Chapter 36

The mysterious inscription is a brand of some kind of formation.

Lin Feng stared intently, his eyes narrowed suddenly, there were some strange imprints engraved on the exposed skin under the necks of these people, like three sticks of burning incense, floating out slowly, quite ethereal.

"Lin Feng, I will kill you today..." Sun Gong's voice was cold.

A series of black lines poured into his body quickly. At this moment, his breath became stronger and stronger, even Lin Feng couldn't help but tremble with fear.

Sure enough, they are the three major immortal sects. Although the people who take the lead on the surface only have the cultivation base of the middle stage of the Lingwu realm, I am afraid that they all have the means to increase the cultivation base in secret!

In fact, Lin Feng didn't know that, limited by the rules of Wanlingyunhai, the middle stage of Lingwu Realm was already the highest cultivation level to enter, and once he surpassed this cultivation level, he would be directly bombarded and killed by the inexplicable formation.

These formations may be the mountain protection formations here before, but it is impossible to inspect them today.

Seeing that Sun Gong's cultivation had increased dramatically, the faces of the surrounding Sun family children showed weak expressions, but everyone's eyes lit up, and they also showed a sneer when they looked at Lin Feng.

It seemed that Lin Feng's power just now was no longer in his eyes.

"By using external force? Today is the peak of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and I will make you pay the price in blood!" Lin Feng sneered and took out the elixir promoted in the cloud space with a flick of his right hand.

A full three!

Lin Feng's move was noticed by Sun Gong, but he just showed a mocking smile and didn't speak. At this moment, half of his body was almost completely covered by the Qingyan inscription!
Lin Feng took a elixir, and the sound of rushing rivers reappeared all over his body, and beams of divine light scattered from his chest and abdomen, with boundless power as if produced out of thin air.

"What are those, ten main veins? No, there are..."

"A total of thirteen main lines, what... what's going on, this person has opened up thirteen main lines!"

"How is this possible? For countless years, the human race's mortal realm has been the ultimate in ten realms. If you don't open up the sea of ​​​​qi, you will not be able to break through in this life. How can this person have thirteen main veins?"

"The thirteenth floor of the Mortal Martial Realm, what kind of exercises this kid has practiced is simply unheard of!"


Lin Feng took the Furious War Essence Pill, and his whole body was bathed in divine light. At this moment, everyone saw the glow of the demon veins on his chest and abdomen, which immediately caused an uproar!
If this matter spreads to Wanlingyunhai, it will surely cause shock to the three great immortal sects.

The thirteenth floor of the Mortal Martial Realm is enough to be called unprecedented!
"My choice today is not wrong. Even if I don't want everything from the third peak, I will definitely kill you!" Sun Gong's eyes were full of greed as he stared at Lin Feng while his cultivation base was increasing rapidly.

In his eyes, maybe Lin Feng at this moment is a treasure house, full of secrets.

"Then you come and get it!" Lin Feng yelled violently, swinging the huge hammer in his hand like an arm, soaring into the sky, and bombarding the place where everyone's inscriptions intertwined!

This was an unpretentious blow, without even the slightest trace of martial arts, but at this moment, for some reason, there was a monstrous divine light on the giant hammer, boundless coercion, and even the sound of rolling thunder.

With a single swing of the hammer, it rose to tens of feet in the wind!

This hammer... is absolutely extraordinary!
Lin Feng was also quite shocked, but his hand didn't stop at all. When he dropped the hammer, the shadow of the dragon and elephant appeared out of thin air behind him, roaring continuously...

The sound of rolling thunder resounded in all directions, and a strong wind was blown up in a radius of [-] meters, and the earth was shattered inch by inch!
Even the Li family and Lin family who were far away on the third peak, as well as many members of the Immortal Sect, could not help but feel the vibration of the ground under their feet!
The giant hammer covered the sky, covering nearly a hundred children of the Sun family, Sun Gong raised his hands to the sky, and the light of the inscription flourished!

There is no way for Lin Feng to avoid this move, the only way is to fight!
The inscription of Qingyan is like some kind of large formation, following the movement of Sun Gong's hands, forming a large shield to block Lin Feng...

Click click!
Within a hundred meters, the world was in turmoil, and countless giant trees were uprooted, and finally turned into powder under the strong impact.


Lin Feng retreated a hundred meters away, blood scattered all over his body, the force of the shock made him feel tightness in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

On the other hand, Sun Gong's appearance was not much better. His clothes had been reduced to crumbs, his hair was scattered, the light of the inscription was flickering, and there were blood drops all over his body, as if his body had been smashed to pieces by the hammer. crack.

