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Chapter 37 Two Spirit Fruits

Chapter 37 Two Spirit Fruits
The roaring sounds of dozens of monster beasts became clearer and stronger as Lin Feng approached.

Looking up, Lin Feng's eyes became even more eager.

In the distance, the top of the third peak, surrounded by clouds and mist.

Qingxuan's body is like a rainbow, and more than a dozen disciples of the Tongbi sect rely on each other to resist many enemies, the leader among them is Zhang Yi, and there are many disciples of the Wanjian sect!

Lin Feng frowned, now the disciples of the Tongbi sect led by Qingxuan have become the target of public criticism, not only facing the attack of dozens of monsters, but also defending against powerful enemies at all times...

"The time for the elixir is about to pass, we must save Qingxuan with this power!" Lin Feng's body had begun to shrink slowly, and his strength had declined rapidly.

Lin Feng catapults out with both feet on the ground. Each blow is [-] meters long. He jumped on the ridge extremely nimbly and rushed towards the peak at high speed...

on top of the mountain.

"Lin Qingxuan, hand over the fruit of fortune, and the purple jade and green lotus!"

"You have too much appetite for the Tongbi Sect. These two elixir are the highest grade of the third peak, and they must not be taken away today..."


Qingxuan and the disciples of the Tongbi sect retreated steadily, their bodies were already wounded, and the situation was not optimistic.

Qingxuan held two elixir plants in her hand, the purple energy loomed, emitting an intoxicating aroma...

Qingxuan repelled a person at the second level of the Spiritual Martial Realm with a sword, and said with anger in her voice: "The nine secret caves here have been opened one after another. We have already made a promise, and everything depends on chance. Since these two elixir have been taken What I found should be mine!"

"Zhang Yi, you guys are too shameless. We have already given up all the elixir we got earlier, and you are still not satisfied, and you are going back on your word..."

The disciples of the Tongbi sect were also furious. Although they had spoken beforehand, when they got the two highest-ranked elixir by chance, they still chose to give the other elixir to Zhang Yi and the disciples of the Wanjian sect, but unexpectedly, the two teams were still not greedy enough. , suddenly launched a sneak attack, causing countless casualties to the disciples of the Tongbi sect.

"Zhang Yi, work together to take down everyone in the Tongbi Sect, and the Lin family's children will hand it over to me, and you and I will share the two elixir equally..."

Speaking of everyone's offensive became more violent, the disciples of the Tongbi sect lost two people again.

Seeing that it was impossible to resist, Lin Qingxuan's eyes suddenly narrowed, and she saw a stalwart body swooping down.

This person is Lin Feng!
Lin Feng's stature is less than two meters at the moment, and the power of the pills in his body is less than five layers...

"Go away!"

Lin Feng jumped up and rushed down from a high altitude, the giant hammer in his hand fell like a mountain.


The two people at the first level of the Spirit Martial Realm shouted loudly and tried to block him.


However, in the next moment, he was directly blasted away, spitting blood from his mouth.

This blow caused hundreds of people present to freeze suddenly. They stared at this scene in disbelief. Some people who didn't recognize Lin Feng secretly speculated that Lin Feng was a disciple of He Zong, and that one blow was enough to kill Ling Wu!

Lin Feng's giant hammer was like a rainbow and swung like the wind. Anyone who fought against them, even those in the middle stage of Lingwu, was repelled. There were even cracks in the weapons in his hands. The powerful force made everyone tremble.

The appearance of Lin Feng immediately relieved the pressure on Qingxuan and the others...

"Brother Feng, why did you come here? This place is too dangerous!" Qingxuan couldn't help worrying as she looked at Lin Feng who was behind her.

Lin Feng shook his head, with the giant hammer lying in front of him, his brows were furrowed.

In front of them are more than a hundred disciples of the Wanjian Sect, and there are nearly a hundred disciples of the Fenxiang Sect led by Zhang Yi. Among them, there are many who are strong in the Spiritual Martial Realm. With such a force, even Lin Feng has a feeling of powerlessness at this moment. feel.

