WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 38 The Holy Mountain.

Chapter 38 The Holy Mountain.

Every time the sea of ​​spirits opens the Golden Palace Holy Mountain, it will attract a lot of attention, but everyone knows that this is just a mirage, or a leftover image of some kind of big formation.

It's just that there are still restrictions here, but all spiritual things that enter this place cannot use a single bit, even those who are strong in the spiritual martial arts realm cannot mobilize spiritual power, and can only use the purest inner strength.

"Hmph, do you think you can stop us all by yourself? You don't know what to do!"

"If it weren't for Lin Qingxuan's so-called nine-sealed bloodline, you guys from the Tongarmed Sect would have already won it!"

"If you capture this kid alive, then Lin Qingxuan will definitely not refuse to save her. When the time comes...hehe."


The two forces stared at Lin Feng with sneering expressions. At this moment, Lin Feng persisted for a full quarter of an hour relying on the power of the elixir.

Everyone was also helpless, seeing that his alchemy had dissipated at this moment, their strength dropped greatly and they laughed.

Speaking of that, many people came to strike Lin Feng's back with countless auras and internal energy from afar. Even though Lin Feng's body was strong, his hands were heavy at the moment.

Seeing that Lin Qingxuan and the many disciples of the Tongbi Sect had already run tens of thousands of meters away, without even thinking about it, Lin Feng took out dozens of talisman papers in succession with his right hand, and then threw them forward in a flash of inspiration.

Each of these talisman papers is above the second-rank spiritual rank. Even with such a large number of these talisman papers, they did not dare to resist forcefully, so they had to retreat to defend.

Lin Feng took this opportunity to quickly rush towards the illusion of the Golden Palace Holy Mountain.

"Damn it, talisman? I have it too... Take your head back, Lin Qingyun will surely compensate me!" A young man in Wanjianmen's costume sneered and slapped his right hand on his waist, and a dark brown talisman appeared in his hand.

The talisman paper entered the air, moved nine times out of thin air, and then transformed into nine with one, and there was a blood snake on top of each sheet.

"Nine snake chasing soul talisman, go!"

Following this son's loud shout, one of the nine spells lingered in front of him, and at the moment his right hand pointed, it rushed towards Lin Feng at a very fast speed, passing many monsters, and the remaining eight were still floating in the air. But at all times, it released a breathtaking and terrifying aura.

Zhang Yi on the side frowned, and asked playfully: "How did Lin Feng provoke Lin Qingyun? Brother Wan Linhai is so sure that this guy's head is worth the price of this spell? This thing is not common, and one piece is worth dozens of pieces." Ordinary spiritual-level spells, and they still have a price but no market..."

As they talked, they slaughtered many mortal and seventh-rank monsters in front of them. Hundreds of people hardly had any pressure to face these monsters.

Wan Linhai smiled and replied: "Lin Qingyun knew that it was the third peak's turn this time, and there must be countless elixir, but he didn't enter Wanlingyunhai because of the Lin family... Scarlet Blood City is not an ordinary city. The background is beyond your imagination, how could he care about this."

"And the kid in front of us is said to have killed Lin Qingyun's younger brother. If you hate him so much, it's a dead end anyway. That guy Lin Qingyun is about to become a core disciple. Killing him is like slaughtering a dog. Why don't I take his head off?" Yes, give it as a gift."

Wan Linhai, Zhang Yi and the others walked in front with many Spiritual Martial Realms, followed by hundreds of Ordinary Martial Realms, running towards Lin Feng at a leisurely pace.

Perhaps the third peak has just been opened, and after the secret cave was opened, the elixir breath is too heavy, and the phantom of the holy mountain in the forbidden palace is here, and monsters and beasts are rampant.

Lin Feng blasted a [-]th-rank mortal beast blocking the way with a hammer, and just about to rush up, he felt a phantom of a magic talisman stick to his back in the blink of an eye!


