Chapter 270

The dung tanks all over the sky, even the members of the ghost clan shy away.

Seeing that the waterfall-like dung water was about to fall, Lin Feng couldn't help closing his eyes, and surrounded himself with spiritual light.

"I accept, I will obey you if I don't support the wall, or if I don't support the old lady! Let go quickly, I swear to kill this family!"

The sword of the Holy King completely collapsed. It is not difficult to imagine that if he had eyes, he would have cried to death. How could he meet such a shameless person as Lin Feng!

These days have simply become a stain on his life!
"Then I'll just believe you, everyone is a respectable person, so don't be dishonest..." Seeing all kinds of filth in the sky, Lin Feng couldn't help feeling nauseated, and quickly loosened his right hand.

The moment the right hand was released, the Sword of the Holy King disappeared in place as if escaping, and a cold light suddenly appeared behind the tail and pressed it suddenly, causing the surrounding dung to pour down more quickly.

"Fuck, your sister!! The most basic trust between people..."

In the blink of an eye, the Sword of the Holy Monarch disappeared completely, and the next moment, the sky was full of dung and water.

Even with his defense up, Lin Feng was disgusted to death, and the dung water waterfall lasted for twenty breaths.

When Lin Feng withdrew his protection, his face was already darkened. This time he was pitted by a sword...

At this time, the sword of the gods appeared again. Seeing the dung stream under Lin Feng, which was almost like a small river, he laughed happily, "Haha, shit, you still have today. The deity only said to help you kill this You guys, I didn’t promise anything else!”


Lin Feng was speechless for a while, it seems that the Sword of the Holy King still needs to be rectified!

The two guys talked to each other, and the people of the ghost clan around them were even more face-to-face.

The face of the ancestor of the Demon Shadow Clan became even more gloomy. He secretly scolded those who sent the letter back, and even scolded himself severely. It is ridiculous that he would believe that dung water can destroy magic weapons. words...

"Enough for the two of you, my Moying Clan is as strong as a cloud, and you will destroy the clan with just a few words, so don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!" The ancestor of the Moying Clan heard that Lin Feng and the long sword opened and closed their mouths to destroy the clan, It seemed that he didn't care about them at all, and he couldn't help it.

Can you not pretend, can you speak well?No matter how you say it, it is also the top three families of the Hidden World Family, can you show me some face!
"Look, who believes you? Let's make it clear. You couldn't help but take the shot. It has nothing to do with me. My two chances are still there!" Lin Feng said with a look of indifference.

The Sword of the Holy Monarch was so outrageous, his body flickered and two cold lights came out, as if he wanted to vent his anger: "Damn, why am I so unlucky, this time I was shattered by a sword!!"

Shout out! !
Two random sword beams fell into the crowd, but they swept past like cutting vegetables. A strong man of gods and gods wanted to resist, but it was followed by a clean cut!

The horror of the scene can only be described by the word bloody, so bloody!
The two sword beams beheaded dozens of powerful gods...

All of a sudden, the eyes of the members of the Phantom Clan stared round, rubbing their eyes constantly, as if they had fallen into some kind of illusion.

Nima, read that right?
Two sword qi?Just two cold lights sweeping and killing dozens of people, what is going on, this must be a dream!
Everyone in the Demon Shadow Clan just thinks that the sky is about to fall. What's the matter with this long sword? Is he really just a sword?

"Let you pour dung water, I hate dung water the most!"

"A bunch of idiots, if you hadn't foolishly believed this shameless person, I wouldn't have been counted!"

"Hey, don't run, it's useless to stab a sword!"

Squeezing, squeaking, the long sword is like a rainbow, walking through the void like a pop, whether it is a fairy soldier or an emperor soldier, it will instantly turn into powder at the touch of it.

Whether it is the cultivation base of the great emperor, the realm of the gods, or even the most powerful person at the peak of the realm of the gods, they are all cut into two sections by a single sword.


Total massacre...

No one did anything, there was only one sword, and it was a sword that kept complaining!
Seeing the clansmen fell in a pool of blood, one strong man fell from the sky, the ancestor of the Moying clan completely collapsed, a mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth, and he fell down from the air, his life and death unknown.

"Stop, stop!!" A middle-aged man rushed out and knelt down to Lin Feng from a distance, "My lord, calm down, calm down, my phantom clan has surrendered, surrendered!"

"Smells good? Sister, it smells so bad here!" The Sword of the Holy Monarch harvested the phantoms, as if venting his anger towards Lin Feng, when he heard the man speak and interrupted him.

As he said that, he flew directly over and was about to end the surrendered middle-aged man.



Lin Feng was also speechless for a while, he was addicted to this fight, and quickly shouted: "Others said they surrendered!"

"What kind of incense are you throwing? It's obviously dung!"


After saying that he killed two more experts in the realm of gods and spirits, Lin Feng's face darkened immediately, and he was arrested with a swipe of his right hand.

He could see that this guy was obviously trying to upset him on purpose, knowing that the downfall of these phantoms would be useful to him, so he was just talking nonsense and wanted to kill a few more.

Devil, the Specter Clan has thoroughly seen what a devil is today.

Even these powerhouses at the peak of the realm of the gods have completely collapsed, because when facing this long sword, they can only be killed by a single sword...

"Since you have surrendered, everything is easy to talk about. It's a bit smelly here. Let's clean it up first..." Lin Feng ordered.

The Moying Clan doesn't look like a hidden family at the moment, they are simply well-behaved house cats.

In the main hall of the Moying Clan, Lin Feng and Fatty Huang embraced each other warmly, and Luo Fanchen also came after hearing the news.

Seeing the upheaval of the Demon Shadow Clan, he was also a little bit overwhelmed...

"What are you going to do next? Madman, how did you do it? What's the matter with this sword?" Fatty Huang stared at Lin Feng, and stared at the soldiers of the Holy King with a narrowed expression.

"This sword? It's just a madman. Don't worry about him, but next we are going to the land of the gods. This is an unprecedented opportunity, a chance to fly to the sky!" Lin Feng showed a fiery look.

Luo Fanchen, Fatty Huang, and Feng Meier Long Lintian shook their heads one by one, and said in a deep voice: "Going to the land of the gods, you will definitely encounter countless hidden families. Your sword doesn't seem to be very obedient... "

"Not only that, the hidden world family is small, but there is also that Fuxi ancient demon, an army of countless bones!"

While everyone was discussing, the ancestor of the ghost clan walked in again at some point, and he was not pissed off, and said with a cold snort: "If you think it's just these things, then you are very wrong. I'm afraid the king of God will Even the god emperor will appear!"

(End of this chapter)

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