm, and the two took the elixir at the same time, but the current behavior was completely opposite. If it wasn't for the momentary movement, Lin Feng would be as usual, and it would be impossible to tell that he had taken the elixir to enhance his strength.

"What's going on here? Could it be that Lin Feng also took the elixir? Why do I feel that he seems to be more dangerous..."

"It's so exciting, every battle before the opening of Wanlingyunhai is even more incomparable than this one in case!"

"I bet Sun Xingwen wins. After all, spirit-level pills are not available everywhere. Although Lin Feng almost made a sneak attack just now, the effect of taking the pills this time must be very bad. How can he get the spirit-rank pills with his status in the Lin family?" medicine?"

"Even if it's a spiritual elixir, you think it's a joke that he can be compared with brother Xingwen who is at the mortal martial state at this moment!"


Everyone felt that their blood was boiling, and the game was still going on!

Lin Feng's aura surged, which made the elder of the Lin family, who was about to make a move, hesitate a little and stared at it.

But he saw that Lin Feng's eyes were clear, as if they were the same as usual, and very different from Sun Xingwen on the other side.

Lin Feng followed his gaze and nodded to him, the Supreme Elder hesitated and frowned again and again, and gave up his shot.

"Come on, since you're going to fight to the death today, I'll play with you!" Lin Feng said and rushed towards Sun Xingwen like a wild beast.

With a roar, the air wave swept all directions, adding a bit of power out of thin air.

Lin Feng's feet were like arrows from strings, and the ground was cracked tens of meters by his stepping on it, which shows his strength.

Sun Xingwen was also furious at the moment, brushing his right hand over Lianshan's long wound, he roared madly and viciously: "A trash from the Lin family can be compared to me, you will pay the price with your life for hurting me today! How can the Beast Spirit Blood Pill be compared to any rubbish pill..."

"It turned out to be a beast spirit blood pill. Its cultivation base has increased dramatically in a short period of time. You can borrow the power of a monster. Boss, hurry up and save Lin Feng!" Another elder of the Lin family shouted at the white-haired first elder. His face was full of anxiety.

All the knowledgeable people present at the scene trembled when they heard the Beast Spirit Blood Pill, and shook their heads viciously. There is no suspense in this battle!
After a short period of hesitation, Sun Xingwen started to move, and saw a blood-colored giant tiger phantom stalking out of his chest and abdomen, bursts of bloody rage emanated from the blood shadow, and his strength increased by three times again point!

"Go to hell!"

Sun Xingwen's bloodthirsty face was obviously confused and he was affected by the pill, but at this moment his strength had reached the limit of the Great Perfection of the Mortal Martial Realm!

The sword bones were like awns, and the remaining three sword bones were cut away like sharp claws of monsters. It was as if the air was cut apart abruptly, and the giant claws of a monster tiger could not be resisted by humans!

There was a scarlet bloody aura surrounding him.

Everyone seemed to see Lin Feng's disembodied state...


Lin Qingxuan's whole body was full of radiance, and her strength kept soaring in the blink of an eye!
But before he came to the stage, Lin Feng's face was filled with murderous intent, his figure suddenly increased in speed again, and he was in front of Sun Xingwen the next moment...

"Looking for death, knowing that I have reached the Great Perfection of the Mortal Martial Realm, you dare to fight me with bare hands!" Sun Xingwen sneered, and he was about to cut Lin Feng in half with his sword.


A piercing sound caused everyone to cover their ears and scream, but the extremely elder-level task was still staring at the stage.

This is definitely not the sound of a sword cutting on flesh and blood!
Even Lin Qingxuan, who had unlocked the seal, couldn't help but froze, looking at the stage in amazement, and all the elders gasped in unison, their eyes were about to burst out of their sockets.

The elder Sun's family was so frightened by the scene in front of them that they almost fell to the ground!

I saw that Lin Feng stretched out his right hand and gently pinched Sun Xingwen's sword bone. As for the other two sword bones, they had already turned into pieces of iron... they turned into scraps!