The moment the talisman touched Lin Feng, it turned into a small poisonous snake with blood-red black eyes, and disappeared into Lin Feng's body instantly as if it had no entity.

At the same time, raging black flames were burning inside Lin Feng's body, emitting a frightening aura, and the sound of explosions continued to be heard from the surrounding air.

Lin Feng immediately felt the pain inside his body as if tens of thousands of worms had eaten away his bones.

"Hey, this guy can still run. A mortal martial artist might be able to completely blow off his main vein with a single shadow of a nihilistic snake. This guy is really weird..." Wan Linhai frowned when he saw this scene from a distance. A bit surprised.

As soon as the words fell, he saw the corners of his mouth slightly raised, his fingers moved again, and the phantom of the second talisman flew out again.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth and kept sprinting towards the golden mountain, the second talisman landed on him again...


Lin Feng spat out a mouthful of blood, his body was like a river bursting its embankment, two black snakes seemed to be boundless black flames in his body, trying to burn all his viscera, six internal organs and meridians...

"What the hell is this? If it weren't for my strength at the moment, I'm afraid it would have been turned into scorched earth! It's almost here, as long as I get under the holy mountain, this spell should lose its effect. Even if more than a hundred people have no spiritual power, they can What can I do..."

Lin Feng endured the severe pain in his body, and after a slight pause, he ran wildly again.

"Can you still move!? Could it be that this guy is made of iron..." Wan Linhai's face suddenly became gloomy, and his fingertips kept pointing.

The phantoms of the remaining seven talismans sprang out all at once.

"Little demon, take me to the bottom of the Golden Palace Holy Mountain!"

Lin Feng also felt the crisis behind him at this moment, and suddenly had an idea, thinking of the two little demons.

The little demon's injury wasn't serious at all. Now the situation improved a little. When he heard Lin Feng's words, he turned into a huge fox and appeared in front of Lin Feng, bending him on his body.

"Don't worry, Holy Monarch, the little demon will definitely live up to his mission!"

The moment the little monster appeared was like lighting a candle in the dark night. The snow-white fox feathers of the countless monsters and beasts were extremely eye-catching, and the huge body was even more unique. If it wasn't for the slightest coercion in his body, it might be enough to make many spirits behind him stand out. fear.


The seven talismans that came one after another instantly sank into Lin Feng's body, and a pitch-black snake shadow appeared in Lin Feng's body at this moment, which was extremely terrifying.

Lin Feng felt as if struck by lightning, trembling uncontrollably, lying straight on the little demon's huge body.

"Wait... I'll remember you!" Lin Feng's lips turned white, his eyes crossed many monsters and landed on Wan Linhai, a disciple of Wan Jianzong, and murmured in a low voice.

Although the voice was low, it was clearly caught by Wan Linhai, who was in the middle of the Lingwu Realm, and his face turned livid.

"How on earth is this guy able to endure the nine phantoms without dying? He's really just a Spiritual Martial Realm?!" Zhang Yi's people on the side also stared at Wan Linhai with strange faces, and they couldn't believe this scene. .

"This demon fox is proficient in changing the size of the monster, but it doesn't have the aura of a high-level monster in its body. It must be a strange species..." Wan Linhai said in surprise when he saw many monsters crawling around the little monster and dare not attack.

"Don't worry about it, they will all enter the phantom of the holy mountain!" Zhang Yi frowned when he saw that Qingxuan and the others had already entered the edge of the phantom of the holy mountain.

"Wouldn't it be better to go in? As long as Lin Qingxuan can't use that perverted blood power, we have nothing to fear." Wan Linhai chuckled strangely, and seemed to mean something else under his words. "Don't pretend, everyone is a sensible person, this time your master probably also has a mission about the holy mountain..."

Hearing Wan Linhai's words, Zhang Yi's expression darkened immediately, he snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Seeing Lin Qingxuan, Xiao Yao and others rushing into the phantom of the holy mountain, they did not use other means to stop them.

(End of this chapter)

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