WeChat Red Packet Group

Chapter 43 Beast Tide

Chapter 43 Beast Tide
Lin Feng stepped ahead of the crowd, staring at Zhang Yi and Wan Linhai head-on, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Wan Linhai and Zhang Yi stared at Lin Feng with ferocious expressions on their faces.

Their hatred for Lin Feng was already overwhelming at this moment.

"Zhang Yi, go and kill everyone behind Lin Qingxuan, she can't break the seal here..." Wan Linhai said to Zhang Yi in a cold voice.

The disciples of the Tongbi Sect turned pale when they heard the words, as if Lin Qingxuan couldn't break the seal and they would surely die today.

There were even two disciples of the Tongbi sect who directly pushed away the crowd and knelt down in front of Zhang Yi, begging for mercy.

"Brother Zhang, my brother is from the same sect as you, can you..."

However, before he could finish his words, he was beheaded with a knife in one hand.

"You are all going to die today!"

Zhang Yi said with a serious smile, and rushed towards Qingxuan and the others.

Just as Lin Feng was about to make a move, Wan Linhai stopped him and shouted, "I can't protect myself, but I still want to be a hero to save the beauty? Today I will let you watch how we treat her..."

However, there was only one word to answer him. Lin Feng's right hand stretched out suddenly, rising in the wind, and the rays of the sun fell like a waterfall...

The double-cultivation trap is a secret treasure given to Lin Feng by the supernatural power of Acacia, and it is aimed straight at Zhang Yi.

On the other side, Wan Linhai's face turned livid, unexpectedly, Lin Feng ignored him directly.

Wan Linhai punched out angrily. Even though his spiritual power could not be mobilized, his vigor was still terrifying. At the middle stage of the Spiritual Martial Realm, his strength was undeniably strong.

But the next moment everyone's eyes were all attracted by Lin Feng, Qingxuan's eyes were even more radiant, and the disciples of the Tongbi sect behind him also showed disbelief.

I saw Lin Feng clenched his fist with his left hand and punched Wan Linhai, and his right hand tied Zhang Yi into a rice dumpling.


Wan Linhai's body trembled suddenly, as if being struck by thunder, he retreated violently, and his entire right hand went limp.

"So strong! Why is this Lin family boy so strong..."

"Punch back Wan Linhai with one punch, and kill Zhang Yi with one hand, what kind of tactics are these!"

"This person keeps secret techniques in his hands, his physique is strange, and his methods are even more terrifying. Is this really a child of the Lin family in Scarlet Blood City?"

Behind Lin Qingxuan, the disciples of the Tongbi sect shouted out loudly, feeling that Lin Feng was full of mystery.

"Break it for me!"

On the ground, Zhang Yi was bound all over by the rope, and at this moment, he shouted violently, and the bloody little sword in his dantian kept cutting on the rope.

However, the rope did not change at all, not even a single gap appeared.

"How is this possible? My secret treasure is at the seventh rank of the spiritual rank, and I can't even move it! What rank is this rope..." Zhang Yi lost his voice in shock, feeling so aggrieved that he wanted to vomit blood.

He still has many methods, but at this moment, he was directly tied up like this, unable to use them.

"No matter what grade it is, this little sword of yours is incomparable anyway!" Lin Feng snorted coldly, and slightly tightened his right hand holding Yushensuo, only to see the rope in front of him tremble suddenly.

The bloody little sword flew out completely, the light dimmed immediately, and landed on the ground.

A disciple of the Tongbi Sect stepped forward with a strange face, carefully picked up the small sword on the ground, then gasped, staring at the rope in Lin Feng's hand in shock.

"This thing... was completely crippled by the shock, the spiritual energy inside it was cut off, and the blade was completely broken by just holding it."

The eyeballs of everyone's eyes popped out when they heard that, the secret treasure of the seventh rank of the spiritual rank was directly destroyed by the slight shock of this rope? !

Even Wan Linhai, who was on the side, couldn't help but backed away a little bit enduring the pain, and stared at Zhang Yi's sleepy rope in horror.