The ear-piercing sound just now was the sound of Sun Xingwen's sword bone slicing across Lin Feng's body... This is unimaginable!
When everyone covered their ears and came back to their senses, they were all stunned when they saw the scene on the field, and they mumbled stupidly, not knowing what to say.

The place with tens of thousands of people is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop on the ground.

Only the old beggar next to Fatty Huang snatched the pig's shoulder from Fatty Huang's hand when he was stunned, and muttered indistinctly: "There are...interesting people, two interesting people. "As he spoke, his eyes swept over Fatty Huang and Lin Feng, as if they could see through all the horrors.

"This, this..." On the stage, Sun Xingwen twitched the only sword bone in his hand, but found that under Lin Feng's two fingers, he couldn't even move a single bit.

What kind of power is this!
"How is it possible, what kind of pill did you take! I am a mortal martial artist, this is...impossible!" Sun Xingwen was a little incoherent at the moment, and the horrifying scene in front of him was beyond his comprehension. scope.

"Did Sun Xingwen lose? Sun Xingwen who took the Spirit Beast Blood Pill lost?"

"The Mortal Martial Realm is perfect, how can I lose, I must be dreaming!"

"That's right, he hasn't lost yet, but the weapon was pinched between two fingers, and the weapon was chopped off by someone else and shattered..."



Tens of thousands of people spread the word one by one, creating a turbulent sea, holding the weapon of the Great Perfection of Mortal Martial Realm between their fingers, and did not move an inch!
It was like hearing a fairy tale from the Arabian Nights.

"Didn't you say that I can't compare your elixir? But why do I feel that your elixir is not even dung in front of me!" Lin Feng sneered, and lightly moved the two fingers holding the sword, and the sword bone broke Make two pieces!

Sun Xingwen's whole body trembled, his mighty power was beyond his understanding, and he was about to back away as soon as his legs gave way.

It's a pity that he left the ground in the next moment, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Feng lifted Sun Xingwen, who had attained perfection in Mortal Martial Realm, with one hand!
Lin Feng suddenly threw him to the ground, and the ground was like tofu in front of his current strength, but Sun Xingwen let out a shrill scream, and there was still a trace of arrogance there.

"Let go of him, my Sun family lost today!" At this moment, the elder of the Sun family rushed up to the stage and grabbed Lin Feng by the throat, secretly saying: "This son is too weird. It will be a serious disaster!"

He shouted to ask Lin Feng to spare Sun Xingwen's life, but in his heart he had the idea of ​​killing Lin Feng.

Lin Feng instantly felt that he was enveloped by a murderous intent, his face was as cold as ice, and the murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

The whole person's figure suddenly turned to one side, and there was a great victory in the whole body. Immediately, the muscles all over his body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, wriggling from bottom to top, and then roared like an ancient monster as if he had used up all his strength... …

A tornado appeared out of thin air, tens of thousands of people fell under the air wave, and the rocks followed the air wave to block the elders of Sun's family!
On the other hand, behind Lin Feng there was a phantom of a huge dragon elephant, soaring straight into the sky. The scene was extremely shocking, and it had already reached the level of appalling.

Berserker Essence Pills: Can be used superimposed, and each one can gain the power of a dragon elephant!
Dragon elephants are ancient mythical beasts, each of which has the power to destroy the sky and destroy the enemy. Even though limited by Lin Feng's cultivation and physique, it is already too strong to understand, and its pure strength is already comparable to the spiritual realm!
Breaking through layers of chaotic rocks, the elder Sun's family stopped in a daze when they saw this scene.

In the short moment that Lin Feng won, the first elder of the Lin family immediately appeared and stood in front of Lin Feng to protect him.

The elders of the Sun family shook their heads and sighed. Even if Lin Feng was perverted, he couldn't stop him, but with the first elder of the Lin family today, no one could touch Lin Feng...

However, when the murderous intent was lifted, Lin Feng carried Sun Xingwen forward step by step, and after the storm passed, he carried Sun Xingwen in front of the elders of the Sun family like a chicken in front of thousands of people...

Han Sheng said: "You want to save him, I will give you a chance!"

 Writing a book is not easy.

(End of this chapter)

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