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Chapter 271 What is he?

Chapter 271 What is he?

In the main hall of the Moying Clan, the ancestor of the Moying Clan shocked everyone with his words.

There will be a god king or even a god emperor in the land of the gods?
You must know that although the major hermit families are divided into strengths and weaknesses, but because of the number of strong people in the realm of the gods, there are also the number of small worlds.

Could it be that there are still god kings and even god emperors after the ancient times?
Lin Feng couldn't help looking at the ancestors of the Moying clan, but the ancestors of the Moying clan took a deep look at the sword of the Holy King behind Lin Feng.

"What are you looking at? Watching it again will kill you!"


The patriarch immediately panicked, and hurriedly said respectfully to Lin Feng: "In the ancient times, although all the powerhouses above the god kings died, leaving countless gods to inherit and form the land of gods, but a small number of people survived. These people are called the Primordial Remains!"

Primordial survivors!

Luo Fanchen frowned and nodded, indicating that this person was not talking nonsense. Luo Fanchen was once a member of the Hidden Family, and he knew some of these secrets.

Of course, the so-called Cangtian lineage does not have a high status among many hermit families, otherwise it would not be destroyed by a god.

"The ancient survivors are the survivors of that great war. This is a story passed down from generation to generation in the starry sky, but no one has ever known whether it is true or not. However, according to the scene when the land of the gods appeared, it is no different from the rumors. That means that these Primordial Remnants are very likely to return!"

After Lin Feng was silent for a long while, he said to everyone: "I can make you all reach the peak of the realm of the gods. It's up to you whether you want to go to the land of the gods..."

Lin Feng's words surprised everyone, did they all reach the peak of the realm of gods?

The ancestor of the Moying clan even rolled his eyes, this is the pinnacle of the realm of the gods, not drinking cold boiled water!
No... Could it be that this kid's appearance is his own age?

The old man of the Moying family suddenly thought of a terrible thing, his lips trembled, and he asked Lin Feng tremblingly: "You, how old are you now?"

"..." Lin Feng was very speechless. Now that you are talking about such a serious matter, is it really okay for you to ask such a low-level question? He just said nonsense: "It's not over thirty anyway, why? You have a daughter fortress for you." I?"

"It's really not past thirty? Is it because of the battle spirit that you have such a cultivation level... and the two of them." The ancestor's entire face twitched, and he couldn't help thinking, could these guys really avoid the battle? Ling side effects?

I am afraid that only in this way can all these young people have the cultivation base of the realm of the gods, and also have their own mind.

But even so, it shouldn't directly reach the peak of the realm of the gods.

But what Lin Feng said next let him know the reason.

"Let's not talk so much now, let's improve our strength first." Lin Feng said and stretched out his hand in front of the ancestors of the Demon Shadow Clan, "What are you still doing in a daze, hand over all the battle spirits..."


At this moment, the ancestor thought that he had heard it wrong, until Lin Feng said it again.

This guy actually asked him for the war spirit of the Specter Clan!

Oh my god, what evil did my ghost family do, and how did I meet such an evil star.

"Then, that battle spirit is the ancestor of my Specter Clan, isn't that bad?" The old ancestor looked miserable.

But Lin Feng said, "Don't you guys like to use battle spirits to help people improve their cultivation? The aptitude sitting here is not up to the requirements, so take it out quickly, don't talk nonsense, isn't it just a group of dead souls... Otherwise, I will send you all to meet them?"


Seeing that Lin Feng's right hand was about to fall on the long sword behind him, the ancestor of the Moying clan suddenly looked serious, and said solemnly: "Your Excellency awakened the dreamer, what war spirits are just a group of living souls..."

In this way, Lin Feng and others stayed in the Specter Clan for three days.

Not only did Lin Feng use the origin of killing to raise their cultivation bases to the peak of the God Realm by relying on their battle spirits, but he also equipped none of them with a ninth-rank emperor soldier.

Then they left the Specter Clan. After they left, the Specter Clan soared into the sky and rushed directly into the starry sky, as if planning to never return to this terrifying place.

Lin Feng and the others headed straight to the west, where is the territory of Fuxi Ancient Demon, and also the place where the land of the gods will be born soon!

It's just that one of them is missing, that is Luo Fanchen, who has the peak of the gods, he does not intend to go to the land of the gods, but chooses to go to the major hermit families to inquire about the god who destroyed the common people's line strong!
And Lin Feng also promised him that if he met Luo Qingyan in Xijiang, he would definitely save her and relieve the war spirit.

Luo Fanchen has already completely believed in Lin Feng at this moment, in his eyes Lin Feng is a miracle, with endless cards, omnipotent...

One Luo Fanchen was missing, but there was one more person in the team, and that was the ancestor of the Demon Shadow Clan.

This weirdo with the body of an old man and the face of a child.

His lifespan is approaching, and he only wishes to rush into that divine place in his last moments to fight for his last chance!

across thousands of miles.

The overlord of Xijiang, the Wingyi Clan, has long since disappeared, and now the overlord of Xijiang is the Huanggu Clan, the number one hidden family!
It is rumored that this family possesses the power of the bloodline of the ancient beast-Huang. The clan with the most powerhouses at the peak of the realm is also the clan with the most gods who smelt the small world!
Its combat power is enough to disdain all hidden families...

It is such a family that has landed in Xijiang, above the Wing Wing Clan, and it is also such a hidden family that has only stopped the advancement of this bone army for so long!
When Lin Feng and the others slowly stepped into the western border, they realized that the sky was gradually becoming scarlet, and the air was filled with this strong death energy.

A desolate voice echoed endlessly in my ears...

The avenue is boundless, the ancients are boundless, and a song of Fuxi destroys the world!

Fuxi ancient demon, these four characters are the most feared existence on the entire continent. Ever since he was born in Qilian Ghost Mountain, the whole world has fallen into chaos, ushering in an unprecedented chaotic world!
"Don't go anymore, if you startle the Fuxi Ancient Demon, we will all die here, just wait here for the Divine Land to open soon..."

The ancestor of the Moying clan stopped everyone from going any further, and almost just stood on the border of the western border, saying that he was very afraid of Fuxi ancient demon.

"Then what is Fuxi's cultivation level now?" Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

"What cultivation?" The ancestor looked around, and with a wave of his right hand, he saw images appearing in front of him. They were an endless army of bones, millions?Ten million?


"Now tell me, what is his cultivation..."

(End of this chapter)

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