WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 39 A Group of Diving Dogs!

Chapter 39 A group of diving dogs!

Under the holy mountain, rays of light flowed, and countless rays of light intertwined into images.

The little demon led Lin Feng very quickly in the body of a monster, and caught up with Qingxuan and the others in a straight line, and everyone stopped at the foot of the holy mountain.

Once you enter this place, if you cannot use your spiritual power, one will ebb and flow, and if there are high-level monsters, even if you are in the spiritual realm, your life will be in danger.

"Go in..."

Just when Qingxuan was hesitating, Lin Feng said with a pale face.

At this moment, black flames seemed to be burning all over his body, and the power of the spell was extremely terrifying. If it wasn't because his blood was comparable to ancient monsters, he would have turned into a cup of scorched earth at this moment.

If this place is really supernatural, then the seal of entering the illusion will definitely be suppressed, so there is a glimmer of life.

Seeing that Lin Feng was dying, Qingxuan's complexion immediately brightened, she jumped up, hugged Lin Feng in her arms, and rushed into the boundless illusion.

The mountains ahead are piled up, and if you go down, you will be chased after a while.

Everyone looked at each other and finally stepped into the light and shadow of the holy mountain.

The moment Lin Feng entered the formation, he immediately felt a sense of weakness from all over his body. The main veins in his body even dimmed, and all the spiritual energy seemed to be pulled away in an instant.

Lin Feng's complexion also gradually improved, the black flames surrounding him disappeared out of thin air, and the power of the nine spells was silent in his body, as if dissipated.

After a while, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself with an ugly face, "This talisman is so vicious, it's still lurking in my body at this moment, and it will surface again when I leave here."

"Holy Lord, there is a formation within a formation ahead..." Seeing that Lin Feng was safe and sound, the little demon turned into a human figure and appeared next to him, pointing to the distance and said.

Qingxuan at the side couldn't help but stunned in place when she saw such a huge demon fox transforming into a beautiful and charming girl.

All the disciples of the Tongbi Sect around were also stunned and stood on the spot.

Just as Lin Feng was about to explain, Zhang Yi and other hundreds of people had crossed the last hill and approached the foot of the holy mountain.

Not only that, they even drove away nearly a hundred monsters... This is to kill them!
"Go ahead! Let's talk about this later..."

Lin Feng's face was ugly, he was in a dilemma at this moment, he led everyone to follow the little demon's instructions and walked towards the mountainside. If you watched from a distance, you could clearly see that the two of them were moving towards the mountain gate in the illusion.

Lin Feng walked in the front and felt very anxious. Even if he could protect himself, he couldn't take care of others because of the hundred monsters rushing in.

At this moment, if one breaks through to the Spirit Martial Realm, the problem can be easily solved!

Although the spiritual energy is suppressed here, the spiritual energy can be used at the spiritual realm. Once he has the internal strength, he will completely stand on the same level as those spirit beasts and the spiritual realm... Then there will be a little more chance of winning out of thin air!
Even though this place is beneficial to him, his current strength is far from enough to protect so many people.

Lin Feng took out his mobile phone without showing any trace, and opened the WeChat window after pulling everyone away from him.

Looking at the WeChat crowd, every one of them is bubbling...


After a dozen or so breaths, the group was still blank, and everyone turned into diving dogs!






Lin Feng was speechless, and decisively swiped the screen!

It's a pity that there is still no one.

your sister!
No one is online at such a critical time...

Now that I have nearly twenty demon veins, when will I be able to keep practicing like this, Jinpeng Demon King's technique is simply deceptive!

"The old Wang next door gave out red envelopes!"


Lin Feng decisively chose the cloud space, and released ten blockbuster movies in a row...

The blockbuster had just been sent out, and a series of reminders appeared under the red envelope.

The King of Nine Suns received a red envelope.

Acacia magical powers get a red envelope.

The God of Beasts received a red envelope.


"Fuck, everyone is a dog!" Lin Feng couldn't help but cursed.

Just now @半天无人, now as soon as the red envelopes come out, ten of them are snatched up in just one second!

Qingxuan, who was walking behind Lin Feng, heard that Lin Feng was very angry, and asked suspiciously: "Brother Feng, what's wrong with you..."

Lin Feng sneered and said nothing, seeing that Jinpeng Demon King also snatched the red envelope, he immediately asked: "Fellow Jinpeng Demon King, all my disciples have been rescued now, but why can't they practice the hundred exercises to break through to the spiritual level?" Martial realm, each one has twenty demon veins... a long series of angry expressions"





Lin Feng's news has been swiped out, and dozens of ellipsis immediately swiped the screen.

Does this mean speechless?

Looking at this scene, Lin Feng was speechless to the extreme...

After a long while, when the ellipsis stopped swiping the screen, Jin Peng Demon King appeared.

"It's amazing, my brother! I didn't expect that my monster clan skills can be practiced by humans, and I have developed twenty demon veins. This is against the sky!" Jin Peng Demon King not only did not explain, but sent two surprised look.

"Old friend Daoist Wang is really courageous and savvy. He cultivated the demon clan's skills and smelted the demon veins with a human body. His disciples are even more talented. I think I only had thirteen main veins in the realm of mortal martial arts foundation building with my heaven-defying aptitude. Light it up." Nine Suns Divine Lord made two rows of clasped fists to show his admiration.

"That's right, it seems that the old king is going against the sky. Wouldn't all his children be able to control the destiny? Haha, it's funny to do it manually."


"I came down late, but I missed that wonderful image and fairy voice?"

"Damn it, the old monk said it was so high-end after watching blockbuster movies... Lao Wang gave out red envelopes!"

Everyone talked about each other, completely missing the point. In the end, the topic turned around again, and one by one started to make Lin Feng post blockbusters again.

Thousands of muddy horses galloped past Lin Feng's heart. What kind of group of people is this, how hungry and boring they are!

"Everyone, listen to the end point clearly. Humans who practice monster clan skills cannot break through to the realm of spiritual martial arts, and cannot open the sea of ​​​​qi..." Seeing Zhang Yi and others approaching behind him, Lin Feng said eagerly, "As long as this problem is solved, we will continue to do so." Come down, one person, one blockbuster!"

"Old Daoist Wang's words are serious! You testify, I have a pair of cultivation skills, as long as you find a woman with a sea of ​​energy, and then use the sky thunder to hook the ground fire, and enter the middle..."

As soon as Lin Feng's voice fell, a message from Hehuan Shentong appeared only a few seconds later, followed by hundreds of words directly occupying the screen.

"...you fucking write pornographic books!" Seeing that He Huan's supernatural powers became more and more explicit, various postures, voice rhythms, driving by surprise made Lin Feng, an old driver, almost overturned his car.

"Slightly stiffen, showing respect (smirk)." The Beast Master said, "I also have a method here, you just need to subdue a hundred spirit beasts, and perform a large reversal of psychic formation..."

"One hundred spirit beasts!" Lin Feng almost sprayed a mouthful of old blood on the screen.

"This method doesn't work either. The level of spirit beasts is too low, so it's really hard to find..." Beastmaster Shenjun continued.


Lin Feng wanted to go crazy, and after a few minutes, Lin Feng finally saw a reliable solution.

"Using the technique of taking the moon from the sun, just look for the guy with the sea of ​​qi, and then use this technique to forcibly plunder his sea of ​​qi and replace it, but after practicing this technique, you have to change the technique... close to twenty demon veins It's against the sky, tsk tsk, I don't care about any accidents after opening up the sea of ​​​​qi."

These words were said by a nickname that had never appeared before, named Gluttonous Demon Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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