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Chapter 35 Bombing Lingwu!

Chapter 35 Bombing Lingwu!

Today, let's have a good time!
Just as Lin Feng's voice fell, dozens of superb spiritual stones appeared in succession on his right hand...

The moment the peerless spirit stone appeared, everyone in the Sun family froze, and then their eyes were full of greed.

The smell of the rich aura is intoxicating!
But what Lin Feng did next stunned everyone. They saw that Lin Feng swept across all directions with a huge hammer in his hand, bringing a strong wind to meet Sun Gong and the others, and with the other hand, he thrust dozens of top-quality spirit stones into his mouth stuffed.

Eat Lingshi raw!

Could it be that this fellow is insane? A martial artist should practice step by step, absorbing spirit stones also requires breathing and exhaling and exercising exercises.

It's shocking to hear Lin Feng directly relying on food... and what's more, what he eats is such a spiritual stone with extremely strong aura!
Crack bang bang.

There were bursts of crisp sounds from Lin Feng's mouth, and everyone even saw that the aura in Lin Feng's mouth had even turned into liquid.

Rubbish things... This is the thought in everyone's mind at the moment.

Sun Gong was full of brilliance, holding the short blade with both hands at the same time, he cut more than a hundred knives in a row in a short moment, and each knife concealed inner strength, which made people tremble.

Lin Feng's sledgehammer struck, and the gusts of wind blew the nearby giant trees off in response.

This sweep was bombarded with Sun Gong and several other people in an instant...

More than a dozen people hurriedly grinned, with blood rushing to their faces, they stepped back a few steps in a row, staring into Lin Feng's eyes with shock, and everyone's hands trembled a little.

The blow just now felt like the mountain was collapsing, as if they were not a person in front of them, but an ancient giant beast!
However, they were all at the Spiritual Martial Realm after all. Even though Lin Feng was brave enough to fight ten against one, he was still sent flying a hundred meters away before he could barely stop, with blood on the corner of his mouth.

A lot of vigor is moving on his body, like poisonous snakes wanting to destroy his internal organs, even the eight extraordinary meridians!

After a few breaths, the vigor disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, and what was left was only a trace of paler Lin Feng's face...

"It seems that the cultivation of the human race still has great flaws in this hundred exercises. I can't condense the sea of ​​​​qi at all. Instead, I have condensed three demon veins again. Now I should be on the thirteenth floor of the Mortal Martial Realm!" Lin Feng muttered to himself, holding his hand However, he continued to devour the spirit stones without stopping.

"How many demon veins can I condense if this continues..."

Dozens of crystals were eaten by him, and a layer of dark golden light enveloped him from the inside out. Lin Feng clearly felt that his physical fitness had reached the peak of his current state.

Swallowing blood can allow him to condense the demon veins to improve his realm, but swallowing spirit stones allows his physical fitness to quickly balance with the realm.

There are ten levels of monsters before spirit beasts, and ten levels of warriors before Lingwu realm, but Lin Feng has achieved thirteen levels of ordinary martial arts!
The physical fitness of the single wheel has already surpassed the tenth-order monster...

It’s just that Lin Feng didn’t know that before the spiritual martial arts realm, warriors condensed the main veins and increased their strength to lay the foundation for the future Dao. However, Lin Feng entered the Tao with monster skills, and his physical fitness was as strong as ancient monsters. How could his foundation be normalized now? Degree of it.

If one can step into the realm of Lingwu, it must be absolutely extraordinary.

He is an outlier.

"Brother Sun Gong, hurry up and kill this guy, this guy is too weird!"

"Yeah, he is obviously only a mortal martial artist, but he can resist the blows of more than a dozen of us at the spiritual martial arts level with his secret hammer. This is simply too sensational."

"If this person stays, there will be serious trouble in the future!"


More than a dozen spirit warriors all said solemnly, just one fight gave them a sense of fear towards Lin Feng.

Geniuses have been rare since ancient times. Among the three geniuses who can cross the ranks of the ordinary martial arts and fight the spiritual martial arts, there are no more than half a hundred geniuses, and there are not many people who can cross the ranks of the spiritual martial arts. There is one person.

"kill him!"

Sun Gong also saw Lin Feng's extraordinaryness, but this also made him more convinced that there must be unimaginable secrets and even opportunities in Lin Feng!

Following Sun Gong's order, more than a hundred people rushed towards Lin Feng, swords raining like rain, and killing intent like a tide.

However, Lin Feng is not catkins floating in the rain or duckweed in the tide...

He is the prehistoric monster in the rain and tide!
Lin Feng let out a cry of anger, as if monsters were fighting for supremacy, it was deafening, the rocks cracked, and monsters crawled within ten thousand meters!
The gigantic hammer charged towards hundreds of people...

One person walked away, the sound of the hammer was like thunder, and the rays of the sun scattered in all directions, accompanied by bursts of vast and desolate breath.

Lin Feng was like a god of war, he didn't have the slightest martial skill to speak of in every blow, the technique of shadow killing was intended to be tricky, but this giant hammer was a formidable thing.

Without martial arts, he can only rely on physical strength to bombard!

The rays of the sun dissipated, and flesh and blood flew everywhere!
Three strong men at the first level of the Spiritual Martial Realm were crushed by Lin Feng's hammer so abruptly!
The half-moon-shaped shadow of the hammer did not stop, and circled around Lin Feng completely, forming a golden phantom, which seemed to shatter the world.


A shrill cry sounded instantly, the sword was shattered, the flesh and blood were separated, one after another, the Mortal Martial Realm was swept away, as if swept up by a hurricane.

All the people present stepped back dozens of steps, staring at what happened in front of them in horror.

Lin Feng's hammer killed three strong men at the first level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and more than a dozen of the Mortal Martial Realm were directly smashed to pieces!
Even Sun Gong couldn't help but retreat at this moment, with a look of fear on his face, the power of Lin Feng's hammer is so terrifying, there is such a powerful mortal warrior in the world, what is going on with this pure power...

"Brother Sun Gong, what is going on with this guy, he completely ignored our spiritual strength, and the strength of this attack is probably comparable to a spirit rank monster..."

"How to kill him like this? Our attack has almost no effect on him!"

The few remaining experts in the spiritual realm said to Sun Gong.

Sun Gong's face was gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Although this person is extremely powerful, the fact that he has such combat power is because of the secret hammer in his hand. Otherwise, even if he can dissipate the energy, he would not be able to defeat a hundred enemies."

Although the crowd surrounded Lin Feng, they did not dare to make a move for a while.

Lin Feng panted heavily, thinking that the giant hammer in his hand was really heavy, even though he was using his strength now, it was quite laborious, no wonder Li Kui had exhausted his spiritual energy and inner strength to swing a blow that day.


After a long while, as if Sun Gong had made some kind of decision, he shouted suddenly.

The few hundred people left around trembled when they heard the words, and shouted eagerly: "Let's form an formation here, what about the task of the master sect!?"

Sun Gong's face turned cold, he gave this person a cold look, and shouted: "I said I will end the formation, and I will kill this person today!" Lin Feng's brows were deeply frowned by Sun Gong's words. Suddenly, some kind of power of inscriptions appeared around the Sun family's children, and complex and mysterious characters like chains swirled around them, finally converging on Sun Gong.

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(End of this chapter)

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