Especially with dozens of monsters behind them, attacking back and forth, the pressure doubled!

"You are Lin Feng, good time! Today is your death day..."

"Senior Brother Qingyun strictly orders that whoever kills Lin Feng in Wanlingyunhai will get three spirit-level fourth-grade martial arts books and ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

"Zhang Yi, leave this person to Wan Jianzong, you just have to surround and kill Lin Qingxuan and the disciples of the Tongbi sect!"


Knowing that it was Lin Feng who came, the disciples of Wan Jianmen immediately shrank their eyes, and everyone showed a deep greedy look.

"Brother Feng, get out of the way, even if I break every layer of seal today, I will keep you safe!" Lin Qingxuan showed a look of determination on her face.

Hearing Qingxuan's words, many experts in the spiritual realm couldn't help but stiffen their feet, showing fear on their faces.

Lin Feng saw it in his eyes and suddenly understood why these people surrounded and killed Qingxuan and others with hundreds of people but didn't directly coax them. It seems that Qingxuan's strength is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. They are afraid of death. !

"Sage, you can go to the Golden Palace, there are many formations there, and there is a high-level monster that should be subdued by the beast circle, and it can help you..."

The little demon's voice rang softly in Lin Feng's ears, Lin Feng nodded when he heard the words, turned to Qingxuan and the others and said, "Qingxuan, you lead them to the golden palace, I will hold them back here!"

Qingxuan kept nodding her head when she heard Lin Feng's words, but her feet didn't move a bit. He didn't want Lin Feng to face such a dangerous situation alone.

"You mean to let us enter under the phantom of the Golden Palace Holy Mountain? Wouldn't that be suicide!"

"That is, the spiritual power can't be used there, and the pills and spells can't be used if they have any connection with the spiritual power. If we go in and be surrounded by these monsters, we will definitely die!"

"Senior Sister Qingxuan, I think it's better to hand over the two elixir plants, so as to save one life..."

Lin Qingxuan shook her head resolutely, but stared at Lin Feng and said, "This fruit of good luck is a task assigned by the master to enter Wanlingyunhai. The master of this thing will definitely agree with Brother Feng to enter the Immortal Sect and leave the Lin family... In this way, even Lin Qingyun will not dare to hurt you easily!"

Lin Qingxuan's voice was firm, and everyone had no choice but to give up. After all, without her deterrence, many people would have surrounded and killed them long ago.

A feeling of warmth rose in Lin Feng's heart. With a blow of the hammer, he drove away many monsters around him, and then said to several people: "Although go to the sacred mountain of the forbidden palace, if things here are really as you said, it may be easier to handle..."

He can only rely on physical strength and a sword, so isn't he invincible!

Seeing Lin Feng's unquestionable expression, Lin Qingxuan hesitated to say anything and finally said nothing. Under the cover of Lin Feng's sledgehammer, Lin Qingxuan led the only remaining people from the Tongarm Gate towards the Golden Palace Holy Mountain in the distance.

After dozens of breaths, the rays of light around Lin Feng dissipated, and the shadow of the dragon elephant behind him completely dissipated, his body returned to its original appearance, and the effects of the elixir seemed to disappear.

As soon as the power of the elixir disappeared, Lin Feng was blown away by more than a dozen spirit warriors.

"Sure enough, this guy has taken the pill. Once the pill is over, we can attack together even in the middle stage of the Mortal Martial Realm. I'm afraid he's already dead and can't die anymore..."

"A kid who hasn't set foot in the Spirit Martial Realm wants to stop me!"

Several people actually thought that this blow had already killed Lin Feng, only to hear their words, Lin Feng stood up again, and rushed towards the holy mountain with all his hands and feet!

Facing hundreds of people at this moment, fleeing is the first choice.

As long as he is under the phantom of the holy mountain, his spiritual power cannot be used, so who can fight him with pure physical strength! ?

(End of this chapter)

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