"This elixir is so powerful, what level is it? I have already reached the sixth level of the Spiritual Martial Realm, and you, a person who has not entered the Spiritual Martial Realm, can actually hurt me so far..." Sun Gong's eyes were ferocious, and his words were low .

As Sun Gong spoke, his expression turned sharp, and he let out a low drink. Several inscriptions around him unexpectedly regenerated out of thin air, like chains that trapped the Sun family's children who were originally connected with him.

"Brother Sun Gong, what are you doing!"

"We can't strengthen the formation anymore, otherwise we won't be able to stand it..."

"Ahhh, does the sect of the Suo Ling Festival have a rule not to kill people!!"

Following Sun Gong's pointing of his hands, he saw that the children of the Sun family were all withered, turned into dry bones in the blink of an eye, and died like sacrifices. No matter how everyone roared, he was unmoved in the slightest.

"Lin Feng killed you today, and I killed him to avenge you!" Sun Gong's body was covered with inscriptions, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a layer of black armor.

Lin Feng looked at the two pills in his hand, frowned slightly and swallowed them without thinking.

Berserker Essence Pills can be superimposed!
Lin Feng remembered clearly that today he would kill this guy no matter what he said...

Lin Feng's eyes shrank instantly after entering the pill.

I just felt as if my body was about to explode in an instant, filled with the only power I had before!
Click click!

His body actually began to rise continuously, it was more than just punched, like a giant, several meters high!

The whole body is full of energy, and the eyes are round!
Lin Feng was even going to die with this blow, if he swallowed these two elixirs, he would be safe...

"Holy, why are you taking the double cultivation pill?" The little demon asked, lying in Lin Feng's arms, feeling the changes in his body.

cough cough.

Lin Feng was embarrassed for a while, although this pill is strong, it is something similar to Viagra in the hands of the Hehuan prodigy, so there is nothing wrong with Xiao Yao saying so.

"I'll explain it later, let me finish this guy first!"

Speaking of Lin Feng, he picked up the giant hammer with his right hand and threw it at Sun Gong.

Sun Gong's face showed a look of astonishment, and he felt a coercion covering his whole body in an instant. He never thought that Lin Feng would take three pills in a row...

This is already beyond his cognition, the same kind of cultivation-enhancing pills can be superimposed, which has never been heard of even by the three great immortal sects!
Seeing the sledgehammer fall, Sun Gong gathered all his strength to resist, and bursts of black inscriptions bloomed from his body. At this moment, his cultivation level can fight even at the late stage of Lingwu Realm!
"Suppress me!"

Lin Feng yelled violently, his huge body was as dazzling as the scorching sun, and he pressed the air with his left hand, and the giant hammer fell heavily again.

Do not!
The black short blade in Sun Gong's hand was shattered inch by inch, and with his unwilling roar, his whole body was smashed into meatloaf.

The sledgehammer was raised, but there was a black light that attracted Lin Feng's attention. It was a chain with inscriptions all over it, which was similar to the black stripes all over Sun Gong's body just now.

"Under this kind of bombardment, this thing is not damaged at all..." Lin Feng's eyes lit up, and he stretched out his hand to hold the thing in his hand.

"My lord, those people... committed suicide." Xiao Yao pointed to the people in the Lin family whose arms had been chopped off in the distance, and said in a low voice.

Lin Feng shook his head and sighed, put away the chains, looked around over a hundred corpses and said: "These people have paid the price, may they rest in peace."

As he said that, he walked to where Sun Gong was, and absorbed the majestic energy. As for the others, they were like mummies without any energy at all.

One demon vein, two demon veins, three demon veins...

The huge energy has condensed five demon veins. At this moment, Lin Feng actually has eighteen main veins in his body. If divided by Mortal Martial Realm, it can be said that he is the only one in the world at this moment. layer!
"This matter is too bizarre, what's going on with this technique..." Lin Feng immediately took out his mobile phone @金鹏首王.

But before the Jinpeng Demon King could reply, there was a loud noise from the third peak, as if some kind of confinement had been broken...

At this moment, the third peak is constantly bursting out with spiritual light, and there are endless roars of beasts.

Lin Feng looked from the ridge to the top of the mountain, and even saw Qingxuan's slender figure being besieged by several people, and there were dozens of huge monsters around them!

(End of this chapter)

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