"I don't accept it!" Zhang Yi's eyes were about to split open, and streaks of blood began to appear all over his body.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes, having seen Sun Gong's secret technique, he naturally knew that Zhang Yi might be fighting back against death at this moment, so he sneered and pulled his right hand slamming!

Sleepy God twisted the light suddenly, and immediately there was blood splattering!

Zhang Yi's body was separated, and his eyes were full of unwillingness. Even though he had thousands of secret techniques, he could only die with hatred at this moment.

No one thought that Zhang Yi was as strong as Zhang Yi in their eyes, but just a rope killed him...

After Zhang Yi died, everyone's eyes fell on Wan Linhai.

It's just that at this moment, there is no trace of fear in their eyes, but deep pity.

Wan Linhai's eyes were filled with deep fear as he looked at the thread of confusion, this thing was really too terrifying.

Lin Feng sneered, and with a wave of his right hand, the sleepy Thornton flew towards Wan Linhai like a life-threatening rope...

Wan Linhai's scalp felt numb when he saw Sleepy God Suo, and he jumped to the side suddenly. At the same time, he took out five talisman papers from his waist and pasted them on his body.

The talisman paper burned instantly, and a series of thunder lights burst out. These thunder lights did not have the slightest spiritual power, and they were all real thunder power.

At the same time, there was a breathtaking aura coming from him.

Lin Feng also frowned. These talisman papers were completely different from the talisman papers he used. They were not sealed with spiritual power, and they could be used without the slightest spiritual power.

The sleepy rope fell, and Wan Linhai's body was filled with thunder, and then he flew upside down and was about to fall into the dangerous pile of rubble.

Blood spurted.

At this moment, his eyes have been replaced by the color of fear. The five thunder spell is the last trump card to enter the sea of ​​clouds, and it is the thunder of heaven and earth sealed with great power by the master of the sect.

But even so, he couldn't resist the blow of Yushensuo.

"Help, save us..."

Just when he was about to die, there were screams in the distance, and the children who had fled halfway up the mountain rushed up in panic.

Everyone trembled when they heard the sound.

Behind dozens of people, there were three huge monsters covering the sky and the sun, and they were the three high-level monsters that appeared when the secret cave of the third peak was opened.

The roar of three giant tigers frightened all directions, the sky was full of flames, and there was even a dragon that fluctuated from time to time.

That's not counting, after these three monsters, there are more than a thousand monsters densely packed...

Beast tide!

A huge wave of beasts led by three high-level monsters.

"Haha...you and I are going to die today!" Wan Linhai was already holding on to his death wish at this moment.

There was no way to retreat, and Lin Feng's hesitation in front of him made him feel extremely powerless.

"Today, even if I die, I will send you off!"

Wan Linhai smiled ferociously, and immediately jumped into the pile of rubble with the power of lightning all over his body.

Tentacles appeared in an instant from the rubble, pulling him into the ground, and a stream of blood spurted out...

As Wan Linhai's body disappeared, there was a muffled sound from the ground, and this person blew himself up!
The ground shook, the rocks flew, and a huge hole appeared in the rubble, and monsters with countless tentacles came out gradually.

At this moment, the remaining fifty disciples were between the beast tide and the tentacle monster, and the screams could not be heard, and they were torn to pieces in an instant.

Immediately, the eyes of these countless monsters turned to Lin Feng and the others...

At this moment, Qingxuan and even the countless disciples of the Tongbi Sect were as pale as paper, countless monsters were only a thousand meters away from them, who could survive under such a tide of beasts?

Those three high-level monsters may not be able to suppress even if they are in the spiritual realm...

"It's over, it's over, we're all going to die today!"

"Run, hurry up and run to the top of the mountain, awaken life under these monsters!"

"What are you going to do? Even if your rope is magical, it is absolutely impossible to resist thousands of monsters."


Lin Feng's face was also quite ugly, but even if he fled to the top of the mountain at this moment, he had no chance at all. He took a step forward and protected everyone behind him.

Kunshensuo led the beast guarding ring to rise against the wind, covering a full kilometer, and attacked the tentacled monsters in front of the beast tide!

(End of this chapter)

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